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Vista Gold Announces Interim Phase 2 Drilling Results at Mt Todd Including Vein Intercepts with Grade – Thicknesses Greater than 20 g Au/t – m

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Vista Gold Announces Interim Phase 2 Drilling Results at Mt Todd Including Vein Intercepts with Grade – Thicknesses Greater than 20 g Au/t – m






Vista Gold Corp. (NYSE:VGZ) (TSX: VGZ) announced interim results from Phase 2 of its 2024 drilling program at the Company’s Mt Todd gold project located in Northern Territory, Australia. Phase 2 drilling commenced in July 2024 with near-surface drilling in the South Cross Lode zone a known mineralized structure with high-grade intercepts that intersects the Batman deposit and extends up to 400 meters northeast.


Drill Hole Highlights


VB24-014 – 9.4 meters @ 3.35 grams of gold per tonne from 102.8 meters down hole, including

  • 0.5 meters @ 50.0 g Au/t from 111.7 meters down hole (grade thickness of 25.0 g Au/t per meter


VB24-015 – Returned three intervals of greater than 1 g Au/t, ranging 3 – 9 meters thick, including

  • 8.0 meters at @ 1.82 g Au/t from 132.0 meters down hole, including 1.0 meter @ 12.57 g Au/t from 132.0 meters down hole (grade thickness of 12.57 g Au/t – m)


VB24-016 – Returned three intervals of greater than 1 g Au/t, ranging 6 – 22 meters thick, including

  • 22.0 meters at @ 1.74 g Au/t from 146.0 meters down hole, including 2.3 meters @ 7.93 g Au/t from 150.7 meters down hole (grade thickness 18.24 g Au/t – m)


VB24-022 – Returned two intervals of greater than 1 g Au/t, with thickness up to 4 meters

  • 4 meters at @ 7.18 g Au/t from 106.0 meters down hole, including 1.0 meter @ 25.89 g Au/t from 106.0 meters down hole (grade thickness of 25.89 g Au/t m)
  • 3.8 meters at @ 3.25 g Au/t from 136.4 meters down hole, including 0.6 meters @ 18.13 g Au/t from 136.4 meters down hole (grade thickness of 10.88 g Au/t – m)


VB24-024 – near surface high-grade interval of 5.0 meters @ 2.18 g Au/t from 9.0 meters down hole, including

  • 1.1 meters @ 6.37 g Au/t from 12.9 meters down hole (grade thickness of 7.01 g Au/t – m)


Phase 2 drilling to date has focused on the shallow portion of the SXL and approximately half of the strike length drilled is within the limits of the resource shell, with eight holes drilled (see Figures 1 and 2) in an area previously classified as waste in the 2024 Feasibility Study (as defined below). The overall objective of Phase 2 drilling is to better understand the structure and mineralization of the SXL.


Frederick H. Earnest, President and CEO, commented, “Interim results from the second phase of our Mt Todd drilling program are very encouraging and support our belief that the mineralization in the SXL zone is distinct to the Batman deposit. The SXL zone is host to more discreet and in certain zones, wider high-grade veins with thicknesses that exceed one meter, compared to the thinner, more closely spaced sheeted veins typically observed in the Batman deposit. Drilling in the SXL included several holes that intersected higher-grade mineralized veins within the limits of our resource pit. Phase 2 of the drilling program is expected to be completed by the end of this year.


“At the conclusion of the 2024 drilling program, we plan to update the Mt Todd mineral resource estimate. We will leverage the results of prior technical studies to advance evaluations of a development scenario for Mt Todd, initially targeting 150,000 to 200,000 ounces of annual gold production, with a raised cut-off grade of 0.45 to 0.50 g Au/t. We are targeting a mineral reserve grade of approximately 1 g Au/t and an initial capex of less than $400 million, while preserving the option for expansion at some future time.


“This work is expected to further de-risk the Mt Todd project and position it as a leading, shovel-ready development opportunity. We expect continued strength in the gold price and believe our strategy of advancing Mt Todd with discipline will deliver a more fully valued project.”


Figure 1 displays the plan view of the current topography at the Mt Todd project and Phase 2 drill hole locations with orientations to date. Figure 2 shows the locations of the drill holes relative to the 2024 Feasibility Study resource shell and the current pit design. Figure 3 is a cross-section view of the drill results for VB24-012, VB24-018 and VB24-024, the resource block model, resource shell, and pit design on the 8435720N cross-section as defined by the 2024 Feasibility Study. Table 1 highlights multiple vein intercepts with grades above 5 g Au/t. A total of 12 holes intercepted near-surface mineralized zones (<100 m depth) with grades ranging from 0.41 to 4.77 g Au/t.


Table 1. Summary of Phase 2 Drill Hole Program to Date – highlighting intercepts greater than 5 g Au/t.



Hole No. Grid Coordinates Survey Data Intersections
MGA94 Grid Easting MGA94 Grid Northing RL (m) Azimuth (°) Dip (°) Depth (m) From (m) To (m) Interval (m) True Thickness (m) Grade (g Au/t) Sample Type
VB24-012 187535 8435697 139.0 88.7 -55.9 122.3   75.0 78.0 3.0 1.0 1.14 HQ ½ Core
              117.0 122.3 5.3 1.8 0.52 HQ ½ Core
VB24-013 187821 8435944 143.0 266.7 -56.5 174.0   16.2 24.0 7.8 4.7 0.55 HQ ½ Core
            and 40.0 49.0 9.0 5.3 0.65 HQ ½ Core
            and 150.0 154.8 4.8 2.8 1.66 HQ ½ Core
            including 150.0 151.0 1.0 0.6 7.59 HQ ½ Core
VB24-014 187802 8435896 140.0 266.7 -55.6 139.4   102.8 112.2 9.4 5.8 3.35 HQ ½ Core
            including 111.7 112.2 0.5 0.3 50.00 HQ ½ Core
VB24-015 187597 8435799 140.0 87.2 -55.6 161.3   29.0 35.0 6.0 2.0 0.50 HQ ½ Core
            and 46.0 50.0 4.0 2.3 0.58 HQ ½ Core
            and 56.0 59.0 3.0 1.7 4.77 HQ ½ Core
            and 67.0 75.0 8.0 4.6 0.57 HQ ½ Core
            and 83.0 92.0 9.0 5.2 1.18 HQ ½ Core
            and 121.0 123.3 2.3 1.3 2.59 HQ ½ Core
            and 132.0 140.0 8.0 4.7 1.82 HQ ½ Core
            including 132.0 133.0 1.0 0.6 12.57 HQ ½ Core
VB24-016 187756 8435860 135.0 271.8 -56.0 173.7   111.0 120.0 9.0 5.0 1.01 HQ ½ Core
            and 124.0 130.0 6.0 3.3 1.52 HQ ½ Core
            including 127.0 128.0 1.0 0.6 6.81 HQ ½ Core
            and 146.0 168.0 22.0 12.1 1.74 HQ ½ Core
            including 150.7 153.0 2.3 1.2 7.93 HQ ½ Core
VB24-017 187576 8435601 137.0 270.2 -55.1 151.2   95.8 130.0 34.2 20.3 0.43 HQ ½ Core
VB24-018 187660 8435746 137.0 269.7 -56.2 150.2   49.0 73.0 24.0 13.3 0.78 HQ ½ Core
            including 62.0 64.2 2.2 1.2 5.96 HQ ½ Core
            and 109.0 126.0 17.0 9.4 0.72 HQ ½ Core
            including 114.0 126.0 12.0 6.6 0.90 HQ ½ Core
VB24-019 187516 8435549 142.0 266.9 -60.1 141.6   29.0 36.6 7.6 3.8 0.82 HQ ½ Core
            and 64.0 72.0 8.0 4.0 0.44 HQ ½ Core
            and 136.6 141.6 5.0 2.5 0.42 HQ ½ Core
VB24-020 187568 8435647 142.0 267.4 -60.0 141.0   35.0 45.1 10.1 5.1 0.69 HQ ½ Core
            and 67.1 77.0 9.9 5.0 0.44 HQ ½ Core
            and 96.0 102.4 6.4 3.3 2.49 HQ ½ Core
            and 121.0 130.0 9.0 4.6 0.48 HQ ½ Core
VB24-021 187797 8436003 143.0 266.5 -59.5 154.7   0.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 0.81 HQ ½ Core
            and 27.0 36.0 9.0 4.6 0.56 HQ ½ Core
            and 49.0 56.0 7.0 3.6 0.74 HQ ½ Core
            and 84.0 114.0 30.0 15.2 0.72 HQ ½ Core
            and 127.0 135.0 8.0 4.1 0.62 HQ ½ Core
VB24-022 187785 8435950 142.0 268.4 -60.0 151.4   45.0 50.0 5.0 2.5 0.51 HQ ½ Core
            and 106.0 110.0 4.0 2.0 7.18 HQ ½ Core
            including 106.0 107.0 1.0 0.5 25.89 HQ ½ Core
            and 115.0 125.0 10.0 4.9 0.85 HQ ½ Core
            and 136.4 140.2 3.8 2.0 3.25 HQ ½ Core
            including 136.4 137.0 0.6 0.3 18.13 HQ ½ Core
VB24-023 187818 8436053 144.0 264.8 -59.1 155.4   5.0 13.9 8.9 4.6 0.41 HQ ½ Core
            and 48.0 53.4 5.4 2.8 0.66 HQ ½ Core
            and 79.0 93.0 14.0 7.1 0.67 HQ ½ Core
            and 97.7 104.0 6.3 3.2 0.69 HQ ½ Core
VB24-024 187596 8435748 139.0 88.9 -59.5 89.1   9.0 14.0 5.0 2.5 2.18 HQ ½ Core
            including 12.9 14.0 1.1 0.6 6.37 HQ ½ Core
            and 20.0 24.0 4.0 2.0 0.61 HQ ½ Core
            and 38.1 49.0 10.9 5.6 0.98 HQ ½ Core
            and 74.0 84.2 10.2 5.2 0.59 HQ ½ Core


(i) Results are based on ore grade 50g fire assay for Au.  
(ii) Intersections are from diamond core drilling with half-core samples.  
(iii) Core sample intervals were constrained by geology, alteration or structural boundaries, intervals varied between a minimum of 0.2 meters to a maximum of 1.2 meters.  
(iv) Mean grades have been calculated on a 0.4g Au/t lower cut-off grade with no upper cut-off grade applied, and maximum internal waste of 4.0 meters.  
(v) All intersections are downhole intervals.  
(vi) All downhole deviations have been verified by downhole camera and or downhole gyro.  
(vii) Collar coordinates are given as Map Grid Australia MGA94 using a multi-band GNSS Garmin GPS 750i.  
(viii) The Company maintains a Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures (QA/QC) program in accordance with the requirements and guidelines of CIM Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.  
(ix) The independent laboratory responsible for the assays was North Australian Laboratories Pty Ltd, Pine Creek, NT.  


QA/QC Protocols and Sampling Procedure


All sampling was conducted under the supervision of the Company’s geologists and the chain of custody from Mt Todd facilities to the independent sample preparation facility at North Australian Laboratories Pty Ltd. in Pine Creek, NT was continuously monitored.

  • The core is marked, geologically logged, geotechnically logged, photographed, and sawn into halves using diamond saws. One-half is placed into pre-numbered sample bags as per industry standards with sample lengths between a minimum of 0.2 meters to a maximum of 1.2 meters. The other half of the core is retained for future reference by the Company. The only exception to this is when a portion of the remaining core has been flagged for use in metallurgical testwork.
  • Following common industry practices, blanks and standards are also placed in plastic bags for inclusion in the shipment. A reference blank or a standard is inserted at a minimum ratio of 1 in 10 and additional blank samples are added at suspected high-grade intervals. Standard reference material is sourced from Ore Research & Exploration Pty Ltd and provided in 60-gram sealed packets. When a sequence of four samples is completed, they are placed in a shipping bag and tied closed. All of these samples are kept in a secure area on-site until crated for shipping.
  • Vista employees ship and transport the samples to the NAL. At the lab, the samples are pulverized and split down to 50-gram assay samples prior to assaying. The industry-standard 3 assay-ton fire assay is followed by an atomic absorption (AA) finish.
  • For the purposes of this release, mineralized intervals are defined as runs of mineralization with a maximum internal waste of 4.0 meters.
  • NAL is independent of Vista.


It is the opinion of the QP (as defined below) that the sample preparation methods and quality control measures employed before the dispatch of samples to an analytical or testing laboratory ensured the validity and integrity of samples taken.


Maria Vallejo, Vista’s Director of Projects and Technical Services, a Qualified Person as defined by Item 1300 of Regulation S-K under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Canadian National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has verified the data underlying the information contained herein and has approved this press release. The information contained in this press release is provided to inform the reader of the advancement of the 2024 drilling program for the Mt Todd project.


For more information on the Company’s March 2024 feasibility study, including with respect to mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, please refer to the technical report summary entitled “S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary – Mt Todd Gold Project – 50,000 tpd Feasibility Study – Northern Territory, Australia” with an effective date of March 12, 2024 and an issue date of March 14, 2024 available at and, for Canadian purposes, the technical report entitled “National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report – Mt Todd Gold Project – 50,000 tpd Feasibility Study – Northern Territory, Australia” with an effective date of March 12, 2024 and an issue date of March 14, 2024 under our profile at The 2024 Feasibility Study is not incorporated by reference into this news release.


About Vista Gold Corp.


Vista holds the Mt Todd gold project, an advanced development-stage gold deposit located in the low risk, Tier-1 mining friendly jurisdiction of Northern Territory, Australia. Vista seeks to position Mt Todd as a leading development opportunity within the gold sector. Mt Todd offers significant scale, development optionality, growth opportunities, advanced local infrastructure, community support, and demonstrated financial strength. All major environmental and operating permits necessary to initiate development of Mt Todd are in place.


Vista believes that Mt Todd is an especially attractive shovel-ready development opportunity in the current environment of a strong gold market, diminishing major gold deposit discoveries, and depleting gold reserves.


The Company believes that Vista and its shareholders will be major beneficiaries of a strong gold market and rising gold prices. Vista’s strategy is to advance Mt Todd in ways that efficiently position the Project for development while exercising the discipline necessary to best realize value at the right time.


Figure 1: Plan view of the Mt Todd as-built terrain showing Phase 2 drill hole locations with respective orientation to date. (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 2: Isometric view of the Phase 2 drill holes to date in relation to the current reserves pit design, resources shell, and the SXL potential structure. (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 3: Cross section of the center portion of the SXL, illustrating drill holes VB24-012, VB24-018, and VB24-024 within the current mineral resource model from the 2024 Feasibility Study featuring blocks with cut-off grade above 0.40 g Au/t. (Graphic: Business Wire)


Posted September 24, 2024

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