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Karora Reports Intersections of 14.7 g/t Over 4.0 Metres and 12.2 g/t Over 6.0 Metres at Beta Hunt’s Mason Zone and the 140 Metre Extension of Gold Mineralization at the Spargos Mine to a Depth of 580 Metres

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Karora Reports Intersections of 14.7 g/t Over 4.0 Metres and 12.2 g/t Over 6.0 Metres at Beta Hunt’s Mason Zone and the 140 Metre Extension of Gold Mineralization at the Spargos Mine to a Depth of 580 Metres






Karora Resources Inc. (TSX: KRR) (OTCQX: KRRGF) is pleased to announce further significant results from gold exploration and infill drilling at the Beta Hunt Mine and Spargos Mine:

  • Infill and extensional drilling targeting the Mason Zone delivered strong results extending the mineralized strike by 100 metres to 800 metres and providing confidence for a potential new deposit for future mining.
  • Larkin drilling infilled the northern end of the Larkin Mineral Resource. Results give increasing confidence for an upgrade of the current Inferred Mineral Resource to Indicated status.
  • Drilling in the A Zone and Western Flanks deposits focused on upgrading the Mineral Resource with results generally supporting the current interpretation and increasing the confidence of the Inferred portion of the Mineral Resource.
  • Drilling at Spargos was successful in extending high grade mineralization up to 140 metres below current drilling to 580 metres below surface. Mineralization remains open at depth.


Recent intersection highlights from the ongoing Beta Hunt underground diamond drill program and Spargos drill program are listed below:



  • BM1941SP3-02AE:  12.2 g/t over 6.0 metres
  • BM1941SP3-14AE:  14.7 g/t over 4.0 metres and 8.0 g/t over 7.0 metres
  • BM1941SP3-09AE:  5.9 g/t over 7.8 metres
  • BM1941SP3-08AE:  3.8 g/t over 11.4 metres



  • BL1730-06AE:  4.2 g/t over 9.0 metres and 11.2g/t over 2.7 metres
  • BL1730-05AE:  3.0 g/t over 12.0 metres
  • BL1730-08AE:  4.0 g/t over 10.0 metres


Western Flanks 1

  • AWSP22-08AR: 12.0 g/t over 5.1 metres
  • AWSP22-02AR: 3.2 g/t over 12.8 metres
  • AWSP22-42AR: 2.8 g/t over 19.7 metres
  • AWSP22-45AR: 5.9 g/t over 13.9 metres, including 9.2 g/t over 1.7 metres


A Zone1

  • AASP22-16AR:  17.4 g/t over 2.6 metres
  • AASP22-21AR:  3.3 g/t over 9.8 metres
  • AASP22-17AR:  3.0 g/t over 9.7 metres
  • AA38ACC-07AR: 4.2 g/t over 4.2 metres



  • KXDD003:  12.8 g/t over 2.1 metres and 4.4 g/t over 9.1 metres
  • KXDD004:  6.0 g/t over 5.0 metres and 3.4 g/t over 6.1 metres


1.      Estimated True Widths

2.      Interval lengths are downhole widths. Estimated true widths cannot be determined with available information.



Paul Andre Huet, Chairman & CEO, commented: “Today we reported more strong results at our flagship operation as part of the 2023 Beta Hunt drilling program. The theme of discovering new mineralized shear zones via exploration from existing underground development, expanding strike and depth extents of known shears via the drill bit and growing our resource base continues.


Our latest set of results from the Mason Zone continued to return significant results, including 14.7 g/t over 4.0 metres and 12.2 g/t over 6.0 metres, supporting the potential for our next new Mineral Resource in the Beta Block west and parallel to the existing Mineral Resource at the Larkin zone. The results at Mason continue to support the potential we previously identified (see Karora news release dated January 23, 2023) for the continued growth of the zone, which has now increased by another 100 metres to 800 metres of strike length.


A core focus of our 2023 drilling program is upgrading portions of our large Inferred Mineral Resource base. At the Larkin Zone, new infill drill results designed to upgrade and extend the current Mineral Resource returned encouraging values, including intercepts of 4.2 g/t over 9.0 metres and 11.2 g/t over 2.7 metres (hole BL1730-06AE). I am also very encouraged by the results we are seeing from our infill drilling at Western Flanks and A Zone. Recent highlights include intervals of 12.0 g/t over 5.1 metres and 2.8 g/t over 19.7 metres in Western Flanks and 17.4 g/t over 2.6 metres at A Zone. At both Western Flanks and A Zone, mineralization remains open at depth. These two shear zones have formed the backbone of our mining operation for many years and look poised for continued contributions for years to come.


The most recent drill results from the Spargos Mine provide further confidence that our ongoing technical work will result in a formal decision to proceed with a development of an underground mining operation. Our drilling has extended the known depth of gold mineralization by 140 metres to a depth of 580 metres below the surface, including intercepts of 6.0 g/t over 5.0 metres and 12.8 g/t over 2.1 metres. Important still, the deposit remains open at depth.


Overall, the results reported today support the potential for further discoveries, new Mineral Resources and ongoing upgrading of Mineral Resource categories and conversion of Mineral Resources to Mineral Reserves. We will be providing an updated Mineral Resource and Reserve estimate in the fourth quarter of 2023.”


Beta Hunt Gold Drilling Update


During 2023, gold drilling has focused on upgrading the gold Mineral Resources at Western Flanks, A Zone and Larkin, extending the Mason Zone mineralization and testing for the potential southern extension of the Fletcher Zone north of the Alpha Island Fault. Initial results of the Fletcher drill program were previously released (see Karora news releases dated April 13, August 8 and September 12, 2023).


Drilling Results


Gold drilling results greater than 1 g/t and their location are shown in Figure 1. Significant results greater than 10 gram-metres and detailed in Table 1.  The drilling results include holes targeting nickel which are also assayed for gold mineralization.


Figure 1: Beta Hunt plan view showing all drill traces with gold results. Significant results labelled.



Western Flanks and A Zone


In 2023, drilling at Western Flanks and A Zone is focused on upgrading the existing Inferred Mineral Resource for Mineral Reserve conversion. Drilling efforts have been concentrated on the north end of A Zone and the north and south sections of Western Flanks.


A Zone results generally support the current A Zone interpretation. Western Flanks results show the mineralization to continue at depth, however, the northern section of the main shear is offset at depth in the hangingwall compared to the current resource model (Figure 2). The re-alignment of the mineralization occurs approximately 300 metres below the ultramafic/basalt contact and is interpreted as a dilational offset continuation of the main Western Flanks Shear. This interpretation provides potential for dilational repeats with increased depth. Assay grades to date associated with the newly interpreted hangingwall offset indicate higher grades compared to the average Western Flanks Resource grade of 2.7 g/t Au.


Significant intersections1 are highlighted below:


Western Flanks (existing Main Shear interpretation)

  • WW420-02AR: 4.8g/t over 12.6 metres
  • WW420-02AR: 5.9g/t over 8.3 metres
  • AWSP22-02AR: 3.2 g/t over 12.8 metres
  • AWSP22-42AR: 2.8 g/t over 19.7 metres
  • AWSP22-04AR: 2.5 g/t over 18.0 metres


Western Flanks (Hangingwall Offset)

  • AWSP22-08AR:  12.0 g/t over 5.1 metres
  • AWSP22-45AR:  5.9 g/t over 13.9 metres, including 9.2g/t over 1.7 metres


A Zone

  • AASP22-16AR:  17.4 g/t over 2.6 metres
  • AA38ACC-07AR: 4.2 g/t over 4.2 metres
  • AASP22-21AR:  3.3 g/t over 9.8 metres
  • AASP22-17AR:  3.0 g/t over 9.7 metres
1.      Estimated true widths.



Figure 2: Cross section of Western Flanks (WF) North looking north and centred about drill hole AWSP22-08AR.  Shows interpreted hangingwall offset of Main WFs mineralized shear. +/- 65m window.



Mason and Larkin Zones


Results were returned from nine holes drilled to test the interpreted Mason Zone mineralization located approximately 100 to 200 metres west of and parallel to the Larkin Zone. The recent drilling completed has extended potential strike by 100 metres to 800 metres. All nine holes returned significant results1 with highlights provided below:

  • BM1941SP3-14AE: 14.7g/t over 4.0 metres and 8.0 g/t over 7.0 metres and 4.5 g/t
  • BM1941SP3-02AE: 12.2 g/t over 6.0 metres
  • BM1941SP3-09AE:  5.9 g/t over 7.8 metres
  • BM1941SP3-08AE:  3.8 g/t over 11.4 metres
1.      Interval lengths are downhole widths. Estimated true widths cannot be determined with available information.



Mason has the potential to deliver a new mining opportunity south of the Alpha Island Fault. All results received to date will be reviewed with the aim of producing a new Mason Mineral Resource in the latter part of 2023.


At Larkin, results were returned from twelve holes drilled to infill and extend the northern end of the current Mineral Resource. Highlights from this drilling are listed below and provide encouragement that the drilling will upgrade the current Mineral Resource:

  • BL1730-06AE:  4.2 g/t over 9.0 metres and 11.2g/t over 2.7 metres
  • BL1730-08AE: 4.0 g/t over 10.0 metres
  • BL1730-05AE:  3.0 g/t over 12.0 metres
1.      Interval lengths are downhole widths. Estimated true widths cannot be determined with available information.



Spargos Mine Gold Drilling Update


The Spargos Deeps diamond drilling comprised four surface diamond totalling 2,712 metres aimed to test the vertical down-plunge extension of the main Spargos lode. Drilling targeted mineralization up to 140 metres below existing drilling.


Three holes (KXDD002,003, 004) confirmed the extension of the deposit below the existing Mineral Resource while drill hole KXDD001 was successful in upgrading the northern margin of the Inferred Mineral Resource. Mineralization was extended by this drill program to 580 metres below surface and remains open at depth. All holes returned significant results1 in the targeted Main Lode position with highlights provided below:

  • KXDD001:  4.4 g/t over 2.0 metres
  • KXDD002:  4.8 g/t over 4.2 metres
  • KXDD003:  12.8 g/t over 2.1 metres and 4.4 g/t over 9.1 metres
  • KXDD004:  6.0 g/t over 5.0 metres and 3.4 g/t over 6.1 metres
1.      Estimated true widths.



These results will be incorporated into an updated Spargos Mineral Resource to assess the deposit as an underground mine opportunity and will be included as part of the updated Karora Mineral Resource due for release in Q4, 2023.


Figure 3: Spargos long section looking north highlighting Mineral Resource and recent drill results



Compliance Statement (JORC 2012 and NI 43-101)


The disclosure of scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Stephen Devlin, FAusIMM, Group Geologist, Karora Resources Inc., a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101.


At Beta Hunt all drill core sampling is conducted by Karora personnel. Samples for gold analysis are shipped to SGS Mineral Services of Kalgoorlie for preparation and assaying by 50 gram fire assay analytical method. All gold diamond drilling samples submitted for assay include at least one blank and one Certified Reference Material (“CRM”) per batch, plus one CRM or blank every 20 samples. In samples with observed visible gold mineralization, a coarse blank is inserted after the visible gold mineralization to serve as both a coarse flush to prevent contamination of subsequent samples and a test for gold smearing from one sample to the next which may have resulted from inadequate cleaning of the crusher and pulveriser. The lab is also required to undertake a minimum of 1 in 20 wet screens on pulverised samples to ensure a minimum 85% passing at -75µm. Samples for nickel analysis are shipped to SGS Australia Mineral Services of Kalgoorlie for preparation. Pulps are then shipped to Perth for assaying. The analytical technique is ICP41Q, a four acid digest ICP-AES package. Assays recorded above the upper detection limit (25,000ppm Ni) are re-analyzed using the same technique with a greater dilution (ICP43B). All samples submitted for nickel assay include at least one CRM per batch, with a minimum of one CRM per 20 samples.


Karora operates an industry best practice QA/QC process to ensure the integrity of all assay results.


About Karora Resources


Karora is focused on increasing gold production to a targeted range of 170,000-195,000 ounces by 2024 at its integrated Beta Hunt Gold Mine and Higginsville Gold Operations in Western Australia. The Higginsville treatment facility is a low-cost 1.6 Mtpa processing plant, which is fed at capacity from Karora’s underground Beta Hunt mine and Higginsville mines. In July 2022, Karora acquired the 1.0 Mtpa Lakewood Mill in Western Australia. At Beta Hunt, a robust gold Mineral Resource and Reserve are hosted in multiple gold shears, with gold intersections along a 5 km strike length remaining open in multiple directions. HGO has a substantial Mineral gold Resource and Reserve and prospective land package totaling approximately 1,900 square kilometers. Karora has a strong Board and management team focused on delivering shareholder value and responsible mining, as demonstrated by Karora’s commitment to reducing emissions across its operations. Karora’s common shares trade on the TSX under the symbol KRR and on the OTCQX market under the symbol KRRGF.



Table 1: Beta Hunt Significant Gold Results – Dec 10, 2022 to June 30, 2023


Target/Prospect Hole  ID                 Sub
To (m) Downhole
Est. True
Width (m)
AZONE AA38ACC-02AR 51.9 65.6 13.7 11.6 2.7
AZONE AA38ACC-04AR 75.0 75.9 0.9 0.4 16.0
AZONE AA38ACC-07AR 105.2 107.0 1.8 0.9 19.8
AZONE 73.0 85.0 12.0 6.1 4.2
AZONE AAP38-04AR 39.0 43.0 4.0 3.7 7.3
AZONE 80.5 87.0 6.5 6.0 2.3
AZONE 67.0 77.5 10.5 9.7 2.0
AZONE AAP38-08AR 84.0 91.0 7.0 2.6 2.2
AZONE 100.0 103.0 3.0 1.1 4.4
AZONE AAP38-15AR 37.0 40.5 3.5 3.0 3.1
AZONE 44.0 60.0 16.0 13.9 2.9
AZONE AAP38-16AR 54.0 59.0 5.0 3.4 4.6
AZONE 73.0 84.0 11.0 7.5 1.7
AZONE AAP38-17AR 65.0 69.0 4.0 1.9 2.6
AZONE 98.0 101.0 3.0 1.5 4.5
AZONE 105.0 108.0 3.0 1.5 5.0
AZONE AAP38-18AR 62.0 80.0 18.0 8.6 2.7
AZONE 105.0 107.0 2.0 1.0 10.5
AZONE AAP38-19AR 92.0 94.0 2.0 0.7 7.9
AZONE AASP22-11AR 89.0 106.0 17.0 15.9 1.6
AZONE AASP22-15AR 127.0 137.0 10.0 7.5 2.2
AZONE AASP22-16AR 131.0 134.4 3.4 2.6 17.4
AZONE AASP22-17AR 122.0 126.0 4.0 2.8 2.9
AZONE 130.0 143.6 13.6 9.7 3.0
AZONE AASP22-18AR 72.0 73.0 1.0 0.5 17.3
AZONE 164.0 170.0 6.0 3.3 4.9
AZONE AASP22-19AR 255.0 260.0 5.0 1.9 2.6
AZONE AASP22-21AR 120.0 121.0 1.0 0.6 26.6
AZONE 158.0 174.0 16.0 9.8 3.3
AZONE 179.0 182.0 3.0 1.8 8.9
AZONE AASP22-23AR 272.0 280.0 8.0 3.3 3.0
AZONE AASP9-01AR 142.2 143.0 0.8 0.7 112.0
AZONE AASP9-02AR 109.0 111.0 2.0 1.6 6.4
AZONE AASP9-04AR 142.0 151.0 9.0 5.1 3.3
WF AWSP22-02AR 122.0 149.0 27.0 12.8 3.2
WF 166.3 183.0 16.7 7.9 2.0
WF AWSP22-03AR 123.0 132.0 9.0 3.5 2.6
WF 159.0 167.0 8.0 3.2 4.1
WF 205.0 217.0 12.0 4.8 3.9
WF 256.0 263.0 7.0 2.8 2.1
WF 266.0 271.0 5.0 2.0 2.7
WF 178.6 182.4 3.8 1.5 15.5
WF AWSP22-04AR 184.0 226.0 42.0 18.0 2.5
WF including 192.0 195.0 3.0 1.3 6.8
WF AWSP22-05AR 121.0 132.0 11.0 3.9 4.2
WF 221.1 233.0 11.9 4.1 2.7
WF 267.0 276.0 9.0 3.1 3.2
WF 302.0 304.0 2.0 0.7 5.3
WF AWSP22-06AR 109.0 118.0 9.0 3.4 4.8
WF 233.5 238.0 4.5 1.7 6.6
WF 258.0 260.5 2.5 0.9 4.2
WF AWSP22-07AR 305.0 306.0 1.0 0.3 25.0
WF AWSP22-08AR 159.7 165.7 6.0 1.9 2.1
WF 331.0 347.0 16.0 5.1 12.0
WF AWSP22-09AE 139.0 147.0 8.0 1.8 1.5
WF 377.6 382.0 4.4 1.0 5.4
WF AWSP22-10AE 123.1 123.5 0.4 0.1 120.0
WF AWSP22-41AR 106.3 108.0 1.7 0.6 13.1
WF 120.0 130.0 10.0 3.6 2.8
WF AWSP22-42AR 149.0 188.0 39.0 19.7 2.8
WF AWSP22-44AR 95.0 98.0 3.0 1.1 8.3
WF 139.0 140.0 1.0 0.4 68.4
WF 185.0 208.0 23.0 8.4 1.8
WF 211.0 221.0 10.0 3.6 4.7
WF AWSP22-45AR 417.0 475.0 58.0 13.9 5.9
WF including 417.0 463.0 46.0 11.1 6.0
WF including 468.0 475.0 7.0 1.7 9.2
WF WW420-01AR 56.0 64.0 8.0 7.6 1.3
WF WW420-02AR 75.0 90.0 15.0 12.6 4.8
WF 144.0 145.0 1.0 0.8 28.4
WF WW420-03AR 86.0 98.0 12.0 9.5 1.9
WF WW420-04AR 89.8 101.0 11.2 8.7 1.8
WF 104.0 115.2 11.2 8.7 3.3
WF WW420-05AR 107.0 116.0 9.0 5.0 5.5
WF 176.0 179.0 3.0 1.6 4.0
WF 182.9 186.5 3.6 1.9 2.9
WF WW420-06AR 101.0 114.0 13.0 8.3 5.9
WF WW420-07AR 61.1 66.0 4.9 2.9 12.0
WF 73.0 80.0 7.0 4.1 3.4
WF 122.0 135.5 13.5 8.0 3.3
WF WW420-08AR 66.0 81.0 15.0 6.8 1.6
WF 89.0 94.0 5.0 2.3 2.4
WF 123.0 132.0 9.0 3.9 8.4
WF WW420-10AR 78.0 92.0 14.0 5.7 4.3
WF 171.0 176.0 5.0 2.0 2.2
WF WW420-13AR 102.0 113.0 11.0 7.6 2.1
WF WW420-14AR 84.0 89.0 5.0 2.7 10.8
WF WW430SP-02AR 110 116 6 5.7 2.53
30C B30-1830-01NR 0.0 6.0 6.0 3.5
30C B30-1830-02NR 0.0 4.5 4.5 3.8
30C B30-1830-03NR 3.0 11.0 8.0 2.9
30C B30-1830-05NR 0.0 13.6 13.6 2.7
30C B30-1830-06NR 9.8 13.0 3.2 4.9
30C B30-1830-07NR 0.0 5.5 5.5 4.1
30C B30-1830-09NR 0.9 8.0 7.2 2.4
30C B30-1830-10NR 5.0 9.0 4.0 4.8
30C B30-1830-11NR 14.0 20.0 6.0 3.8
30C B30-1830-12NR 0.0 5.0 5.0 2.1
COW BC1704-013AE 223.0 228.1 5.1 4.2
COW 223.0 228.1 5.1 4.2
LARK BL1730-02AE 136.1 143.1 7.0 2.5
LARK BL1730-03AE 80.0 85.0 5.0 2.9
LARK 172.0 184.0 12.0 1.4
LARK 308.0 313.0 5.0 2.3
LARK BL1730-05AE 170.0 175.5 5.5 4.5
LARK 292.0 304.0 12.0 3.0
LARK 292.0 304.0 12.0 3.0
LARK 323.0 325.0 2.0 5.6
LARK 449.0 454.0 5.0 2.9
LARK 475.0 476.0 1.0 16.0
LARK BL1730-06AE 472.0 479.0 7.0 3.6
LARK 489.0 498.0 9.0 4.2
LARK 512.0 514.7 2.7 11.2
LARK 521.0 525.0 4.0 5.5
LARK BL1730-07AE 246.4 254.0 7.6 2.3
LARK 265.0 265.8 0.8 39.6
LARK 326.0 331.0 5.0 2.9
LARK 326.0 331.0 5.0 2.9
LARK 451.3 455.0 3.7 2.8
LARK 547.0 558.6 11.6 1.6
LARK 576.5 581.0 4.6 2.2
LARK BL1730-08AE 205.0 206.0 1.0 35.3
LARK 214.0 224.0 10.0 4.0
LARK BL1730-09AE 233.0 240.0 7.0 3.2
LARK BL1941SP3-06AE-A 287.0 292.0 5.0 2.5
LARK BLB16-06AE 140.0 148.0 8.0 3.8
MASON BM1941SP3-02AE 90.0 96.0 6.0 6.3
MASON 159.0 165.0 6.0 12.2
MASON 245.0 248.0 3.0 11.2
MASON BM1941SP3-08AE 109.3 115.0 5.7 5.3
MASON 109.3 115.0 5.7 5.3
MASON 311.0 320.0 9.0 1.6
MASON 416.0 417.7 1.7 5.9
MASON 426.0 437.4 11.4 3.8
MASON BM1941SP3-09AE 245.0 246.0 1.0 20.4
MASON 366.0 373.0 7.0 4.2
MASON 401.2 409.0 7.8 5.9
MASON 423.0 425.0 2.0 13.4
MASON BM1941SP3-11AE 10.0 16.0 6.0 3.1
MASON 84.3 86.0 1.8 7.5
MASON 153.6 161.0 7.4 2.9
MASON 193.0 197.0 4.0 3.1
MASON 310.0 320.0 10.0 1.1
MASON 391.0 396.0 5.0 3.8
MASON BMB13-05AE 113.0 115.9 2.9 3.5
MASON 248.0 255.0 7.0 3.9
MASON 419.0 428.5 9.5 3.0
MASON BMB16-08AE 436.0 437.0 1.0 12.5
MASON BM1941SP3-14AE 90.0 94.0 4.0 14.7
MASON 343.0 351.0 8.0 4.5
MASON 368.0 375.0 7.0 8.1
40C W44-405-007NE 15.0 16.0 1.0 13.6
40C W44-405-018NR 37.8 38.4 0.6 19.4
Spargos KXDD001 452.4 455.3 2.9 1.95 4
KXDD002 599.6 605.0 5.4 4.2 5
KXDD003 605.0 608.0 3.0 2.1 13
638.0 649.5 11.5 9.1 4
KXDD004 613.0 618.5 5.5 5 6
624.6 632.0 7.4 6.1 3
1.  Reported gold grades > 1.0 g/t downhole and gram x metre > 10g/t
2.  Estimated true widths applied where known. Interval lengths are downhole widths where Estimated true widths cannot be determined with available information.



Table 2 Beta Hunt – Drillhole Collars for Gold Results received Dec10, 2022 to June 30, 2023


Target/  Hole ID MGA_N MGA_E mRL DIP AZI Total Length (m)
AZONE AASP9-03AR 6545029.4 374220.4 119.6 -30.5 191.5 176.8
WF AWSP22-01AR 6544529.5 374510.3 -266.4 -45.4 215.7 204.1
WF AWSP22-40AR 6544533.5 374505.3 -266.6 -47.9 248.5 223.8
WF AWSP22-43AR 6544533.3 374505.5 -266.5 -60.4 203.8 279.2
WF WW405DD-43AR 6543665.2 375286.8 -398.8 -41.9 175.0 335.7
WF WW420-09AAR 6543907.8 375028.0 -414.5 -54.0 208.9 198
WF WW420-09AR 6543910.2 375033.8 -418.6 -52.1 209.7 161.5
WF WW420-15AR 6543843.1 375080.0 -418.8 -56.8 206.9 221.9
WF WW420-16AR 6543842.4 375080.1 -418.9 -51.2 181.7 198
30C B30-20-006NE 6542275.0 375900.7 -404.0 21.5 227.8 129
30C B30-20-009NE 6542274.8 375900.7 -403.9 21.0 201.5 129
40C W44-405-009NE 6543706.7 375122.5 -398.9 18.0 224.5 183.2
Delta EDRAW-25NR 6543737.6 375690.4 -495.6 -41.5 57.2 114
MASON BM1941SP3-09AE 6542438.9 375424.3 -403.8 -54.8 270.1 483
WF WW420-11AE 6543907.8 375028.0 -414.5 -64.1 212.0 555
WF WW430SP-02AR 6543786.1 375212.9 -429.1 -8.1 225.7 225.4
WF WW430SP-04AR 6543786.1 375212.9 -429.1 -19.4 216.6 221.5
WF WW430SP-07AR 6543786.1 375212.9 -429.1 -32.8 216.7 246
30C B30-BRI-28NR 6542162.7 375927.6 -389.0 30.7 264.3 77.8
30C B30-BRI-29NR 6542162.7 375927.6 -389.0 49.1 284.4 71.89
AZONE AA38ACC-02AR 6545031.0 374122.9 42.0 14.6 250.3 107.6
AZONE AA38ACC-04AR 6545029.2 374128.6 41.7 8.2 153.5 143.6
AZONE AA38ACC-05AR 6545029.3 374128.6 41.6 6.0 148.8 204
AZONE AA38ACC-07AR 6545028.8 374125.8 40.6 -26.6 169.2 173.9
AZONE AAP38-04AR 6545036.2 374100.4 41.5 -14.0 235.1 114
AZONE AAP38-06AR 6545034.1 374101.3 40.5 -54.5 241.9 116.9
AZONE AAP38-08AR 6545037.3 374101.3 40.6 -34.4 283.1 194.7
AZONE AAP38-15AR 6545027.6 374115.5 41.1 -14.8 198.0 105
AZONE AAP38-16AR 6545027.8 374115.1 40.5 -41.0 210.8 105
AZONE AAP38-17AR 6545027.8 374115.2 40.5 -54.0 197.2 123
AZONE AAP38-18AR 6545016.1 374120.7 41.5 -14.3 161.7 114
AZONE AAP38-19AR 6545016.5 374120.7 41.0 -49.4 168.0 167.2
AZONE AASP10-01AR 6545097.9 374109.1 101.6 2.6 201.3 132.3
AZONE AASP10-08AR 6545098.3 374108.9 103.9 33.2 203.7 128.6
AZONE AASP22-11AR 6544534.1 374513.8 -266.0 -22.0 50.6 126
AZONE AASP22-12AR 6544542.3 374504.5 -265.8 -17.0 2.9 157
AZONE AASP22-13AR 6544544.4 374500.8 -265.3 -10.3 342.6 207.2
AZONE AASP22-14AR 6544544.3 374500.5 -265.4 -9.1 335.9 261.3
AZONE AASP22-15AR 6544534.2 374513.6 -266.5 -45.1 50.6 165
AZONE AASP22-16AR 6544541.8 374504.9 -266.7 -42.7 24.4 161.95
AZONE AASP22-17AR 6544542.0 374504.7 -266.7 -35.6 1.3 197.7
AZONE AASP22-18AR 6544544.4 374500.9 -265.6 -24.4 340.4 237.4
AZONE AASP22-19AR 6544544.2 374500.5 -265.6 -16.6 332.5 281.16
AZONE AASP22-21AR 6544541.7 374504.9 -266.7 -57.0 23.5 215.84
AZONE AASP22-22AR 6544541.9 374504.8 -266.7 -41.7 345.3 251.9
AZONE AASP22-23AR 6544544.0 374500.8 -266.1 -29.5 335.0 323.9
AZONE AASP9-01AR 6545030.8 374217.4 119.8 -19.9 232.6 204
AZONE AASP9-02AR 6545030.5 374218.3 119.7 -33.1 223.4 131.9
AZONE AASP9-04AR 6545029.2 374220.5 119.7 -27.0 172.9 151
AZONE AASP9-06AR 6545030.1 374218.5 119.9 -19.3 178.5 152.8
AZONE AASP9-07AR 6545030.4 374218.2 119.9 -22.4 209.9 192.4
AZONE AASP9-08AR 6545029.8 374219.3 120.3 -8.5 214.5 189.4
AZONE AASP9-09AR 6545030.8 374217.4 120.3 -6.7 237.9 132.4
COW BC1704-013AE 6543392.6 375448.7 -292.7 -52.5 202.0 426.1
FLET WF405SOD-01AE 6543631.6 375234.7 -399.7 -33.5 231.1 627.3
LARK BL1730-01AE 6543246.8 375358.4 -300.2 -14.8 243.3 272.5
LARK BL1730-02AE 6543244.8 375359.7 -300.3 -13.0 212.0 330.5
LARK BL1730-03AE 6543244.6 375359.9 -299.9 -10.0 188.1 363.3
LARK BL1730-04AE 6543246.3 375359.2 -300.6 -37.6 245.4 485.5
LARK BL1730-05AE 6543244.8 375360.7 -300.8 -35.3 212.2 489.5
LARK BL1730-06AE 6543244.7 375360.8 -300.8 -28.6 194.0 546.4
LARK BL1730-07AE 6543244.3 375361.1 -300.5 -34.0 192.5 685.4
LARK BL1730-08AE 6543246.0 375359.9 -300.9 -49.4 227.4 579.26
LARK BL1730-09AE 6543246.4 375359.5 -300.8 -44.3 204.9 642.43
LARK BL1941SP3-06AE-A 6542438.7 375455.4 -405.1 -53.6 59.4 372
LARK BLB13-08AE 6542350.2 375841.7 -401.5 -44.3 195.6 435
LARK BLB16-06AE 6541997.7 375929.5 -458.1 -27.3 254.8 507.73
MASON BM1941SP3-02AE 6542438.4 375425.1 -406.0 -38.8 217.2 366.4
MASON BM1941SP3-03AE 6542439.3 375424.8 -405.9 -33.6 267.0 339.4
MASON BM1941SP3-08AE 6542440.6 375424.8 -406.0 -39.5 282.2 450.37
MASON BM1941SP3-11AE 6542436.7 375428.5 -406.2 -45.3 195.9 487.7
MASON BM1941SP3-12AE 6542436.7 375428.7 -405.8 -26.0 182.2 499.1
MASON BMB13-05AE 6542350.5 375841.4 -401.1 -25.7 235.1 735.4
MASON BMB16-08AE 6541899.1 375982.4 -471.5 -23.6 217.7 486.7
WF AWSP22-02AR 6544528.9 374510.9 -266.6 -37.8 183.3 256
WF AWSP22-03AR 6544528.6 374511.1 -266.7 -31.7 169.4 282.1
WF AWSP22-04AR 6544529.4 374510.2 -266.7 -52.0 215.6 240.08
WF AWSP22-05AR 6544528.7 374511.1 -266.7 -37.6 170.0 314.7
WF AWSP22-06AR 6544529.3 374510.3 -266.7 -56.2 210.1 321
WF AWSP22-07AR 6544528.9 374510.8 -266.7 -43.0 172.4 374.3
WF AWSP22-08AR 6544528.7 374511.0 -266.8 -55.0 188.1 417
WF AWSP22-09AE 6544528.9 374510.8 -266.7 -61.1 189.4 404.7
WF AWSP22-10AE 6544528.7 374511.1 -266.8 -54.2 173.7 509.9
WF AWSP22-41AR 6544533.5 374505.4 -266.6 -56.6 245.6 294
WF AWSP22-42AR 6544533.3 374505.4 -266.4 -50.2 225.9 210
WF AWSP22-44AR 6544533.4 374505.4 -266.5 -50.4 185.9 275.6
WF AWSP22-45AR 6544532.9 374506.2 -266.8 -48.7 168.2 515.7
WF WW395-15AE 6543803.3 375249.2 -392.4 -39.7 176.0 57.2
WF WW395-15AE-A 6543803.4 375249.1 -392.7 -39.6 176.2 407
WF WW405DD-40AR 6543665.3 375286.5 -398.8 -54.0 236.5 274
WF WW405DD-41AR 6543665.2 375286.6 -398.8 -53.6 210.3 261.15
WF WW405DD-42AR 6543665.1 375286.6 -398.7 -48.5 188.9 252
WF WW420-01AR 6543910.4 375033.6 -417.5 -9.4 226.0 173.9
WF WW420-02AR 6543910.0 375033.8 -417.4 -8.1 194.1 160.3
WF WW420-03AR 6543910.4 375033.5 -417.9 -25.0 233.8 150
WF WW420-04AR 6543910.1 375033.6 -418.2 -25.1 207.0 159.04
WF WW420-05AR 6543910.8 375033.4 -418.6 -37.1 251.9 198.16
WF WW420-06AR 6543910.3 375033.5 -418.3 -40.2 221.4 133.6
WF WW420-07AR 6543910.0 375033.9 -418.6 -37.0 197.3 158.8
WF WW420-08AR 6543910.4 375033.4 -418.4 -51.8 238.7 135.3
WF WW420-10AR 6543909.5 375034.4 -418.6 -46.4 187.3 203.8
WF WW420-13AR 6543843.5 375079.7 -418.6 -31.9 242.3 140.9
WF WW420-14AR 6543843.4 375079.7 -418.6 -46.5 225.5 132
K90C-01NE 6541642.9 374865.6 288.2 -63.1 58.3 1178.1
K90C-01NE-W1 6541642.9 374865.6 288.2 -63.1 58.3 1095.6
K90C-01NE-W1B 6541642.9 374865.6 288.2 -63.1 58.3 1135.34
01C A01SP9-03NE 6545030.3 374218.2 122.8 30.3 183.2 101.7
30C B30-1830-01NR 6542723.7 375515.5 -356.4 10.8 265.9 44.8
30C B30-1830-02NR 6542723.6 375515.5 -356.3 16.8 233.7 38.74
30C B30-1830-03NR 6542724.2 375515.3 -355.2 34.7 265.9 42
30C B30-1830-04NR 6542723.7 375515.4 -354.2 45.5 232.9 29.6
30C B30-1830-05NR 6542723.8 375515.8 -353.9 67.4 257.8 29.7
30C B30-1830-06NR 6542709.2 375519.3 -355.9 31.7 218.0 30
30C B30-1830-07NR 6542711.2 375527.1 -356.2 32.1 182.8 38.7
30C B30-1830-09NR 6542712.2 375526.5 -354.1 79.1 181.5 30
30C B30-1830-10NR 6542717.8 375548.7 -359.5 26.9 189.4 56.64
30C B30-1830-11NR 6542717.8 375548.7 -359.2 39.4 189.3 62.4
30C B30-1830-12NR 6542722.5 375515.9 -357.0 -6.7 231.5 81.06
30C B30-BRI-41NR 6542133.1 375928.4 -385.5 51.7 275.9 54.95
40C W44-405-007NE 6543706.6 375122.4 -398.3 32.0 224.5 80.5
40C W44-405-008NE 6543706.6 375122.4 -397.7 45.0 224.5 161.5
40C W44-405-018NR 6543681.2 375165.7 -399.3 16.0 221.5 188.8
Delta EDRAW-15NR 6543707.3 375706.0 -496.6 -35.2 85.5 95.9
Delta EDRAW-16NR 6543707.2 375706.2 -495.7 -12.9 78.1 77.9
Delta EDRAW-18NR 6543707.5 375705.9 -495.8 -13.6 64.3 75
Kappa EK518-01NR 6543596.9 375758.0 -494.7 -13.1 116.6 150
Kappa EK518-04NR 6543607.1 375754.9 -494.5 -11.4 98.6 108.11
Kappa EK518-07NR 6543607.0 375755.0 -494.5 -15.5 91.6 105.05
Kappa EK518-08NR 6543607.0 375754.9 -494.3 -15.3 74.6 101.6
Kappa EK518-10NR 6543607.2 375754.6 -494.3 -10.6 61.6 104.9
MASON BM1941SP3-14AE 6542440.1 375424.7 -405.9 -31.3 283.4 428.9
Spargos KXDD001 6543275.1 353944.7 427.7 -59.4 88.9 560.1
Spargos KXDD002 6543292.2 353853.8 431.3 -61.3 93.5 739.1
Spargos KXDD003 6543209.7 353836.3 429.7 -66.0 90.1 741.52
Spargos KXDD004 6543139.2 353827.3 429.0 -65.2 89.1 671.7



Posted September 18, 2023

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