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Freegold Extends Mineralization to the West and SouthWest Intersecting 1.88 g/t Au over 54.2 metres and 1.58 g/t Au over 60 metres at Golden Summit

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Freegold Extends Mineralization to the West and SouthWest Intersecting 1.88 g/t Au over 54.2 metres and 1.58 g/t Au over 60 metres at Golden Summit






GS2422 – Higher grade at depth and to the west

  • 157 g/t Au over 3 metres from 299 metres
  • 1.88 g/t Au over 54.2 metres starting at 499.8 metres
  • 1.58 g/t Au over 60 metres from 743 metres


GS2417 – Higher grade within the south-southwest trend

  • 1.25 g/t Au over 56.5 metres from 24 metres
  • 196.5 g/t Au over 1.7 metres from 298.5 metres


Freegold Ventures Limited (TSX: FVL) (OTCQX: FGOVF) is pleased to announce additional assay results from its 2024 drilling program. A total of 41 holes were completed, totalling 25,708 meters. The program’s primary objectives were to expand mineralization to the west and to support further metallurgical testing. Large-diameter holes were drilled at specific locations for this purpose. The ongoing metallurgical test work is expected to take several additional months to complete, and the results will be used to optimize the flowsheet design, enabling the Company to proceed with economic studies.


An extensive soil geochemical program was conducted prior to drilling in the promising western expansion zone. This program revealed multiple gold anomalies in the soil, extending 1.5 kilometers west of the existing resource area. Key geochemical trends were identified, including a significant east-west orientation and a strong south-southwest trend that aligns directly with the historic Newsboy Mine. This underscores the area’s substantial potential for resource expansion.


To the east of Willow Creek, all drilling conducted by Freegold shows that the higher-grade mineralization dips to the south. As a result, drilling at Golden Summit is usually directed to the north. In contrast, the higher-grade mineralization at the historic Newsboy mine, situated west of Willow Creek, dips to the north. This appears to indicate a dip change likely caused by faulting.


Holes GS2411, GS2413, GS2415, GS2416, and GS2417 tested the mineralization to the north within the east-west geochemical trend in the WOW Zone (West of Willow Creek). While these holes encountered mineralization, the widths were narrower than those in the main Dolphin/Cleary area. This suggests a change in the overall dip of the mineralization. Consequently, these northern holes may have been drilled over the top of the main mineralization trend.



Hole Depth Dip Azimuth From  To  Interval Au
Number (m) (m) (m) g/t
GS2411 568.9 -55 360 51.7 61.2 9.5 0.87
489.3 533.4 44.1 0.70
GS2413 595 -55 360 230.7 245.3 14.6 2.72
283.4 298 14.6 1.16
472.8 514 41.2 0.70
GS2416 460.2 -55 360 374.7 402.2 27.5 0.59
The width refers to drill hole intercepts; true width cannot be determined due to the uncertain geometry of mineralization.


Hole G2417, which lies west of Willow Creek, is oriented within the south-southwest geochemical trend. GS2417 intersected several strong zones of mineralization better than resource grade from near the surface, which appear to follow the southern dip of the higher-grade mineralization seen within the central Dolphin/Cleary Resource.


Hole Depth Dip Azimuth From  To  Interval Au
Number (m) (m) (m) g/t
GS2417 667.8 -85 0 24 80.5 56.5 1.25
238.2 265.8 27.6 1.78
298.5 300.2 1.7 196.5
317 413 96 0.70
including 371 392 21 1.44
552.8 564.4 11.6 0.83
629 641 12 1.18
The width refers to drill hole intercepts; true width cannot be determined due to the uncertain geometry of mineralization.


No significant values were intersected in GS2415.


Three holes were drilled to investigate a potential change in the overall dip of the mineralization further. Holes GS2419, GS2420, and GS422 were drilled from the same pad, directed south, north, and vertically. This drilling aimed to enhance our understanding of the orientation of the mineralization in the WOW Zone.


Results from holes GS2419 and GS2422 indicate significant potential for expansion to the south, west, and at depth. Hole GS2422, drilled vertically, demonstrates promising indications of higher-grade mineralization at depth, with several intercepts exceeding resource grade. Notably, one intercept intercepted 54.8 meters with a grade of 1.88 g/t Au, while another intersected 60 meters grading of 1.58 g/t Au. Results indicate a significant change in the dip of mineralization from south to north as we move southwest towards the historic Newsboy.


Hole Depth Dip Azimuth From  To  Interval Au
Number (m) (m) (m) g/t
GS2419 622.6 -50 180 37.5 45.9 8.4 0.50
60.5 72.4 11.9 0.67
80.8 93.8 13 0.49
131.7 132.8 1.1 57.5
143.3 149.4 6.1 2.45
168.8 178.8 10 1.83
184.6 188.8 4.2 1.08
225.6 313.6 88 0.88
including 262.9 283.7 20.8 2.22
404 441.4 37.4 0.52
GS2420 560.8 -50 360 457.7 484.9 27.2 0.67
GS2422 816.9 -90 0 72.5 76.7 4.2 0.81
126 132.4 6.4 4.62
160.7 188 27.3 0.69
299 307.4 8.4 57.29
including 299 302 3 157.0
422 455.2 33.2 0.80
499.8 554 54.2 1.88
including 542 545 3 15.0
578 614 36 0.90
656 668 12 0.89
743 803 60 1.58
The width refers to drill hole intercepts; true width cannot be determined due to the uncertain geometry of mineralization.


Drilling was completed in early December, and we are still awaiting a significant number of assay results. The results from the 2024 drilling program will be incorporated into an updated mineral resource estimate set to be released later this year as part of Freegold’s efforts to advance the project toward pre-feasibility. Assay results have been reported for 22 of the 41 drilled holes.


Maps showing locations of drill holes and a cross-section can be found here.


In addition to the ongoing drill program, metallurgical, baseline environmental, cultural resource, and wetland studies remain ongoing.


A sample quality control/quality assurance program has been in place throughout the program. Drill cores were cut in half using a diamond saw, and one-half placed in sealed bags for preparation and subsequent geochemical analysis by ALS Laboratories. Core samples were prepared in ALS’s facility using the PREP-31BY package. Each core sample is crushed to better than 70 %, passing a 2 mm (Tyler 9 mesh, US Std. No.10) screen. A split of 1kg is taken and pulverized to better than 85 % passing a 75-micron (Tyler 200 mesh, US Std. No. 200) screen; a portion of this pulverized split is digested by Four Acid and analyzed via ICP-AES (method code ME-ICP61). Fire Assay analyzes all samples with an AAS finish, using method code Au-AA23 (30g sample size) and over 10 g/t, which are automatically assayed using an FA Grav method, Au-GRAV21. Additional Au screening is performed using ALS’s Au-SCR24 method; select samples are dry-screened to 100 microns. A duplicate 50g fire assay is conducted on the fine fraction, and an assay is conducted on the entire oversize fraction. Total Au content, individual assays, and weight fractions are reported. Analytical and assay procedures are conducted in ALS’s North Vancouver and Reno facilities.


A QA/QC program included laboratory and field standards inserted every ten samples. Blanks are inserted at the start of the submittal, and at least one blank every 25 standards.


The Qualified Person for this release is Alvin Jackson, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration and Development for Freegold, who has approved the scientific and technical disclosure in this news release.


About Freegold Ventures Limited

Freegold is a TSX-listed company focused on exploration in Alaska. It holds the Golden Summit Gold Project near Fairbanks and the Shorty Creek Copper-Gold Project near Livengood through leases.


Posted January 14, 2025

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