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Orla Mining Provides Update on Successful Drilling Program in Mexico

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Orla Mining Provides Update on Successful Drilling Program in Mexico






3.26 g/t Au over 56.9 m (Camino Rojo Sulphide Zone), 5.90 g/t AuEq over 8.5 m (Camino Rojo Deep Extension), and 61.2 g/t over 1.3 m (Regional Exploration)


Orla Mining Ltd. (TSX: OLA) (NYSE: ORLA) is pleased to provide an update on its exploration activities at Camino Rojo in the first half of 2023.


2023 Exploration Highlights: Camino Rojo (Mexico)


Camino Rojo Sulphides: Infill drilling to reduce drill spacing to 25-30 metres in the Sulphides domain has continued to return high-grade gold intercepts (>2 g/t) over wide widths (>30 m). Notable results include1:


Camino Rojo Sulphides
Hole CRSX22-11: 2.87 g/t Au over 93.0 m incl. 3.69 g/t Au over 48.5 m
Hole CRSX22-12A: 3.26 g/t Au over 56.9 m
Hole CRSX22-13: 3.11 g/t Au over 34.0 m incl. 10.29 g/t Au over 5.6 m
Hole CRSX22-13: 2.12 g/t Au over 43.0m incl. 2.78 g/t Au over 26.0 m
Hole CRSX23-14: 2.00 g/t Au over 38.5 m
Hole CRSX23-14A: 1.89 g/t Au over 63.0 m incl. 2.75 g/t Au over 31.5 m
Hole CRSX23-16A: 1.62 g/t Au over 62.6 m incl. 7.72 g/t Au over 6.0 m
Hole CRSX23-17A 3.18 g/t Au over 24.5 m
Hole CRSX23-17A 4.18 g/t Au over 12.0 m incl. 23.7 g/t Au over 1.5m
Hole CRSX23-17C: 3.16 g/t Au over 29.0 m
Hole CRSX23-17C: 3.05 g/t Au over 42.0 m

Camino Rojo Deep Extension (“Deep Extension”): A new style of polymetallic (Au-Ag-Zn) semi-massive to massive sulphide mineralization has been confirmed in drill holes testing below the Caracol Formation hosted Sulphides. These deeper intercepts indicate mineralization remains open at depth along and adjacent to interpreted feeder-like structures for the currently defined Camino Rojo deposit. Notable results include1:


Camino Rojo Sulphides Deep Extension
Hole CRSX23-15C: 5.90 g/t AuEq over 8.5 m (3.52 g/t Au, 26.2 g/t Ag, 3.64% Zn, 0.26% Cu)
Hole CRSX23-15C: 7.28 g/t AuEq over 3.3 m (4.54 g/t Au, 6.7 g/t Ag, 5.49% Zn, 0.06% Cu),
 incl. 8.00 g/t Au, 7.6g/t Ag, 12.5% Zn, 0.11% Cu over 1.2m)
Hole CRSX23-15C: 17.6 g/t AuEq over 1.5 m (15.4 g/t Au, 6.7 g/t Ag, 4.39% Zn, 0.04% Cu)

Regional Exploration: Follow-up drilling at the Guanamero target area, located approximately 7 km northeast of the Camino Rojo mine along the mine structural trend, returned encouraging and narrow high-grade gold results with occurrences of visible gold in two of the seven holes completed. Notable assay results include1:


Camino Rojo Regional Exploration (Guanamero)
Hole CRED23-05: 0.69 g/t Au over 10.5 m incl. 4.02 g/t Au over 1.5 m (visible gold)
Hole CRED23-05: 0.94 g/t Au over 3.3 m incl. 1.08 g/t Au over 1.7 m
Hole CRED23-06: 61.2 g/t Au over 1.3 m (visible gold)
Hole CRED23-06: 2.72 g/t Au over 1.5 m

“The 2023 Camino Rojo Sulphides infill and deep extension drill programs continue to generate excellent gold intersections, including massive sulphide replacement style mineralization below the current resource. These results are exciting as they enhance future development opportunity scenarios and provide resource growth potential at depth. We have also encountered high-grade gold assays with visible gold, highlighting the prospectivity on our under-explored regional land package. We are advancing a full exploration pipeline in 2023 in an effort to upgrade and expand reserves and resources and make new discoveries.”


Sylvain Guerard, Orla’s Senior Vice President, Exploration


2023 Exploration: Camino Rojo (Mexico)


Orla’s 2023 Camino Rojo exploration program consists of three projects with a total budget of $22 million. Approximately 40% of the planned 34,000 metres of drilling on the Sulphides has been completed and is intended to advance the understanding of the deposit. The layback oxide extension (the “Layback Program”) intends to confirm and delineate mineralization located in the oxide pit layback and allow for an update of mineral resource and reserve estimates planned in late 2023. The Layback Program, consisting of approximately 3,000 metres in 24 drillholes, was completed in late May and assay results are pending. The regional exploration drill program is testing priority regional targets in an effort to make new satellite discoveries. Approximately 30% of the planned 20,000 metres regional drilling program has been completed to date.


Near Mine Exploration Results: Camino Rojo Sulphides


Drill results at Camino Rojo Sulphides continue to support potential for underground development


Drilling continues to intercept wide zones (>15m down-hole drill intersections) of higher-grade gold mineralization (>2g/t Au), and in conjunction with metallurgical results from the 2021 drilling (see news release dated May 9, 2022), supports the potential for underground development and a standalone processing option for the Camino Rojo Sulphides. The 2023 program is building on Orla’s previous drill programs, infilling the higher-grade portions of the deposit with 50-metre spacing of south-oriented drill holes. Overall drill spacing at the end of this phase of drilling, including historical north-oriented drill holes, will be 25-30 metres. Infill drilling of the sulphide deposit will be used to update the geological model and the resource estimate for the Camino Rojo Sulphides. To date, approximately 14,000 metres of the approximately 34,000-metre drill program have been drilled. Assay results from 11 of the planned 57 holes completed in 2023 have returned 17 significant mineralized drill intercepts with a grade-by-thickness factor greater than 50 g/t gold by metre (g/t * m), including five intercepts with grade-by-thickness factor greater than 100 g/t gold by metre. Full drill results are available in the Appendix to this news release and are available at


The current open pit mineral resource estimate for the Sulphides at Camino Rojo is 74 koz of measured resource (3.358 million tonnes at 0.69 g/t gold) and 7,221 koz of indicated resources (255.445 million tonnes at 0.88 g/t gold) with an effective date of June 7, 20192. The resource estimate will be updated following completion of the 2023 drill program. The updated resource will then support studies for a potential underground development scenario.


Near Mine Exploration Results: Camino Rojo Sulphides Deep Extension


New style of mineralization including high grade gold and zinc intersections continue to support potential for extension of Camino Rojo Sulphides


Approximately 20% of the 2023 sulphide drill program is planned to be extended, beyond the boundaries of the current open pit resource estimate, to test the down plunge continuity of gold mineralization along the steep northwest dipping Dike Structural Zone. Results from the first of these extended drill holes, CRSX23-15C, have returned high-grade gold and polymetallic intercepts, such as:

  • 15.4 g/t Au & 4.4% Zn over 1.5 m,
  • 3.52 g/t Au, 26.2 g/t Ag & 3.6% Zn over 8.5 m including 6.57 g/t Au, 33.7 g/t Ag & 5.7% Zn over 1.7 m and including 6.86 g/t Au, 38.7 g/t Ag & 1.2% Zn over 1.6 m
  • and 4.54 g/t Au over 3.3 m including 8.00 g/t Au & 12.5% Zn over 1.2 m.


Individual assays and composite values for deep extension intercepts in hole CRSX23-15C are provided in Table 1. High-grade, polymetallic intercepts below the currently defined Camino Rojo resource are associated with massive sulphide replacement-style mineralization of carbonate horizons interpreted to be in close proximity to interpreted feeder-like structures. Additional drilling in the Deep Extension target area through the remainder of 2023 will seek to continue defining the extent and grade of this style of mineralization down-plunge of the Camino Rojo deposit.


Table 1: CRSX23-15C Camino Rojo Deep Extension intercepts. Composite and raw assay values.


Hole ID From To Au g/t Ag g/t Cu ppm Zn ppm AuEq g/t Interval Composite
CRSX23-15C 918.43 920 1.30 1.6 90 508 1.36 1.57 16.6m @ 2.28g/t AuEq

(1.76g/t Au, 7g/t Ag,
237ppm Cu, 0.86% Zn)

CRSX23-15C 920 921.5 1.92 9.1 157 23000 3.13 1.5
CRSX23-15C 921.5 923 3.97 10.4 194 16600 4.90 1.5
CRSX23-15C 923 924.5 0.63 23.1 1220 2230 1.17 1.5
CRSX23-15C 924.5 926 0.34 1.4 90 1535 0.44 1.5
CRSX23-15C 926 927.5 1.50 5.0 196 13700 2.23 1.5
CRSX23-15C 927.5 929 0.45 2.5 16 1305 0.54 1.5
CRSX23-15C 929 930.5 0.27 1.9 105 4080 0.50 1.5
CRSX23-15C 930.5 932 0.42 0.3 20 419 0.44 1.5
CRSX23-15C 932 933.5 7.37 21.6 517 31100 9.16 1.5
CRSX23-15C 933.5 935 1.19 0.7 5 541 1.22 1.5
CRSX23-15C 945.5 947 3.09 10.5 190 526 3.27 1.5 5.3m @ 2.68g/t AuEq

(2g/t Au, 7.7g/t Ag,
279ppm Cu, 1.16% Zn)

CRSX23-15C 947 948.5 0.16 1.3 147 568 0.22 1.5
CRSX23-15C 948.5 950.18 0.30 1.2 117 956 0.38 1.68
CRSX23-15C 950.18 950.78 8.65 34.9 1285 96900 13.80 0.6
CRSX23-15C 965.5 967 1.34 27.5 4020 30600 3.69 1.5 8.5m @ 5.90g/t AuEq
(3.52g/t Au, 26.2g/t Ag,
2589ppm Cu, 3.64% Zn)
CRSX23-15C 967 968 3.41 8.1 981 292 3.66 1
CRSX23-15C 968 969 0.05 1.5 65 477 0.10 1
CRSX23-15C 969 970.65 6.57 33.7 1380 56600 9.84 1.65
CRSX23-15C 970.65 972.3 1.28 30.8 1110 89400 6.06 1.65
CRSX23-15C 972.3 973.95 6.86 38.7 6480 11900 8.83 1.65
CRSX23-15C 994.5 995.35 3.16 1.7 303 14150 3.89 0.85 3.3m @ 7.28g/t AuEq
(4.54g/t Au, 6.7g/t Ag,
587ppm Cu, 5.49% Zn)
CRSX23-15C 995.35 996.55 8.00 7.6 1120 125000 14.12 1.2
CRSX23-15C 996.55 997.75 2.05 9.4 254 13650 2.84 1.2
CRSX23-15C 1026 1027.5 2.27 10.0 520 679 2.49 1.5 1.5m @ 2.49g/t AuEq
(2.27g/t Au, 10g/t Ag,
520ppm Cu, 679ppm Zn)
CRSX23-15C 1048.5 1050 15.35 6.7 385 43900 17.55 1.5 1.5m @ 17.55g/t AuEq
(15.35g/t Au, 6.7g/t Ag,
385ppm Cu, 4.39% Zn)


In addition to extending drill holes as part of the Sulphides drill program, the Company plans to drill approximately 2,300 metres in four additional directional drill holes in the second half of the year. This additional drilling section will follow-up on a historical intercept of 4.04 g/t Au over 46.5 m, incl. 27 m at 6.26 g/t Au (and incl. 7.5 m at 15.8 g/t Au, 36.5 g/t Ag, 5.7% Zn) in hole CR12-366D, approximately 250 metres down-plunge of the most recent deep intercept in hole CRSX23-15C. Mineralization intersected in hole CRSX23-15C and in historical intercepts consist mostly of semi-massive to massive sulphide replacement-style mineralization within the Indidura and Cuesta del Cura formations. This new style of sulphide replacement mineralization below the current boundaries of the open pit resource estimate may represent an opportunity to expand an underground sulphide resource at Camino Rojo.


The 2023 Camino Rojo Sulphides drill program will continue into the second half of the year, providing crucial information to support evaluation of the potential for underground development and a standalone processing option for the Camino Rojo Sulphides as well as continuing to provide critical information to evaluate the potential extension of the Camino Rojo deposit at depth.


Near Mine Exploration Results:  Layback Program


The Company began drilling in the oxide pit layback in late April to confirm and delineate mineralization on the Fresnillo Plc property, located immediately north of and adjacent to the Camino Rojo Oxide Mine open pit. While historical drilling indicates that mineralization continues across the property boundary onto the Fresnillo layback area, no ounces from this area are currently included in the Camino Rojo mineral resource and mineral reserve estimate. The Layback Program, consisting of approximately 3,000 metres in 24 drillholes, was completed in late May. Results of the Layback Program will be included in an update of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates planned in late 2023. Assay results are pending.


Regional Exploration Program Results


Orla’s first diamond drill core hole outside the Camino Rojo deposit returned 0.54 g/t Au over 7.10 m and 1.35 g/t Au over 2.35 m (previously reported, see news release dated January 31, 2023) at the Guanamero target. Follow-up drilling in 2023 has been positive with two of the seven drill holes completed returning visible gold and associated significant results, such as 61.2 g/t Au over 1.3 m and 0.69 g/t Au over 10.5 m incl. 4.02 g/t Au over 1.5 m. Full drill results are available in the Appendix to this news release and are available at


Results from this most recent drilling at Guanamero suggest gold mineralization extends and plunges moderately to the southwest, similar to the plunge of mineralization at the Camino Rojo deposit. Additional follow-up drilling to test the southwest plunge of mineralization at Guanamero is planned for 2023, along with drilling at other regional targets.


2023 Exploration Plans & Strategy: Camino Rojo (Mexico)


Mexico Exploration 2023 Program Drilling Planned Spend
Camino Rojo Sulphides Drilling (capitalized) Infilling sulphides

and other near-mine drilling

34,000 m DD sulphides

(20% deep extension)

6,500 m DD oxides

Camino Rojo Layback Program (capitalized) Infill on oxide mine

layback area

3,000 m DD $2m
Camino Rojo Regional Exploration (expensed) Target drill testing

and target definition

15,000-20,000 m RC

2,000-5,000 m DD

+Geophysical & geochemical surveys

Total Mexico Exploration $22m



Qualified Persons Statement


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Sylvain Guerard, P Geo., SVP Exploration of the Company, who is the Qualified Person as defined under the definitions of National Instrument 43-101.


To verify the information related to the 2022 and 2023 drilling programs at the Camino Rojo property, Mr. Guerard has visited the property in the past year; discussed logging, sampling, and sample shipping processes with responsible site staff; discussed and reviewed assay and QA/QC results with responsible personnel; and reviewed supporting documentation, including drill hole location and orientation and significant assay interval calculations.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control – 2022 and 2023 Drill Programs


All gold results at Camino Rojo were obtained by ALS Minerals (Au-AA23) using fire assay fusion and an atomic absorption spectroscopy finish. All samples are also analyzed for multi-elements, including silver, copper, lead and zinc using a four-acid digestion with ICP-AES finish (ME-ICP61) method at ALS Laboratories in Canada. If samples were returned with gold values in excess of 10 ppm or base metal values in excess of 1% by ICP analysis, samples are re-run with gold (Au-GRA21) by fire assay and gravimetric finish or base metal by (OG62) four acid overlimit methods. Drill program design, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and interpretation of results were performed by qualified persons employing a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Standards were inserted at a frequency of one in every 50 samples, and blanks were inserted at a frequency of one in every 50 samples for Quality Assurance/Quality Control purposes by the Company as well as the lab. ALS Laboratories is independent of Orla. There are no known drilling, sampling, recovery, or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the drilling data at Camino Rojo.


For additional informaiton on the Company’s previoulsy reported drill results, see the Company’s press releases dated February 4, 2021 (Orla Mining Provides Exploration Update), September 12, 2022 (Orla Mining Advances Exploration & Growth Pipeline) and January 31, 2023 (Orla Mining Continues to Intersect Wide, Higher-Grade Sulphide Zones and Expose Deeper Potential at Camino Rojo, Mexico). Historical drill results at Camino Rojo were completed by Goldcorp. Inc. (“Goldcorp”), a prior owner of the project. The Company’s independent qualified person, Independent Mining Consultants, Inc. was of the opinion that the drilling and sampling procedures for Camino Rojo drill samples by Goldcorp (and prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp, Canplats Resources Corporation) were reasonable and adequate for the purposes of the Camino Rojo Report, and that the Goldcorp QA/QC program met or exceeded industry standards. See the Camino Rojo Report for additional information.


About Orla Mining Ltd.


Orla is operating the Camino Rojo Oxide Gold Mine, a gold and silver open-pit and heap leach mine, located in Zacatecas State, Mexico. The property is 100% owned by Orla and covers over 160,000 hectares. The technical report for the 2021 Feasibility Study on the Camino Rojo oxide gold project entitled “Unconstrained Feasibility Study NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Camino Rojo Gold Project – Municipality of Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico” dated January 11, 2021 (the “Camino Rojo Report”), is available on SEDAR and EDGAR under the Company’s profile at and, respectively. Orla also owns 100% of Cerro Quema located in Panama which includes a gold production scenario and various exploration targets. Cerro Quema is a proposed open pit mine and gold heap leach operation. The technical report for the Pre-Feasibility Study on the Cerro Quema oxide gold project entitled “Project Pre-Feasibility Updated NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Cerro Quema Project, Province of Los Santos, Panama” dated January 18, 2022, is available on SEDAR and EDGAR under the Company’s profile at and, respectively. Orla also owns 100% of the South Railroad Project, a feasibility-stage, open pit, heap leach project located on the Carlin trend in Nevada. The technical report for the 2022 Feasibility Study entitled “South Railroad Project, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report Feasibility Study, Elko County, Nevada” dated March 23, 2022, is available on SEDAR and EDGAR under the Company’s profile at and, respectively. The technical reports are available on Orla’s website at


Appendix: Drill Results


Table 1: Camino Rojo Near Mine Sulphide Composite Drill Results (Composites 1g/t Au cog)


Core Length
Estimated True Width
AuEq g/t
Au GXM AuEq GXM Including
2.0g/t Au COG
10g/t Au HG
CRSX22-11 227.00 228.60 1.6 1.3 1.25 4.3 25 739 1.33 1.99 2.14 Caracol
CRSX22-11 284.00 285.50 1.5 1.2 3.27 17.6 89 1460 3.56 4.91 5.34  1.5m @ 3.27g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-11 296.00 297.50 1.5 1.2 1.04 6.6 79 2410 1.24 1.55 1.86 Caracol
CRSX22-11 303.50 306.50 3.0 2.4 1.21 4.3 42 1703 1.34 3.62 4.03 Caracol
CRSX22-11 314.00 318.50 4.5 3.7 1.03 20.4 136 3494 1.46 4.65 6.57 Caracol
CRSX22-11 342.50 355.90 13.4 10.9 2.50 29.0 201 9839 3.34 33.54 44.78  9.6m @ 3.21g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-11 363.50 456.50 93.0 71.2 2.87 18.5 163 6748 3.43 267.05 319.33  4.5m @ 2.65g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.12g/t Au
1.4m @ 3.48g/t Au
48.5m @ 3.69g/t Au
9m @ 4.75g/t Au
 1.5m @ 30.8g/t Au
1.5m @ 22.6g/t Au
 363.5 – 363.61 Caracol
363.61 – 364 Breccia
364 – 375 Caracol
375 – 377.6 Breccia
377.6 – 405.02 Caracol
405.02 – 418.15 FG Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
418.15 – 456.5 Caracol
CRSX22-11 473.00 497.00 24.0 19.3 1.50 9.4 111 4953 1.86 35.89 44.54  3m @ 3.46g/t Au
1.5m @ 7.4g/t Au
CRSX22-12A 303.00 304.50 1.5 1.1 1.54 4.2 41 168 1.60 2.31 2.41 Caracol
CRSX22-12A 319.50 321.00 1.5 1.1 4.95 11.9 44 332 5.11 7.43 7.67  1.5m @ 4.95g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 328.50 337.50 9.0 6.7 1.43 20.6 90 3657 1.86 12.89 16.77  1.5m @ 2.66g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 345.00 346.50 1.5 1.1 1.36 14.9 70 1395 1.61 2.03 2.41 Caracol
CRSX22-12A 364.50 392.00 27.5 20.4 1.06 18.1 158 3476 1.46 29.08 40.14  1.5m @ 3.28g/t Au
1m @ 9.06g/t Au
CRSX22-12A 399.50 401.00 1.5 1.1 2.45 5.1 55 10000 2.99 3.68 4.48  1.5m @ 2.45g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 414.50 416.00 1.5 1.1 4.07 37.3 244 7960 4.93 6.11 7.39  1.5m @ 4.07g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 426.50 429.50 3.0 2.2 2.95 6.3 88 2990 3.17 8.84 9.52  3m @ 2.94g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 437.75 494.60 56.9 41.9 3.26 13.2 307 6238 3.75 185.18 213.28  56.85m @ 3.26g/t Au  1.6m @ 10.4g/t Au
1.7m @ 15.5g/t Au
 437.75 – 473 Caracol
473 – 474.5 FG Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
474.5 – 494.6 Caracol
CRSX22-12A 502.70 513.00 10.3 7.6 1.52 5.8 104 1207 1.66 15.64 17.09  1.5m @ 3.92g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.05g/t Au
CRSX22-12A 526.80 528.50 1.7 1.2 6.44 34.9 603 6940 7.27 10.95 12.36  1.7m @ 6.44g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-12A 538.00 539.00 1.0 0.8 2.49 8.6 209 26700 3.88 2.49 3.88 Caracol
CRSX22-13 307.50 313.65 6.1 4.7 1.01 5.0 41 272 1.09 6.19 6.68 Breccia
CRSX22-13 319.50 322.50 3.0 2.3 2.21 9.3 33 677 2.35 6.62 7.06  1.5m @ 3.33g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-13 340.50 342.00 1.5 1.1 1.19 2.6 34 142 1.23 1.78 1.84 Caracol
CRSX22-13 394.00 398.50 4.5 3.4 1.24 25.9 142 6857 1.89 5.59 8.53 Caracol
CRSX22-13 424.00 441.00 17.0 13.0 1.49 8.0 76 2620 1.71 25.25 29.15  1.5m @ 2.37g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.5g/t Au
6.5m @ 2.15g/t Au
CRSX22-13 450.00 484.00 34.0 25.9 3.11 13.2 192 3740 3.47 105.65 117.90  16m @ 2.14g/t Au
5.6m @ 10.29g/t Au
 1.7m @ 32.4g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-13 493.00 536.00 43.0 32.7 2.12 6.7 167 4154 2.42 91.31 104.15  1.5m @ 3.8g/t Au
26m @ 2.78g/t Au
 1.5m @ 13.3g/t Au  493 – 517.9 Caracol
517.9 – 520.9 FG Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
520.9 – 536 Caracol
CRSX22-13 548.00 579.90 31.9 24.2 2.11 13.4 336 5054 2.55 67.21 81.40  25.9m @ 2.33g/t Au Caracol
CRSX22-13 587.50 588.75 1.3 0.9 1.43 9.4 246 3610 1.74 1.78 2.18 Caracol
CRSX22-13 592.15 593.50 1.4 1.0 1.14 8.6 154 4700 1.49 1.54 2.01 Caracol
CRSX22-13 598.50 600.00 1.5 1.1 2.75 4.7 186 2380 2.94 4.13 4.42  1.5m @ 2.75g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.75g/t Au
Porph Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
CRSX22-13 613.90 616.90 3.0 2.3 1.27 20.4 269 7303 1.89 3.81 5.68 Caracol
CRSX23-14 409.00 410.50 1.5 1.0 3.50 26.0 39 597 3.85 5.25 5.77  1.5m @ 3.5g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-14 440.40 476.00 35.6 23.3 1.74 10.9 96 2683 2.01 61.86 71.48  1.2m @ 3.44g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.21g/t Au
18m @ 2.64g/t Au
CRSX23-14 483.50 494.00 10.5 6.8 1.25 7.2 78 2734 1.48 13.15 15.52  1.5m @ 3.69g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-14 509.00 547.50 38.5 25.0 2.00 11.3 166 4673 2.38 76.99 91.55  1.5m @ 2.78g/t Au
4m @ 2.58g/t Au
6m @ 2.34g/t Au
4.5m @ 6.06g/t Au
CRSX23-14 565.50 567.00 1.5 1.0 1.45 14.4 175 1020 1.69 2.18 2.54 Caracol
CRSX23-14 585.00 588.00 3.0 2.0 1.73 6.5 243 2510 1.96 5.20 5.89  1.5m @ 2.01g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-14 625.00 626.50 1.5 1.0 1.42 4.2 174 2020 1.59 2.13 2.38 Caracol
CRSX23-14 631.00 632.50 1.5 1.0 1.69 22.6 612 29300 3.42 2.53 5.13 Caracol
CRSX23-14 637.00 638.50 1.5 1.0 1.42 16.7 242 10050 2.13 2.13 3.19 Caracol
CRSX23-14A 377.50 379.00 1.5 1.1 1.53 2.3 48 1205 1.62 2.29 2.42 Caracol
CRSX23-14A 397.00 460.00 63.0 47.4 1.89 10.4 97 3463 2.19 119.02 137.96  31.5m @ 2.75g/t Au
1.5m @ 4.88g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.07g/t Au
 1.5m @ 20.1g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-14A 472.00 475.00 3.0 2.2 1.08 5.7 143 2690 1.30 3.25 3.89 Caracol
CRSX23-14A 492.00 544.50 52.5 39.2 1.31 5.8 124 1211 1.45 68.58 76.10  1.5m @ 2.22g/t Au
3.4m @ 7.23g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.65g/t Au
 1.1m @ 17.1g/t Au  492 – 519.2 Caracol
519.2 – 522.15 Breccia
522.15 – 544.5 Caracol
CRSX23-15 532.50 560.00 27.5 17.5 1.84 16.7 89 3046 2.20 50.67 60.45  1.5m @ 2.23g/t Au
3.4m @ 8.07g/t Au
 1.95m @ 11.16g/t Au  532.5 – 543.1 Caracol
543.1 – 545.15 Breccia
545.15 – 560 Caracol
CRSX23-15 577.50 600.50 23.0 14.5 2.35 6.1 89 3108 2.58 54.03 59.35  7.5m @ 2.82g/t Au
3m @ 7.22g/t Au
 577.5 – 586.45 Caracol
586.45 – 588.85 Breccia
588.85 – 600.5 Caracol
CRSX23-15 608.00 620.00 12.0 7.6 5.09 14.4 160 2542 5.41 61.12 64.89  8.9m @ 6.37g/t Au  0.5m @ 62.1g/t Au  608 – 614 Caracol
614 – 616.9 Breccia
616.9 – 620 Caracol
CRSX23-15 629.00 630.50 1.5 0.9 11.20 8.8 31 39 11.31 16.80 16.97  1.5m @ 11.2g/t Au  1.5m @ 11.2g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15 693.50 695.00 1.5 0.9 5.41 4.8 34 111 5.48 8.12 8.22  1.5m @ 5.41g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15C 521.00 524.00 3.0 2.3 1.43 13.9 130 3005 1.76 4.29 5.27 Caracol
CRSX23-15C 534.50 563.50 29.0 22.1 2.04 11.8 147 3177 2.35 59.09 68.10  7.5m @ 2.49g/t Au
9.5m @ 3.69g/t Au
 1m @ 18.95g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15C 584.50 590.50 6.0 4.6 3.21 12.4 201 3189 3.54 19.26 21.22  4.5m @ 3.81g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15C 598.00 608.50 10.5 8.0 2.92 10.3 199 3136 3.21 30.62 33.75  10.5m @ 2.92g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15C 625.00 626.50 1.5 1.1 4.49 5.0 169 82 4.58 6.74 6.87  1.5m @ 4.49g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-15C 637.00 638.50 1.5 1.1 1.76 8.2 52 370 1.88 2.63 2.82 Caracol
CRSX23-15C 683.90 685.65 1.8 1.3 1.63 2.5 116 34 1.68 2.85 2.94 Caracol
CRSX23-15C 710.50 724.00 13.5 10.2 1.53 6.4 141 3131 1.78 20.69 23.97  6m @ 2.33g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.74g/t Au
CRSX23-15C 736.00 764.50 28.5 21.6 2.65 6.9 178 1781 2.84 75.51 80.96  15m @ 4.22g/t Au  1.5m @ 10.3g/t Au  736 – 759.8 Caracol
759.8 – 764.5 Indidura
CRSX23-15C 775.00 776.50 1.5 1.1 4.43 36.1 343 15400 5.63 6.65 8.45  1.5m @ 4.43g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-15C 803.00 804.50 1.5 1.1 4.85 18.6 475 6740 5.46 7.28 8.18  1.5m @ 4.85g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-15C 819.50 821.00 1.5 1.1 1.54 12.3 794 3730 1.97 2.31 2.96 Indidura
CRSX23-15C 842.00 846.50 4.5 3.4 1.09 10.6 480 407 1.30 4.90 5.86 Indidura
CRSX23-15C 851.00 852.50 1.5 1.1 1.87 1.4 109 130 1.91 2.81 2.86 Indidura
CRSX23-15C 870.50 876.50 6.0 4.5 1.06 11.1 444 4139 1.45 6.37 8.70  1.5m @ 2.4g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-15C 890.00 893.00 3.0 2.2 1.44 1.2 72 270 1.47 4.31 4.41 Indidura
CRSX23-15C 918.43 935.00 16.6 13.7 1.76 7.0 237 8604 2.28 29.10 37.74  1.5m @ 3.97g/t Au
1.5m @ 7.37g/t Au
Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-15C 945.50 950.78 5.3 4.4 2.00 7.7 279 11626 2.68 10.57 14.14  5.28m @ 2g/t Au Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-15C 965.50 973.95 8.5 7.0 3.52 26.2 2589 36356 5.90 29.74 49.84  6.95m @ 3.99g/t Au Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-15C 994.50 997.75 3.3 2.7 4.54 6.7 587 54895 7.28 14.75 23.66  3.25m @ 4.54g/t Au Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-15C 1026.00 1027.50 1.5 1.2 2.27 10.0 520 679 2.49 3.41 3.74  1.5m @ 2.27g/t Au Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-15C 1048.50 1050.00 1.5 1.2 15.35 6.7 385 43900 17.55 23.03 26.32  1.5m @ 15.35g/t Au  1.5m @ 15.35g/t Au Cuesta de Cura
CRSX23-16 473.50 509.00 35.5 24.2 1.10 7.1 73 2839 1.32 38.90 47.03  1.5m @ 2.11g/t Au
4.5m @ 2.34g/t Au
CRSX23-16 516.50 555.50 39.0 26.6 2.10 8.5 128 3774 2.40 81.89 93.48  18m @ 2.38g/t Au
6m @ 3.63g/t Au
CRSX23-16 566.00 572.00 6.0 4.1 1.17 5.6 117 2005 1.35 7.05 8.11 Caracol
CRSX23-16 584.00 618.50 34.5 23.6 1.07 5.4 144 2907 1.29 37.06 44.68  4.5m @ 2.36g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.02g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.53g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.09g/t Au
CRSX23-16 626.00 628.05 2.0 1.4 1.69 5.4 258 10615 2.29 3.47 4.70 Caracol
CRSX23-16 634.10 634.85 0.8 0.5 3.59 80.6 1170 91700 9.03 2.69 6.77 Indidura
CRSX23-16A 423.00 424.50 1.5 1.1 2.58 26.3 122 1500 2.98 3.87 4.47  1.5m @ 2.58g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-16A 431.90 494.50 62.6 47.4 1.62 6.9 81 2046 1.81 101.45 113.35  6m @ 7.72g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.14g/t Au
0.9m @ 6g/t Au
 1.5m @ 18.05g/t Au
1.5m @ 10.95g/t Au
CRSX23-16A 506.50 522.00 15.5 11.4 1.02 8.2 133 5341 1.39 15.83 21.53  1.55m @ 2.13g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-16A 532.50 535.50 3.0 2.2 2.29 15.3 273 23170 3.60 6.86 10.79  1.5m @ 3.17g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-16A 546.25 561.40 15.2 11.1 1.13 7.7 166 2700 1.37 17.14 20.80  1.85m @ 2.7g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.34g/t Au
CRSX23-16A 573.50 575.00 1.5 1.1 1.31 2.8 140 7200 1.70 1.97 2.55 Caracol
CRSX23-16A 592.00 595.00 3.0 2.2 1.41 13.5 122 2990 1.73 4.24 5.19 Caracol
CRSX23-16A 601.50 606.00 4.5 3.3 1.89 3.9 125 2641 2.08 8.49 9.34  1.5m @ 3.43g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 478.00 479.50 1.5 1.4 1.46 27.6 166 5040 2.05 2.19 3.08 Caracol
CRSX23-17A 485.50 497.50 12.0 11.2 1.04 18.2 85 2382 1.38 12.42 16.52 Caracol
CRSX23-17A 502.00 526.50 24.5 22.8 3.18 10.3 134 3432 3.49 78.01 85.44  15.5m @ 4.67g/t Au  0.65m @ 51.2g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 537.00 538.50 1.5 1.4 1.18 2.8 81 1625 1.30 1.77 1.95 Caracol
CRSX23-17A 546.00 562.50 16.5 15.3 1.92 7.8 131 5263 2.28 31.66 37.57  13.5m @ 2.05g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 570.00 583.00 13.0 12.0 2.14 7.7 123 4320 2.45 27.80 31.86  7m @ 3.15g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 593.50 616.50 23.0 21.2 2.18 4.5 112 1236 2.31 50.17 53.12  20m @ 2.32g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 627.96 646.50 18.5 17.1 1.47 6.0 182 2842 1.70 27.28 31.56  7.5m @ 2.51g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 664.50 684.00 19.5 18.0 1.72 9.7 169 1777 1.94 33.50 37.84  9m @ 2.25g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.43g/t Au
CRSX23-17A 693.00 706.50 13.5 12.4 1.17 19.3 263 3658 1.61 15.80 21.73  1.5m @ 4.44g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 724.20 733.50 9.3 8.6 1.94 26.4 366 2655 2.43 18.00 22.58  4.8m @ 3.1g/t Au  724.2 – 727.75 FG Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
727.75 – 733.5 Caracol
CRSX23-17A 741.00 742.50 1.5 1.4 2.28 13.3 224 3090 2.62 3.42 3.92  1.5m @ 2.28g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17A 754.50 766.50 12.0 11.0 4.18 41.0 254 4167 4.91 50.21 58.88  12m @ 4.18g/t Au  1.5m @ 23.7g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 445.20 446.50 1.3 1.1 1.69 12.5 106 1980 1.94 2.19 2.53 Breccia
CRSX23-17B 460.00 461.50 1.5 1.3 1.40 3.1 40 103 1.45 2.10 2.17 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 475.00 478.00 3.0 2.6 2.36 51.0 190 7195 3.33 7.07 9.99  1.5m @ 3.43g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 486.50 488.40 1.9 1.6 3.27 72.8 233 10137 4.66 6.22 8.85  1.9m @ 3.27g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 505.00 527.50 22.5 19.2 1.81 4.6 130 2971 2.02 40.74 45.53  4.5m @ 2.28g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.08g/t Au
6m @ 3.55g/t Au
CRSX23-17B 538.00 545.50 7.5 6.4 1.17 9.7 123 3516 1.47 8.79 11.02  1.5m @ 2.46g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 559.00 569.50 10.5 8.9 4.38 18.8 143 1714 4.71 46.01 49.44  10.5m @ 4.38g/t Au  1.5m @ 16.95g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 595.00 596.50 1.5 1.3 1.31 1.2 62 192 1.34 1.97 2.01 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 602.50 604.00 1.5 1.3 1.37 5.0 181 1410 1.52 2.06 2.28 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 611.50 638.50 27.0 22.8 2.59 4.5 148 2551 2.78 69.90 75.13  27m @ 2.59g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 674.50 676.00 1.5 1.3 1.87 1.6 44 2360 2.00 2.80 3.00 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 686.50 688.00 1.5 1.3 3.27 7.9 221 2370 3.51 4.91 5.26  1.5m @ 3.27g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 697.00 708.40 11.4 9.6 2.15 30.3 437 8490 2.97 24.46 33.84  9.9m @ 2.3g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17B 716.73 719.00 2.3 1.9 1.19 27.2 668 3051 1.76 2.71 3.99 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 726.50 731.00 4.5 3.8 1.55 23.9 370 4470 2.09 6.95 9.42  1.5m @ 2.11g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.42g/t Au
CRSX23-17B 737.00 738.50 1.5 1.3 1.06 35.0 215 1810 1.59 1.58 2.38 Caracol
CRSX23-17B 760.50 762.00 1.5 1.3 1.58 11.0 352 3320 1.91 2.36 2.87 Porph Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
CRSX23-17C 475.60 475.95 0.3 0.3 4.31 28.0 393 554 4.73 1.51 1.65 Caracol
CRSX23-17C 495.50 524.50 29.0 24.8 3.16 17.3 140 3552 3.56 91.77 103.19  24.5m @ 3.57g/t Au  0.65m @ 16.1g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17C 536.50 578.50 42.0 33.3 3.05 4.2 99 1901 3.21 128.31 134.76  34.5m @ 3.48g/t Au  1.5m @ 16.4g/t Au
1.5m @ 11.75g/t Au
1.5m @ 25.6g/t Au
CRSX23-17C 590.50 598.00 7.5 5.9 1.20 6.0 160 3907 1.48 9.03 11.11  1.5m @ 2.07g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17C 605.50 608.50 3.0 2.4 2.31 6.5 178 2593 2.53 6.92 7.59  1.5m @ 2.89g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17C 620.50 628.00 7.5 5.9 1.17 2.1 85 1562 1.28 8.76 9.59  1.5m @ 3.36g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17C 650.50 652.00 1.5 1.2 2.64 3.7 47 512 2.71 3.96 4.07  1.5m @ 2.64g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-17C 667.00 668.50 1.5 1.2 1.01 1.0 36 70 1.03 1.51 1.54 Caracol
CRSX23-17C 683.50 685.00 1.5 1.2 1.75 6.3 121 5890 2.11 2.62 3.17 Caracol
CRSX23-17C 695.50 697.00 1.5 1.2 1.65 5.3 143 3360 1.89 2.48 2.84 Caracol
CRSX23-17C 709.00 710.50 1.5 1.2 1.46 4.4 285 980 1.60 2.19 2.40 Caracol
CRSX23-17C 730.00 731.50 1.5 1.2 2.66 12.3 346 3800 3.03 3.99 4.55  1.5m @ 2.66g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-17C 734.50 736.00 1.5 1.2 1.03 8.9 331 6270 1.47 1.54 2.21 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 739.00 739.60 0.6 0.5 3.07 108.0 935 5350 4.75 1.84 2.85 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 754.50 756.00 1.5 1.2 1.31 7.0 462 6160 1.74 1.96 2.61 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 773.70 774.20 0.5 0.4 4.22 83.6 6230 14900 6.78 2.11 3.39 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 780.90 781.90 1.0 0.8 2.28 30.4 909 20900 3.75 2.28 3.75 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 791.00 792.50 1.5 1.2 1.27 8.3 271 1070 1.45 1.90 2.18 Indidura
CRSX23-17C 798.50 800.00 1.5 1.2 3.46 81.9 1570 13300 5.28 5.19 7.93  1.5m @ 3.46g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-17C 815.00 816.70 1.7 1.3 10.55 8.4 232 2380 10.79 17.94 18.35  1.7m @ 10.55g/t Au  1.7m @ 10.55g/t Au Porph Intrusives – hdb-bi-pl
CRSX23-17C 825.70 853.00 27.3 21.9 1.89 8.8 641 5903 2.36 51.65 64.52  1.5m @ 3.01g/t Au
5.05m @ 5.49g/t Au
 1m @ 20.2g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-18 448.50 450.00 1.5 1.0 3.83 59.0 209 5540 4.83 5.75 7.24  1.5m @ 3.83g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18 457.50 472.50 15.0 9.9 1.59 27.1 146 3835 2.11 23.81 31.69  1.5m @ 3.86g/t Au
3m @ 2.82g/t Au
CRSX23-18 484.50 486.00 1.5 1.0 1.75 6.5 76 3970 2.02 2.62 3.03 Caracol
CRSX23-18 489.00 507.00 18.0 11.8 1.16 2.7 54 2206 1.30 20.84 23.42  1.5m @ 5.19g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.32g/t Au
CRSX23-18 531.00 552.00 21.0 13.6 2.21 8.7 142 4755 2.55 46.33 53.62  10.5m @ 3.67g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18 562.50 586.50 24.0 15.5 1.89 5.7 180 3578 2.15 45.43 51.72  3.05m @ 9.1g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.8g/t Au
 1.55m @ 10.15g/t Au  562.5 – 564.3 Caracol
564.3 – 566.95 Breccia
566.95 – 586.5 Caracol
CRSX23-18 622.50 627.00 4.5 2.9 2.81 3.4 220 2579 3.00 12.65 13.51  1.5m @ 6.86g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18 636.00 651.00 15.0 9.6 1.60 10.5 216 1283 1.81 23.94 27.17  6m @ 2.55g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-18 673.00 681.50 8.5 8.2 2.88 19.7 279 8014 3.53 24.44 29.99  1.25m @ 14.75g/t Au  1.25m @ 14.75g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-18 692.00 693.50 1.5 1.4 1.19 2.4 64 1035 1.28 1.79 1.91 Indidura
CRSX23-18A 421.50 432.00 10.5 7.7 1.31 3.5 47 1443 1.43 13.79 15.01  4.5m @ 2.28g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18A 439.50 454.50 15.0 11.0 2.33 10.0 126 5237 2.72 35.02 40.77  7.5m @ 3.59g/t Au  1.5m @ 10.35g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18A 462.00 463.50 1.5 1.1 5.88 19.4 327 3720 6.33 8.82 9.50  1.5m @ 5.88g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18A 474.00 475.50 1.5 1.1 2.27 29.5 230 24600 3.81 3.41 5.72  1.5m @ 2.27g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18A 489.00 490.50 1.5 1.1 1.16 3.9 108 1130 1.27 1.73 1.90 Caracol
CRSX23-18A 493.50 495.00 1.5 1.1 1.01 1.1 46 733 1.06 1.51 1.59 Caracol
CRSX23-18A 508.50 529.50 21.0 15.4 1.71 12.6 173 3243 2.04 35.96 42.84  13.5m @ 2.14g/t Au  508.5 – 516.9 Caracol
516.9 – 517.55 Breccia
517.55 – 529.5 Caracol
CRSX23-18A 549.00 550.50 1.5 1.1 4.42 19.2 332 1900 4.79 6.63 7.18  1.5m @ 4.42g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-18A 559.50 627.50 68.0 49.7 1.10 2.4 128 1553 1.22 75.08 83.17  9m @ 2.4g/t Au
3m @ 2.6g/t Au
1.5m @ 5.66g/t Au
CRSX23-18A 685.00 686.50 1.5 1.4 2.68 31.3 685 17250 3.96 4.02 5.94  1.5m @ 2.68g/t Au Indidura
CRSX23-18A 693.30 708.00 14.7 13.9 1.25 21.0 457 6920 1.89 18.35 27.76  1.05m @ 7.41g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.38g/t Au
CRSX23-19 426.00 427.50 1.5 1.2 1.12 2.8 38 232 1.16 1.67 1.75 Caracol
CRSX23-19 444.00 453.00 9.0 6.9 1.84 10.8 56 2252 2.08 16.56 18.75  6m @ 2.09g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.27g/t Au
CRSX23-19 463.50 472.50 9.0 6.9 1.27 5.1 71 2233 1.44 11.40 12.98  3m @ 2.42g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.21g/t Au
CRSX23-19 481.50 493.50 12.0 9.2 1.40 7.1 85 2954 1.63 16.75 19.57  3m @ 2.12g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.27g/t Au
CRSX23-19 508.50 541.50 33.0 25.1 1.81 13.0 162 2126 2.08 59.61 68.79  7.5m @ 3.82g/t Au
1.5m @ 3.55g/t Au
1.5m @ 2.1g/t Au
 508.5 – 512.6 Caracol
512.6 – 514.5 Breccia
514.5 – 541.5 Caracol
CRSX23-19 552.00 553.50 1.5 1.1 2.65 4.6 203 2590 2.85 3.98 4.28  1.5m @ 2.65g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-19 565.50 568.50 3.0 2.3 1.74 2.1 88 3160 1.93 5.23 5.79 Caracol
CRSX23-19 580.50 585.00 4.5 3.4 1.30 4.0 122 1720 1.44 5.83 6.49  1.5m @ 2.3g/t Au Caracol
CRSX23-19 607.50 610.50 3.0 2.3 1.35 3.3 146 625 1.43 4.04 4.30 Caracol
CRSX23-19 613.50 620.00 6.5 5.0 1.01 1.3 105 989 1.09 6.56 7.06 Caracol
Criteria: Cut off grade 1g/t Au, minimum length 1.5m, maximum consecutive internal waste 6m, if Au grade x length > 1.5 the composite will be added
Price Assumptions: Au = 1750usd oz, Ag = 21usd oz, Cu = 3.5usd lb, Zn = 1.2usd lb
FR= Fresh Rock, OX= Oxide, TROL= Transition Oxide Low, TROH= Transition Oxide High, MX= Mixed, TRSX= Transition Sulphide, SX= Sulphide

Table 2: Camino Rojo Regional Program Composite Drill Results


Core Length
Au GXM Including
0.5g/t Au COG
1g/t Au COG
Met Code
CRED23-02 553.00 553.90 0.9 0.27 0.3 14.0 272.0 0.2  553 – 553.86 SX
553.86 – 553.9 TROH
CRED23-02 614.50 616.00 1.5 0.11 0.3 13.0 160.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-02 631.20 632.50 1.3 0.22 0.3 10.0 167.0 0.3 SX
CRED23-03 422.20 422.50 0.3 0.52 0.5 18.0 166.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-03 494.00 495.50 1.5 0.18 0.5 3.0 219.0 0.3 SX
CRED23-04 40.50 42.00 1.5 0.11 7.1 163.0 2240.0 0.2
CRED23-04 181.90 182.70 0.8 0.26 93.8 5200.0 2180.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-05 167.00 168.50 1.5 0.12 1.6 54.0 71.0 0.2 OX
CRED23-05 195.70 199.00 3.3 0.94 4.4 81.0 268.5 3.1  3.3m @ 0.94g/t Au  1.65m @ 1.08g/t Au SX
CRED23-05 257.00 260.90 3.9 0.16 1.0 35.5 110.7 0.6 SX
CRED23-05 279.50 290.00 10.5 0.69 1.2 60.0 202.9 7.3  1.5m @ 4.02g/t Au  1.5m @ 4.02g/t Au SX
CRED23-05 313.50 319.85 6.4 0.41 0.7 12.9 500.8 2.6  1.5m @ 1.3g/t Au  1.5m @ 1.3g/t Au SX
CRED23-05 354.50 366.95 12.5 0.11 0.5 23.9 337.3 1.3 SX
CRED23-05 400.00 411.70 11.7 0.10 0.7 13.9 71.6 1.2 SX
CRED23-05 413.50 414.60 1.1 0.15 0.6 7.0 143.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-05 469.70 470.70 1.0 0.18 0.6 90.0 40.0 0.2  469.7 – 469.8 TRSX
469.8 – 470.7 SX
CRED23-06 68.50 70.00 1.5 0.12 0.7 70.0 1275.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-06 258.50 260.00 1.5 0.16 0.7 20.0 694.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-06 279.50 281.00 1.5 2.72 0.9 18.0 1200.0 4.1  1.5m @ 2.72g/t Au  1.5m @ 2.72g/t Au SX
CRED23-06 300.70 302.00 1.3 61.20 0.8 22.0 182.0 79.6  1.3m @ 61.2g/t Au  1.3m @ 61.2g/t Au TRSX
CRED23-06 329.70 331.30 1.6 0.17 2.1 33.0 378.0 0.3 SX
CRED23-06 345.90 347.30 1.4 0.19 0.3 7.9 45.9 0.3 SX
CRED23-06 377.00 378.50 1.5 0.11 0.3 17.0 41.0 0.2 SX
CRED23-06 411.50 434.50 23.0 0.12 1.6 27.8 106.9 2.8 SX
CRED23-06 583.50 588.40 4.9 0.16 5.0 39.7 267.5 0.8 SX
CRED23-07 49.00 50.50 1.5 0.15 0.3 8.0 897.0 0.2 SX
Criteria: Cut off grade 0.1g/t Au, minimum length 1.5m, maximum consecutive internal waste 6m, if Au grade x length > 0.15 the composite will be added                                                                             
FR= Fresh Rock, OX= Oxide, TROL= Transition Oxide Low, TROH= Transition Oxide High, MX= Mixed, TRSX= Transition Sulphide, SX= Sulphide

Table 3: Camino Rojo Drill Hole Collars


Drillhole Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Depth (m)
CRED23-02 250238 2680279 1914 180 -65 641
CRED23-03 250238 2680277 1914 140 -60 602
CRED23-04 250501 2679986 1902 150 -60 368
CRED23-05 250001 2679984 1914 190 -80 552
CRED23-06 249998 2679760 1909 330 -60 630
CRED23-07 249996 2679761 1909 150 -60 470
CRSX22-11 243971 2676122 1948 146 -60 520
CRSX22-12A 243872 2676088 1950 149 -65 540
CRSX22-13 243713 2676055 1952 140 -65 620
CRSX23-14 244058 2676260 1948 154 -89 662
CRSX23-14A 244058 2676260 1948 154 -80 560
CRSX23-15 243580 2676157 1954 158 -74 729
CRSX23-15C 243580 2676157 1954 160 -65 1051
CRSX23-16 243997 2676282 1948 154 -85 640
CRSX23-16A 243997 2676282 1948 154 -78 610
CRSX23-17A 243665 2676155 1953 157 -45 780
CRSX23-17B 243665 2676155 1953 161 -55 780
CRSX23-17C 243665 2676155 1953 159 -64 860
CRSX23-18 243932 2676281 1949 151 -78 700
CRSX23-18A 243932 2676281 1949 151 -72 719
CRSX23-19 243902 2676281 1949 157 -68 620
1 All metres reported above are down-hole intervals, with true width estimates ranging from 62-97% of the reported interval. See Table 1 for estimated true widths of individual composites. All assays were performed on 1.5 metre core intervals and all drill core is HQ in diameter in size. The reported composites were not subject to “capping”, however a preliminary analysis suggests that only 4 out of 3,143 samples from the Sulphides program and 1 out of 2,300 samples for the regional program exceeded the potential capping level of 27.0 g/t – these samples averaged 44.1 g/t gold (max. 62.1 g/t) for the Sulphides program and 61.2 g/t gold (max 61.2 g/t) for the regional program. Orla believes that applying a top cut would have a negligible effect on overall grades. Composites for the sulphide drilling were calculated using 1 g/t Au cut-off grade and maximum 6 metres consecutive waste.
2 Additional information can be found in the Camino Rojo Technical Report entitled “Unconstrained Feasibility Study NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Camino Rojo Gold Project – Municipality of Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico” and dated January 11, 2021 (the “Camino Rojo Report”).



Figure 1: Camino Rojo Sulphides 2023 Drill Hole Locations (Plan View) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 2: Camino Rojo Sulphides 2023 Drill Result Highlights (Long Section) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 3: Camino Rojo Sulphides 2023 Results (Cross Section, Hole CRSX22-11) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 4: Camino Rojo Deep Extension 2023 Results (Cross Section, Hole CRSX23-15C) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 5: Camino Rojo Regional Exploration Program (Guanamero Results) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 6: Camino Rojo Regional Exploration Program: Guanamero Results (Plan View) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)




Figure 7: Camino Rojo Regional Exploration Program: Guanamero Results (Vertical Section) (CNW Group/Orla Mining Ltd.)


Posted June 23, 2023

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