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Awalé Reports High Grade Gold at Charger Target, Odienné Project

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Awalé Reports High Grade Gold at Charger Target, Odienné Project






Awalé Resources Limited (TSX-V: ARIC) is pleased to provide the following assay results for follow-up drilling completed at the Charger and Sceptre East targets at its Odienné Project in Côte d’Ivoire (Figure 1). 17 holes remain to be reported for the Charger, Lando, Sceptre Main and BBM targets. Strong news flow is expected to continue throughout August and September from these remaining targets as results are returned from the laboratory.


This phase of drilling has included the first diamond drill holes in the new discovery zones at Sceptre East and Charger, drilling has intercepted significant mineralization at both targets. Hole OEDD-45 at Charger has returned another greater than 100 gram-meter intercept within a 65 m downhole width of mineralization that included 12 m at 4.9 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au).


The Sceptre target has been extended to a greater than 700 m strike. It remains open in all directions, with drilling confirming mineralization across strike up to 400 m. Drill hole OEDD-43 has ended in mineralization with 358.5 m at 0.34% Copper Equivalent extending depth of mineralization to more than 275 vertical meters, highlighting the scale of the Sceptre East target.


Link to Charger Drill Core Photos


Link to Sceptre Drill Core Photos


Link to Maps and Sections


“Drilling results from Charger and Sceptre East continue to deliver great results. We are happy to see another 100 gram-meter interval within 65m downhole width of mineralization at Charger, which included 12m at 4.9 g/t Au. We await results from a further 6 holes at Charger and see it as a significant high-grade target that can advance toward resource development drilling in the coming year. Additionally we eagerly await results over the ensuing months for the new Lando, Sceptre Main and BBM targets.


At Scepter East, its sheer scale and potential is coming to light. Turning the rig 90 degrees and drilling West to East in the final hole for the program returned a high chalcopyrite/molybdenite vein density, with the hole ending in mineralization at 365m. These early holes provide a better understanding of the system’s controls on copper and gold mineralization. We are still learning about the geometry of Sceptre East but these first holes are the critical steps in developing our model, said Andrew Chubb, Awalé Resources CEO.”


Charger Target


OEDD-45: Step back hole from previously reported OERC-132 (32 meters at 3 grams/tonne (g/t) gold) see Company news release dated 29th March 2023),  mineralization remains open and has been extended to a vertical depth of over 100m.

  • OEDD-45 contains 3 high grade intervals within a 65 m wide zone of mineralization which included
    • 12 m @ 4.9 g/t gold from 89m downhole,
    • 13m at 1.3 g/t gold from 114m downhole and,
    • 21m @ 1.3 g/t gold from 133m downhole.


OEDD-44 has returned up to 4.35 m @ 2.1 g/t gold and was targeted at a parallel southern lode and intercepted fingers of the same brecciated polymetallic mineralization observed in OEDD-45 and OERC-132.


A full table of significant intercepts is included below.  


Sceptre Target


Mineralization remains open in all directions at the Sceptre East Target with Step out holes from the previously reported IOCG Style Cu/Au/Ag/Mo mineralization in OERC-128 to OERC-130 (see Company news release dated 29th March 2023), extending the mineralized footprint at this target.


Step west hole OEDD-134 has confirmed mineralization 500 m west of the discovery section while holes OERC-138 and OERC-139 have intercepted mineralization 200m East of the discovery section and OERD-43 a 365m hole has ended in mineralization confirming the Sceptre East mineralized system is open at depth.


The scale and potential of Scepter East target is evident from this drilling. The final and deepest hole to date (OEDD-43, 358.5 m at 0.34% Copper Equivalent) was drilled West to East and returned a high chalcopyrite/molybdenite vein density with the hole ending in mineralization at 365m. These early diamond holes have enabled a better understanding of the system’s internal geometry with both NW and N-S controls on mineralization. It is important to understand the scale of the Sceptre East system and the fact that we are still learning about the geometry and controls on mineralization, these first diamond holes diamond holes are the initial steps in developing this understanding.



Hole From (m) to (m) Length
Total Depth
Gold (g/t) Copper (%) Silver (g/t) Molybdenum
Cu Eq.*
OEDD0043 6.5 365 (EOH) 358.5 365 0.05 0.16 2.6 195 0.34
Incl 70 83 13 0.05 0.22 2.6 166 0.38
Incl 101 105 4 0.27 0.47 8.2 229 0.87
Incl 123 193 70 0.03 0.26 5.1 386 0.57
OERC0134 3 110 107 132 0.09 0.09 3.4 151 0.28
Incl 84 95 11 0.53 0.14 2.6 93 0.59
Incl 116 126 10 0.23 0.02 0.7 19 0.20
OERC0138 69 132 (EOH) 63 132 0.01 0.15 2.7 117 0.25
OERC0139 6 120 (EOH) 114 120 0.01 0.14 3.6 246 0.33
Incl 73 118 45 0.00 0.23 6.7 420 0.55
and 84 93 9 0.02 0.60 21.8 1265 1.60
* Cu Equivalent percent – Calculated using Following Prices Au-1737/Oz, Cu 3.6/lb, Ag 21/Oz and Mo 40,000/ tonne (average closing price since 2019). Using the following formula – Cu+0.7Au+0.0087Ag+0.0006Mo.



Background on the Charger and Sceptre Targets




Results have been returned for five of 11 drill holes at Charger or 775 m of 1715.5 m of drilling. Drilling was planned as follow-up to previously reported drill holes, OERC-89 and OERC-132. Two of the follow-up holes (OEDD-44 and OEDD-45) intercepted visible gold and hole OEDD-45 returned 65 m of downhole mineralization which included 12m at 4.9 g/t Au, 12m at 1.3 g/t Au and 21m at 1.3 g/t Au. OEDD-44 has intercepted visible gold as well as similar brecciated polymetallic mineralization seen in OEDD-45 (see core photos) and OERC-132, the brecciation was observed as smaller fingers within a 27 m downhole zone of mineralization. Brecciation broadens with depth on the northern lode and a the same is interpreted for this southern lode, opening both these lodes for future deeper drill campaigns. Both OEDD-45 and OEDD 44 were step back holes which targeted intrusive-hosted sulphide mineralization underlying previously untested gossans and new artisanal workings. Significant intercepts for all five holes are tabulated below. Significant intercepts for all 5 holes are tabulated below.



Hole ID From
Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (ppm) Easting Northing RL Azimuth
OEDD0044 0 8 233 8 0.4 0.5 208 647621 1032081 473 13
103 105 2 0.9 0.8 140 647621 1032081 473 13
160 164 4 0.3 1.0 193 647621 1032081 473 13
170 178 8 0.4 0.9 164 647621 1032081 473 13
183 187.35 4.35 2.1 0.6 92 647621 1032081 473 13
188.63 190 1.37 0.2 0.4 44 647621 1032081 473 13
OEDD0045 89 101 212 12 4.9 0.4 61 647686 1032183 476 13
Including 91.3 93.55 2.25 12.0 0.5 48
and 99 100 1 11.7 1.0 44
114 127 13 1.3 0.8 355 647686 1032183 476 13
133 154 21 1.3 1.1 428 647686 1032183 476 13
OERC0143 68 73 5 1.9 0.6 125 647641 1032140 475 15
Including 69 70 1 8.2 1.2 192
79 89 112 10 0.4 0.3 119 647641 1032140 475 15
OERC0144* 0 17 102 17 0.3 1.0 273 647626 1032080 473 15
98 101 3 0.4 0.7 92 647626 1032080 473 15
OERC0145 0 1 120 1 1.2 0.3 182 647748 1032196 473 15
93 95 2 0.2 0.7 366 647748 1032196 473 15
108 114 6 0.2 1.4 443 647748 1032196 473 15
* Hole not drilled to depth, redrilled from surface with OEDD-44



Sceptre East


Results returned on follow up drilling of nine RC and three DD holes for 1730 m on a previously reported discovery where initial scout drilling focused on an approximately 1km long section of a multi-kilometer combined ground geophysical (Induced Polarization) and soil ‘Cu-Au geochemical anomaly’ (see Company news release dated March 29 2023). Over 700 m x 300 m of broad, open mineralization has now been recognized in the discovery drilling phase at Sceptre East, with seven of the 11 drill holes ending in mineralization (see full table of results from the current phase of drilling reported below). This phase of drilling included step out and step back holes from the discovery drilling and has intercepted chalcopyrite and molybdenite veining and alteration similar to the discovery drill holes (OERC 128-OERC130 – see Company news release dated 29th March 2023).  The first two diamond holes demonstrated their south to north orientation was sub optimal for a series of close to N-S oriented shears and chalcopyrite molybdenite bearing vein sets. The final deep drill hole (OEDD-43) was drilled in a west to east orientation. OEDD-43 intercepted a higher density of the vein sets, with the hole ending in mineralization with 358.5 m at 0.34% Cu equivalent from 6.5 m downhole. OEDD-43 is the deepest hole to date leaving us with open mineralization to a vertical depth of 275m.


It is evident that the WNW oriented sheared contact between the porphyritic granodiorite and volcanics to the south as well as the NNW to NNE shears have controls on mineralization and these orientations will dictate future drilling.


Hole From
To (m) Length
Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo (ppm) Cu Eq.* Easting Northing RL Azimuth
OEDD0041 0 149 (EOH) 149 149 0.04 0.22 2.4 186 0.38 649775 1035465 492 360
Including 75 147 72 0.04 0.31 3.2 238 0.51
OEDD0042 8 95 87 216 0.09 0.14 2.0 98 0.29 649772 1035692 488 360
incl 31 41 10 0.21 0.18 2.2 173 0.45
OEDD0043 6.5 365 (EOH) 358.5 365 0.05 0.16 2.6 195 0.34 649736 1035673 486 90
Incl 70 83 13 0.05 0.22 2.6 166 0.38
Incl 101 105 4 0.27 0.47 8.2 229 0.87
Incl 123 193 70 0.03 0.26 5.1 386 0.57
OERC0134 3 110 107 132 0.09 0.09 3.4 151 0.28 649277 1035801 464 360
Incl 84 95 11 0.53 0.14 2.6 93 0.59
Incl 116 126 10 0.23 0.02 0.7 19 0.20
OERC0135 0 144 (EOH) 144 144 0.04 0.20 2.5 289 0.43 649779 1035515 490 360
Incl 20 59 39 0.01 0.30 2.8 217 0.47
Incl 69 85 16 0.05 0.32 3.3 701 0.83
OERC0136 5 34 29 78 0.01 0.09 2.2 89 0.17 649776 1035872 478 360
OERC0137 8 90 82 90 0.00 0.13 2.8 116 0.23 649777 1035818 481 360
OERC0138 69 132 (EOH) 63 132 0.01 0.15 2.7 117 0.25 649976 1035669 488 360
OERC0139 6 120 (EOH) 114 120 0.01 0.14 3.6 246 0.33 649974 1035766 488 360
Incl 73 118 45 0.00 0.23 6.7 420 0.55
and 84 93 9 0.02 0.60 21.8 1265 1.60
OERC0140 9 37 28 96 0.07 0.09 0.9 59 0.19 649575 1035737 476 360
OERC0141 0 100 (EOH) 100 100 0.03 0.16 2.2 279 0.37 649572 1035674 476 360
Incl 5 67 62 0.021 0.21 3.0 270 0.42
OERC0142 0 28 28 108 0.01 0.08 0.8 49 0.12 649574 1035612 477 360
and 64 108 (EOH) 44 0.01 0.14 1.5 130 0.25
Incl 72 82 10 0 0.27 2.6 97 0.35

* Cu Equivalent percent – Calculated using Following Prices Au-1737/Oz, Cu 3.6/lb, Ag 21/Oz and Mo 40,000/ tonne (average closing price since 2019). Using the following formula – Cu+0.7Au+0.0087Ag+0.0006Mo.


The Awalé-Newmont JV – ‘Odienné Project JV’


The Odienné Project JV covers one permit and one application within the greater Odienné Copper-Gold Project in the Northwest of Côte d’Ivoire, and is subject to an earn-in agreement with Newmont Ventures Limited (“Newmont”); see Company News Release dated May 31, 2022) through which Newmont retains the option to earn-in to a minimum of 65% interest, from Awalé, in the Odienné Project JV in return for USD 15 million of exploration expenditures. Newmont is funding the exploration program and Awalé is managing the Odienné Project JV in the initial three-year phase. The budget for 2023 allocated by Newmont for the Odienné Project JV is USD 3 million.


About Awalé Resources


Awalé is a diligent and systematic mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of large high-grade gold and copper-gold deposits. The Company currently undertakes exploration activities in the underexplored parts of Côte d’Ivoire. Awalé’s exploration success to date has culminated in a fully funded earn-in Joint Venture with Newmont covering one permit and one application within the greater Odienné Copper-Gold Project in the Northwest of Côte d’Ivoire, where three significant gold and gold-copper-silver-molybdenum discoveries have been made. The Sceptre East and Charger discoveries have significant scope for growth with future discovery and resource development drilling. The project has multiple pipeline prospects that have similar geochemical fingerprints to Iron Oxide Copper Gold and intrusive related mineral systems. The 400km2 of granted tenure and 400km2 under application remains underexplored and offers significant upside potential. The Odienné Project JV forms a solid foundation for the Company to continue exploring in a pro-mining jurisdiction that offers significant potential for district scale discoveries.


Quality Control and Assurance


Analytical work for drill samples is being carried out at the independent Intertek Laboratories in Ghana and Australia Ltd. an ISO 17025 (2017) Certified Laboratory. Samples are stored at the Company’s field camps and put into sealed bags until collected by Intertek from the Company’s secure Odienné office and transported by Intertek to their preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire for preparation. Samples are logged in the tracking system, weighed, dried, and pulverized to greater than 85%, passing a 75-micron screen. Two pulps are prepared from each sample with one stream to Intertek Ghana for fire assay and a second to Australia where the sample is analysed by 52 element ICP/MS with an Aqua Regia digest. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference material (standards) are being used to monitor laboratory performance during the analysis.


Mineralized Interval Calculations


Significant intervals reported in this news release are calculated downhole length weighted intercepts. For the Sceptre target broad mineralised intervals are calculated using a 0.05%Cu lower cut grade with 10 m of internal included waste, higher grade intervals are calculated using a combination of 0.1%Cu, 0.2% Cu and 0.15g/t Au with 10 m and 5 m of internal waste respectively. For the Charger target initial intervals are calculated at a 0.2g/t interval including 3m of internal waste. Included intervals are at a 5g/t Au cut off with no waste. True widths are unknown as all reported intervals are from RC drilling with a limited number of holes for each prospect.


Qualified Person


The technical and scientific information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved for release by Andrew Chubb, the Company’s Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr Chubb is the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and holds an Economic Geology degree, is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and is a Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr Chubb has over 18 years of experience in international mineral exploration and mining project evaluation.


Posted August 21, 2023

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