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Fortuna intersects 90.9 g/t Au over 1.8 meters at Barana Prospect, Séguéla Mine, Côte d´Ivoire

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Fortuna intersects 90.9 g/t Au over 1.8 meters at Barana Prospect, Séguéla Mine, Côte d´Ivoire






Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX: FVI) (NYSE: FSM) is pleased to provide an update on its exploration programs at the Séguéla Mine in Côte d’Ivoire, the Yaramoko Mine in Burkina Faso, and the Baborigame Project in Mexico.


Paul Weedon, Senior Vice President of Exploration at Fortuna, commented, “Infill drilling at the Sunbird Deposit to upgrade geologic confidence has concluded, with the next phase of estimation, optimization, and design having commenced as part of reserve development and expected life-of-mine extension for the Séguéla Mine. With this underway, the focus has returned to generating new anomalies and testing prospects, with positive near surface results at Barana emphasising the regional potential; such as drill hole SGRD1647 intersecting 90.9 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.8 meters.”


Mr. Weedon continued, “Recent drilling of Zone 55 at the Yaramoko Mine has identified high grade mineralization extending at least 130 meters beyond the current resource envelope to the west, confirmed by recent mine development in the area, with intervals such as 32.8 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 3.1 meters in drill hole YRM-23-GCDD-203.”


Mr. Weedon concluded, “In addition to the encouraging results from West Africa, first pass drilling to test geological concepts at our Baborigame Project in Mexico was successful in testing several vein arrays, intersecting multiple mineralized zones such as 2.7 g/t Au and 155 g/t Ag over an estimated true width of 4.04 meters in drill hole BAB-22-004.”


Séguéla Mine, Cote d’Ivoire


Sunbird Deposit drilling highlights:

  • SGRD1586: 12.7 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 18.9 meters from 147 meters
  • SGRD1580: 22.2 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 2.1 meters from 115 meters and 7.5 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 23.8 meters from 128 meters
  • SGRD1615: 16.2 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 8.4 meters from 270 meters
  • SGRD1585: 28.7 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 2.8 meters from 151 meters
  • SGRD1599: 4.7 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 13.3 meters from 81 meters
  • SGRD1281: 10.7 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 5.6 meters from 199 meters (re-entered hole)


Infill drilling for increased geologic confidence at the Sunbird Deposit was recently completed, with 47 holes drilled totalling 11,075 meters of an expanded 15,126 meter program, increased from 9,500 meters due to continued positive results. Drilling has intersected high grade mineralization close to the margins of the pit optimization limit. Drill hole SGRD1580 intersected several zones of mineralization including 22.2 g/t Au over a true width of 2.1 meters and 7.5 g/t Au over a true width of 23.8 meters while a re-entered drill hole, SGRD1281, intersected 10.7 g/t Au over a true width of 5.6 meters on the margin of the current pit optimization shell (Figure 1). Results will be incorporated into an updated Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimate prior to pit optimization and design of a revised Séguéla life-of-mine planned for release in the fourth quarter of 2023.


Further drilling to test the depth potential of the southerly plunging high grade shoots is planned for the second half of 2023. Refer to Appendix 1 for full results of all holes drilled in this phase of the Sunbird exploration program.


Figure 1: Sunbird Deposit long-section showing select recent drilling results (looking west)



Barana and Badior drilling highlights:

  • SGRD1647: 90.9 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.8 meters from 43 meters (Barana)
  • SGRD1634: 1.4 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 8.1 meters from 77 meters (Barana)
  • SGRD1641: 2.4 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 5.4 meters from 67 meters (Barana)
  • SGRD1623: 4.9 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 12.6 meters from 110 meters (Badior)


At the Barana and Badior prospects (Figure 2), 30 holes totaling 3,907 meters were drilled (Figure 3) with the objective of testing the strike extent and continuity of mineralization identified in the first scout drilling program (refer to Fortuna news release dated December 5, 2022). In addition, the drilling program was designed to provide greater understanding of the key structures associated with mineralization controls as well as grade distribution along the principal structures.


Further drilling is planned for later in 2023. Refer to Appendix 1 for full results received for all drill holes drilled in this phase of the Barana and Badior drilling program.


Figure 2: Séguéla Mine location plan highlighting key exploration prospects



Figure 3: Barana and Badior plan showing recent drilling results


Yaramoko Mine, Burkina Faso


A successful drilling program of 29 holes for a total of 7,011 meters was completed at the Yaramoko Mine, testing the strike and vertical extent of high grade extensions to the Zone 55 mineralization to the west, and limited strike extent testing to the lower east levels of the underground operation. Based on the positive exploration results, management expects to provide an updated Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimate for the Yaramoko Mine before the end of the year.


Zone 55 drilling highlights:

  • YRM-22-GCDD-184: 9.6 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 5.5 meters from 254.10 meters
  • YRM-23-GCDD-203: 32.8 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 3.1 meters from 287.90 meters
  • YRM-23-GCDD-205: 13.2 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 4.6 meters from 302.28 meters
  • YRM-23-GCDD-224: 8.9 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 8.2 meters from 120.95 meters
  • YRM-23-GCDD-227: 8.8 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 8.6 meters from 140.10 meters


Drilling to the west has intersected new high grade mineralization beyond the boundary of the 2022 Mineral Resource (refer to Fortuna news release dated March 21, 2023), with recent mine development extending approximately 130 meters beyond the previous design (Figure 4). Drilling will continue to test the depth potential in the second half of 2023, which remains open and where the deepest intersection returned 10.6 g/t Au over a true width of 2.3 meters in drill hole GCDD-207.


Figure 4: Zone 55 long-section showing recent drilling results



Step-out drilling to the east and at depth has also continued to identify the Zone 55 mineralized structure beyond the limits of the 2022 Mineral Resource boundary, with encouraging results including drill hole GCDD-224 returning 8.9 g/t Au over a true width of 8.2 meters at (Figure 4). Drilling will continue in the second half of 2023. Refer to Appendix 2 for full results of all holes drilled in this phase of the Yaramoko exploration program.


Baborigame Project, Mexico


A program of 14 diamond drill holes over two phases totaling 3,902 meters was conducted between late 2022 and 2023 as part of a “proof of concept” evaluation of the Baborigame Project. Baborigame is located within the central Sierra Madre Occidental, a major mountain range system of the North American Cordillera, in southwestern Chihuahua, Mexico.


Baborigame drilling highlights:

  • BAB-22-004: 2.7 g/t Au and 155 g/t Ag over an estimated true width of 4.04 meters from 192.00 meters
  • BAB-23-010: 3.3 g/t Au and 538 g/t Ag over an estimated true width of 1.20 meters from 191.00 meters
  • BAB-23-009: 2.4 g/t Au and 314 g/t Ag over an estimated true width of 2.04 meters from 188.15 meters


Exploration drilling focused on testing key structural zones at productive geologic horizons beneath high-level epithermal expressions observed at surface (Figure 5), 10 of the 14 drill holes returned positive exploration results and warrant further work. Further drilling is scheduled for the second half of 2023 targeting the western extension of Cebollas West and the undrilled Los Pinos structure where surface rock sampling returned up to 10 g/t Au and 369 g/t Ag. Refer to Appendix 3 for full results of all holes drilled in this phase of the Baborigame exploration program.


Figure 5: Baborigame plan view of drill testing at Los Pinos and the western extension of the Cebollas West zone; refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7 for cross-sections 1 and 2



Figure 6. Cross-section 1 of drill testing at Los Pinos and the western extension of the Cebollas West zone



Figure 7. Cross-section 2 of drill testing at Los Pinos and the western extension of the Cebollas West zone



Quality Assurance & Quality Control 


All drilling data completed by the Company utilized the following procedures and methodologies. All drilling was carried out under the supervision of the Company’s personnel.


All reverse circulation drilling at Séguéla used a 5.25-inch face sampling pneumatic hammer with samples collected into 60-liter plastic bags. Samples were kept dry by maintaining enough air pressure to exclude groundwater inflow. If water ingress exceeded the air pressure, RC drilling was stopped, and drilling converted to diamond core tails. Once collected, RC samples were riffle split through a three-tier splitter to yield a 12.5 percent representative sample for submission to the analytical laboratory. The residual 87.5 percent samples were stored at the drill site until assay results were received and validated. Coarse reject samples for all mineralized samples corresponding to significant intervals are retained and stored on-site at the company-controlled core yard.


All diamond drilling drill holes at Séguéla were drilled with HQ-sized diamond drill bits whereas Yaramoko diamond drill holes were cored with NQ2-diameter drill bits. The core was logged, marked up for sampling using standard lengths of one meter or to a geological boundary. Samples were then cut into equal halves using a diamond saw. One half of the core was left in the original core box and stored in a secure location at the Company´s core yard at the mine site. The other half was sampled, catalogued, and placed into sealed bags and securely stored at the site until shipment.


All Séguéla RC and DD core samples were shipped to ALS Laboratories’ preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro for preparation and then, via commercial courier, to ALS’s facility in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso for finishing. All core samples from Yaramoko were transported by commercial courier to ALS’s facility in Ouagadougou. Routine gold analysis using a 50-gram charge and fire assay with an atomic absorption finish was completed for all samples. Quality control procedures included the systematic insertion of blanks, duplicates and sample standards into the sample stream. In addition, the ALS laboratory inserted its own quality control samples.


All DD drill holes at Baborigame were drilled with HQ-sized diamond drill bits and reduced to NQ if ground conditions warranted. The core was logged, marked up for sampling using standard lengths of two meters or to a geological boundary. Samples were then cut into equal halves using a diamond saw. One half of the core was left in the original core box and stored in a secure location at the company core yard at the project site. The other half was sampled, catalogued, and placed into sealed bags and securely stored at the site until shipment.


All Baborigame DD core samples were shipped to ALS Laboratories’ preparation laboratory in Zacatecas for preparation and then to ALS’s facility in Vancouver, Canada for finishing.  Samples were analyzed using a 33 element four acid ICP and trace Hg along with a 30-gram fire assay for gold.  Over limits for Au, Ag, Pb, and Zn were analyzed using an appropriate method.  Quality control procedures included the systematic insertion of blanks, duplicates, and sample standards into the sample stream. In addition, the ALS laboratory inserted its own quality control samples.


Qualified Person


Paul Weedon, Senior Vice President of Exploration for Fortuna Silver Mines Inc., is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 being a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (Membership #6001). Mr. Weedon has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Weedon has verified the data disclosed, and the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information or opinions contained herein by reviewing geochemical and geological databases and reviewing diamond drill core. There were no limitations to the verification process.


About Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.


Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. is a Canadian precious metals mining company with five operating mines in Argentina, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mexico, and Peru. Sustainability is integral to all our operations and relationships. We produce gold and silver and generate shared value over the long-term for our stakeholders through efficient production, environmental protection, and social responsibility. For more information, please visit our website.


APPENDIX 1. Séguéla Mine, Côte d´Ivoire: Sunbird Deposit drill results


HoleID Easting (WGS84_29N) Northing (WGS84_29N) Elevation EOH1 Depth UTM Azimuth Dip Depth From2
Depth To (m) Drilled Width (m) ETW3 (m) Au (ppm) Hole Type4 Area
SGDD118 742580 892735 557 280.2 90 -60 169 173 4 2.8 2.47 DD Sunbird
SGDD125 742702 893062 496 240.1 90 -60 178 184 6 4.2 3.69 DD Sunbird
            including 180 181 1 0.7 12.60 DD Sunbird
              189 199 10 7 2.99 DD Sunbird
            including 198 199 1 0.7 18.65 DD Sunbird
SGRD1281 742932 893463 493 246 270 -60 199 207 8 5.6 10.68 RCD Sunbird
            including 200 203 3 2.1 24.17 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1558 742650 892735 556 167.3 90 -60 Not sampled – Abandoned         RCD Sunbird
SGRD1559 742570 892810 548 400.4 90 -60 313 318 5 3.5 4.38 RCD Sunbird
            including 317 318 1 0.7 15.15 RCD Sunbird
              349 360 11 7.7 1.91 RCD Sunbird
              366 376 10 7 3.42 RCD Sunbird
            including 372 373 1 0.7 10.55 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1561 742675 893160 492 327.4 90 -60 268 273 5 3.5 1.01 RCD Sunbird
              286 291 5 3.5 2.14 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1577 742765 893410 485 200 90 -60 160 171 11 7.7 6.73 RCD Sunbird
            including 161 164 3 2.1 15.23 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1578 742735 893410 477 240.1 90 -60 236 237 1 0.7 6.43 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1580 742935 893410 502 201.4 270 -60 90 93 3 2.1 4.46 RCD Sunbird
              115 118 3 2.1 22.16 RCD Sunbird
            including 115 116 1 0.7 65.50 RCD Sunbird
              128 162 34 23.8 7.48 RCD Sunbird
            including 129 132 3 2.1 22.97 RCD Sunbird
            and 137 139 2 1.4 22.30 RCD Sunbird
            and 151 154 3 2.1 25.90 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1582 742740 893360 478 309.4 90 -60 184 194 10 7 6.43 RCD Sunbird
            including 185 186 1 0.7 16.55 RCD Sunbird
            and 189 190 1 0.7 11.20 RCD Sunbird
            and 193 194 1 0.7 12.35 RCD Sunbird
              277 283 6 4.2 1.25 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1583 742770 893335 481 220 90 -60 134 144 10 7 1.61 RCD Sunbird
              148 155 7 4.9 5.12 RCD Sunbird
            including 153 154 1 0.7 28.80 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1584 742717 893335 471 303.1 90 -60 223 226 3 2.1 6.40 RCD Sunbird
            including 223 224 1 0.7 16.30 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1585 742760 893310 479 253.1 90 -60 100 101 1 0.7 5.76 RCD Sunbird
              151 155 4 2.8 28.71 RCD Sunbird
            including 154 155 1 0.7 111.00 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1586 742750 893260 483 220.1 90 -60 147 174 27 18.9 12.72 RCD Sunbird
            including 148 152 4 2.8 76.84 RCD Sunbird
            and 156 157 1 0.7 14.80 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1587 742722 893260 477 260.1 90 -60 17 19 2 1.4 7.01 RCD Sunbird
            including 17 18 1 0.7 12.15 RCD Sunbird
              214 226 12 8.4 1.49 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1589 742725 893210 481 261.4 90 -60 184 192 8 5.6 6.05 RCD Sunbird
            including 185 186 1 0.7 33.30 RCD Sunbird
              201 204 3 2.1 2.81 RCD Sunbird
SGRC1592 742860 893560 466 48 90 -60 42 44 2 1.4 15.74 RC Sunbird
            including 42 43 1 0.7 30.20 RC Sunbird
SGRC1593 742840 893560 466 97 90 -60 70 71 1 0.7 6.36 RC Sunbird
SGRC1594 742827 893585 462 120 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1595 742800 893110 503 60 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1596 742750 893110 491 133 90 -60 57 66 9 6.3 2.17 RC Sunbird
              120 123 3 2.1 12.15 RC Sunbird
            including 121 123 2 1.4 17.08 RC Sunbird
SGRD1597 742685 893085 496 282.1 90 -60 242 248 6 4.2 2.74 RCD Sunbird
            including 243 244 1 0.7 10.05 RCD Sunbird
              259 265 6 4.2 4.81 RCD Sunbird
            including 261.6 263 1.4 0.98 19.60 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1598 742700 893060 497 240.1 90 -60 202 221 19 13.3 1.57 RCD Sunbird
              225 230 5 3.5 4.15 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1599 742715 893010 503 183.1 90 -60 81 100 19 13.3 4.73 RCD Sunbird
            including 95 96 1 0.7 72.90 RCD Sunbird
              126 150 24 16.8 2.15 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1600 742650 893010 515 321.4 90 -60 268 278 10 7 4.33 RCD Sunbird
            including 268 269.2 1.2 0.84 21.80 RCD Sunbird
            and 269.4 270 0.6 0.42 12.80 RCD Sunbird
              285 293 8 5.6 3.97 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1601 742650 892935 530 300.1 90 -60 240 255 15 10.5 2.64 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1602 742650 892910 531 280.1 90 -60 246 265 19 13.3 2.39 RCD Sunbird
            including 261 262 1 0.7 11.15 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1603 742650 892885 535 279.1 90 -60 173 183 10 7 0.85 RCD Sunbird
              244 263 19 13.3 1.98 RCD Sunbird
            including 262 263 1 0.7 11.55 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1604 742615 892835 547 330.2 90 -60 266 267 1 0.7 17.20 RCD Sunbird
              299 302 3 2.1 4.45 RCD Sunbird
              306 316 10 7 3.17 RCD Sunbird
              324 325 1 0.7 18.40 RCD Sunbird
SGRC1605 742710 892735 541 121 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1606 742570 892710 557 61 90 -60 Not sampled – Abandoned         RC Sunbird
SGRD1607 742600 892660 565 350.1 90 -60 195 202 7 4.9 12.19 RCD Sunbird
            including 196 197 1 0.7 61.70 RCD Sunbird
            and 199 200 1 0.7 16.45 RCD Sunbird
              271 277 6 4.2 0.97 RCD Sunbird
SGRC1608 742685 892610 552 102 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1609 742685 892635 551 100 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1610 742675 892560 558 160 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRC1611 742645 892510 568 180 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRD1612 742615 892635 568 261 90 -60 170 188 18 12.6 2.30 RCD Sunbird
            including 178 179 1 0.7 12.40 RCD Sunbird
              205 211 6 4.2 4.18 RCD Sunbird
            including 210 211 1 0.7 16.75 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1613 742670 892685 551 200 90 -60 105 111 6 4.2 5.72 RCD Sunbird
            including 109 110 1 0.7 15.00 RCD Sunbird
              115 117 2 1.4 21.44 RCD Sunbird
            including 115 116 1 0.7 39.90 RCD Sunbird
              126 130 4 2.8 5.03 RCD Sunbird
            including 129 130 1 0.7 14.10 RCD Sunbird
SGRC1614 742700 892685 544 130 90 -60 NSI         RC Sunbird
SGRD1615 742580 892635 566 340 90 -60 270 282 12 8.4 16.22 RCD Sunbird
            including 274 277 3 2.1 41.63 RCD Sunbird
            and 278 280 2 1.4 25.85 RCD Sunbird
SGRC1616 742650 892635 561 180 90 -60 151 164 13 9.1 1.65 RC Sunbird
SGRD1617 742600 892560 575 280.2 90 -60 189 196 7 4.9 1.48 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1618 742650 892735 556 280 90 -60 NSI         RCD Sunbird
SGRD1619 742705 893310 474 320 90 -60 230 235 5 3.5 1.67 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1620 742570 892710 557 400 90 -60 377 382 5 3.5 6.22 RCD Sunbird
            including 379 380 1 0.7 25.30 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1621 742580 892860 539 405.1 90 -60 270 271 1 0.7 10.55 RCD Sunbird
              329 354 25 17.5 1.94 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1622 742580 892735 557 400.1 90 -60 314 315 1 0.7 5.27 RCD Sunbird
              369 378 9 6.3 8.90 RCD Sunbird
            including 371 373 2 1.4 30.03 RCD Sunbird
SGRD1623 743128 901901 386 231.9 270 -60 110 128 18 12.6 4.94 RCD Badior
            including 115 117 2 1.4 25.03 RCD Badior
              133 134 1 0.7 38.70 RCD Badior
              157 158 1 0.7 36.80 RCD Badior
SGRD1624 743155 901800 385 189.4 270 -60 NSI         RCD Badior
SGRC1625 743011 901800 389 60 270 -60 48 52 4 2.8 1.73 RC Badior
SGRD1626 743104 901700 383 170 270 -60 NSI         RCD Badior
SGRD1627 743157 901700 384 279.3 270 -60 NSI         RCD Badior
SGRC1628 743060 902002 389 80 270 -60 NSI         RC Badior
SGRC1629 743087 902001 388 140 270 -60 NSI         RC Badior
SGRC1630 743055 902101 389 50 270 -60 NSI         RC Badior
SGRC1631 743085 902103 389 116 270 -60 NSI         RC Badior
SGRD1632 743156 901797 385 270.8 270 -60 NSI         RCD Badior
SGRC1633 743732 902550 392 78 270 -60 39 40 1 0.9 5.09 RC Barana
              55 63 8 7.2 1.38 RC Barana
SGRC1634 743826 902549 393 160 270 -60 77 86 9 8.1 1.38 RC Barana
              90 94 4 3.6 2.82 RC Barana
SGRC1635 743647 902700 389 100 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1636 743694 902698 390 123 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1637 743755 902699 391 120 270 -60 21 28 7 6.3 0.83 RC Barana
SGRC1638 743682 902900 399 100 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1639 743734 902902 401 120 270 -60 76 79 3 2.7 2.48 RC Barana
SGRC1640 743704 903001 403 107 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1641 743748 903001 405 100 270 -60 67 73 6 5.4 2.43 RC Barana
            including 71 72 1 0.9 13.15 RC Barana
SGRC1642 743713 903099 406 100 270 -60 30 36 6 5.4 1.46 RC Barana
SGRC1643 743757 903098 407 100 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1644 743736 903400 404 104 270 -60 12 15 3 2.7 1.71 RC Barana
              41 45 4 3.6 1.72 RC Barana
SGRC1645 743787 903400 405 100 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1646 743724 903301 405 100 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1647 743773 903301 406 120 270 -60 43 45 2 1.8 90.90 RC Barana
            including 43 44 1 0.9 180.50 RC Barana
SGRC1648 743735 903498 402 120 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1649 743783 903500 404 132 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRD1650 743769 902799 399 203.6 270 -60 NSI         RCD Barana
SGRC1651 743806 902701 395 112 270 -60 NSI         RC Barana
SGRC1652 743819 902799 399 120 270 -60 57 64 7 6.3 0.74 RC Barana


  1. EOH: End of hole
  2. NSI: No significant intercepts
  3. ETW: Estimated true width
  4. RCD: Reverse circulation with diamond tail | DD: Diamond drilling tail | RC: Reverse Circulation drilling


APPENDIX 2. Yaramoko Mine, Burkina Faso: Zone 55 drill results


HoleID Easting (ADINDAN_30N) Northing (ADINDAN_30N) Mine Elevation (m) Actual Elevation
EOH1 Depth (m) UTM Azimuth Dip Depth2 From (m) Depth To
Drilled Interval (m) ETW3
Au (ppm)
YRM-22-GCDD-184 469653 1299283 4512 -488 273.0 169 -12 254.1 259.7 5.6 5.5 9.60
YRM-22-GCDD-187 469654 1299284 4512 -488 278.1 164 -15 254.85 258.2 3.3 2.9 9.46
YRM-22-GCDD-188 469654 1299284 4512 -488 282.7 163 -22 272.8 275.65 2.8 2.6 5.05
YRM-22-GCDD-190 469654 1299284 4512 -488 272.2 157 -18 251.7 257.3 5.6 5.2 4.91
YRM-22-GCDD-193 469654 1299284 4512 -488 282.0 169 -19 266.85 268.45 1.6 1.3 6.18
YRM-22-GCDD-194 469654 1299284 4512 -488 304.3 169 -24 281.8 284.9 3.1 2.6 9.54
YRM-22-GCDD-199 469700 1299286 4511 -489 265.0 184 -10 NS Hole Abandoned
YRM-23-GCDD-200 469653 1299284 4512 -488 282.0 173 -17 267.7 270 2.3 2.0 9.76
YRM-22-GCDD-201 469888 1299363 4508 -492 317.5 143 -47 NS Hole Abandoned
YRM-22-GCDD-202 469653 1299284 4512 -488 267.0 173 -12 256.4 259 2.6 2.5 12.90
YRM-23-GCDD-203 469653 1299284 4512 -488 311.7 175 -22 287.9 291.97 4.1 3.1 32.77
YRM-23-GCDD-204 469653 1299284 4512 -488 312.0 175 -25 292.7 295.8 3.1 2.4 2.75
YRM-23-GCDD-205 469652 1299284 4512 -488 321.8 186 -20 302.28 307.9 5.6 4.6 13.19
YRM-23-GCDD-206 469653 1299284 4512 -488 332.0 184 -26 307.8 313.7 5.9 2.5 2.72
YRM-23-GCDD-207 469653 1299284 4512 -488 316.7 175 -27 294.8 297.65 2.8 2.3 10.58
YRM-23-GCDD-214 469932 1299193 4368 -632 125.8 165 -61 119.5 123.8 4.3 1.8 9.47
YRM-23-GCDD-215 469932 1299193 4368 -632 150.0 165 -65 133 135.5 2.5 1.2 0.20
YRM-23-GCDD-216 469950 1299198 4369 -631 105.0 114 -6 84.25 85.7 1.5 1.1 0.62
YRM-23-GCDD-217 469950 1299197 4369 -631 110.0 127 -16 75.55 78.45 2.9 2.4 1.50
YRM-23-GCDD-222 469951 1299198 4369 -631 116.0 117 -31 90 91 1.0 0.9 4.91
YRM-23-GCDD-223 469951 1299199 4369 -631 130.0 103 -31 104.9 112.4 7.5 5.9 1.07
YRM-23-GCDD-223             Incl 110 112.4 2.4 1.7 3.10
YRM-23-GCDD-224 469951 1299199 4369 -631 150.4 102 -42 120.95 133.6 12.7 8.2 8.94
YRM-23-GCDD-225 469950 1299198 4368 -632 177.5 129 -66 138.05 159.6 21.6 8.1 0.01
YRM-23-GCDD-227 469951 1299199 4368 -632 177.5 100 -51 140.1 152.75 12.7 8.6 8.82
YRM-22-DD-534 469654 1299284 4512 -488 296.0 156 -24 271.2 274.2 3.0 2.6 2.45
YRM-23-DD-547 469652 1299284 4512 -488 304.0 187 -12 292.6 297.3 4.7 3.8 3.44
YRM-23-DD-548 469653 1299284 4512 -488 331.2 188 -1 273.2 273.6 0.4 0.4 1.35
YRM-23-DD-550 469643 1299358 4723 -277 420.0 183 -23 356.7 358.2 1.5 1.1 0.03


  1. EOH: End of hole
  2. NS: Not sampled
  3. ETW: Estimated true width



APPENDIX 3. Baborigame Project, Mexico: Drill results


Hole_ID Zone Easting (WGS84_13N) Northing (WGS84_13N) Elevation (m) EOH1 Depth (m) Azimuth Dip Depth from (m) Depth2 To (m) ETW3 (m) Au (ppm) Ag (ppm)
BAB-22-001 Los Angeles 267974 2918084 2070 162 180 -45 122.00 122.30 0.24 7.79 9
                129.50 129.85 0.28 1.49 12
                153.75 155.00 1.00 22.60 28
BAB-22-002 Los Angeles 267968 2918138 2077 231 180 -60 NSI
BAB-22-003 Cebollas West 269374 2922508.14 2277.8 279 215 -65 20.20 21.00 0.64 0.94 9
                29.00 30.20 0.96 0.82 13
                47.50 48.60 0.88 1.03 24
                105.80 106.40 0.48 0.80 14
                144.85 145.20 0.28 1.29 36
                153.35 155.90 2.08 2.01 132
              Incl 153.35 154.95 1.28 3.05 193
BAB-22-004 Cebollas West 269374 2922508.26 2277.8 348 215 -80 99.25 100.40 0.92 0.81 36
                104.00 105.35 1.08 2.25 13
                170.80 171.30 0.40 2.35 242
                178.00 179.50 1.20 7.64 55
                182.50 183.00 0.40 1.68 157
                192.00 197.05 4.04 2.66 155
              Incl 192.00 194.65 2.12 2.74 29
              Incl 196.10 197.05 0.76 6.25 705
                248.10 248.50 0.32 1.20 121
                280.00 282.30 1.84 1.40 123
              Incl 282.00 282.3 0.24 5.05 347
                318.20 319.10 0.72 4.86 341
              Incl 318.20 318.6 0.32 10.15 693
                333.65 335.75 1.68 0.30 82
BAB-22-005 Cebollas West 269590 2922498 2215 201 205 -50 141.40 142.70 1.04 0.61 39
                146.05 147.00 0.76 1.34 17
                151.85 152.2 0.28 0.92 251
BAB-22-006 Cebollas West 269590 2922498 2215 354 205 -72 145.95 146.65 0.56 0.83 14
BAB-22-007 Los Angeles 267940 2918187 2080 294 180 -55 256.15 256.85 0.56 1.15 56
BAB-23-008 Cebollas Centre 270161 2922424 2165 443 154 -48 111.00 113.00 1.60 1.59 11
                132.70 134.35 1.32 1.06 9
                167 168 0.80 0.42 45
                171.85 173 0.92 0.78 14
                186.00 187.00 0.80 1.09 20
BAB-23-009 Cebollas West 269515 2922631 2170 402 224 -50 47.00 49.00 1.60 1.42 14
                56.80 57.10 0.24 28.70 28
                72.00 73.00 0.80 1.47 7
                160.50 162.00 1.20 0.61 111
                188.15 190.70 2.04 2.41 314
              Incl 188.15 188.7 0.44 8.52 1025
                281.50 282.15 0.52 0.32 60
                345.65 346.40 0.60 5.95 631
                350.00 351.00 0.80 1.10 111
                379.00 381.00 1.60 0.22 85
BAB-23-010 Cebollas West 269293 2922575 2275 312 221 -75 120.85 121.2 0.28 0.95 29
                124.35 125.00 0.52 1.07 26
                179.00 180.00 0.80 1.43 84
                186.00 187.00 0.80 0.52 44
                188.75 189.70 0.76 0.23 166
                191.00 192.50 1.20 3.34 538
              Incl 191.00 192 0.80 4.65 721
                267.00 269.00 1.60 4.35 3
BAB-23-011 Sucara 269999 2923629 2025 228 291 -50 NSI
BAB-23-012 Sucara 269783 2923704 2098 105 109 -50 NSI
BAB-23-013 Sucara 269781 2923705 2098 303 288 -50 NSI
BAB-23-014 Sucara South 269873 2922842 2248 240 270 -70 NSI


  1. EOH: End of hole
  2. NSI: No significant intercepts
  3. ETW: Estimated true width


Posted August 8, 2023

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