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TRX Gold Reports More High-Grade Intercepts at Stamford Bridge

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TRX Gold Reports More High-Grade Intercepts at Stamford Bridge






Zone extended another 25 meters


TRX Gold Corporation (TSX: TRX) (NYSE American: TRX) is excited to announce, once again, another excellent set of drill results, with hole BMDD319 intersecting 21 metres @ 8.63 g/t Au from 81 m; BMDD320 intersecting 20.50 metres @ 5.14 g/t Au from 125.5 m and BMDD321 intersecting 5 metres @ 2.74 g/t Au from 157 m. These drill hole results are downdip extensions at the newly discovered and highly prospective Stamford Bridge Shear Zone (see Figure 1). They are located approximately 250 m east of the Buckreef Main Zone—host to Buckreef Gold’s 2M+ ounce Au Mineral Resource1 and where current operations are ongoing in the Main Pit.


These drill hole results come following the Company’s previous drill results, dated October 24 and November 12, 2024, whereby the Company announced the discovery of a promising new gold mineralization shear zone, named the Stamford Bridge Zone, at which results are revealing geological characteristics and mineral alterations similar to that at Buckreef’s Main Zone.


Significance of this latest drill intercept:


Significant intercept from Hole BMDD319 confirms downdip extension intercepted previously by BMDD310 and is 15 m further downdip (see Figure 2). Similarly, significant intercept from BMDD320 confirms up-dip extension of previously intercepted zone by BMDD315;


BMDD321 intercepted the mineralised shear zone further to the northeast 25 m along strike;


These intercepts continue to confirm a “bridge” or an interpreted mineralized shear zone trending 070 degrees East Northeast, that is showing potential to extend over 1 kilometer. To date, intersections reported over the last few months cover approximately 150 m of strike length (see Figure 1); and


The Stamford Bridge Zone is a potentially significant shear zone and geologically similar to the Buckreef Main Zone. It is situated between the Buckreef Main Zone and the Eastern Porphyry deposit and Anfield Zone, to the Southeast (see Figure 1).


Stephen Mullowney, TRX Gold CEO continues, “The Stamford Bridge Shear Zone keeps delivering! This initial exploration work is paying off thus far and we are eager to launch the ground geophysical survey over the next few weeks, which is expected to support some very targeted drilling.”


Figure 1.  Location of latest drill holes among previous results at the Stamford Bridge Zone


 Figure 2. Cross-sections 50 metres apart; results from new drill holes BMDD319 and BMDD320 – Stamford Bridge Zone


  Summary of Results – Stamford Bridge


Hole ID Hole
Drill Holes Location Sample Depth Width
Assay Grade
Lithology Comment
Azimuth Dip From
BMGT001 DD 391,780 9,658,453 1,218 270 -50 105.0 115.4 10.4 3.03 Msh Stamford Bridge Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
              186.6 208.0 21.4 2.42 Msh  
              393.0 425.8 32.8 1.70 Msh Buckreef main shearzone
BMDD309 DD 391,676 9,658,400 1,217 334 -60 101.8 104.5 2.7 1.65 Msh  
BMDD310 DD 391,723 9,658,418 1,217 334 -60 64.5 100.0 35.5 5.48 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD312 DD 391,685 9,658,382 1,216 335 -60 164.6 180.8 16.2 3.14 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD315 DD 391,770 9,658,435 1,217 335 -60 130.0 166.0 36.0 7.04 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD319 DD 391,729 9,658,404 1,217 335 -60 76.0 79.0 3.0 1.21 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD319 DD 391,729 9,658,404 1,217 335 -60 81.0 102.0 21.0 8.63 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD320 DD 391,765 9,658,447 1,218 335 -60 125.5 146.0 20.5 5.14 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration
BMDD321 DD 391,790 9,658,441 1,218 335 -60 157.0 162.0 5.0 2.74 Msh Mineralised shear zone with strong alteration


The sample chain of custody is managed by the Buckreef geology team on site. Reported results are from diamond drilled core samples.  Intervals of core to be analyzed are split into half using a mechanized core cutter, with one half sent to the Laboratory for geochemical analysis and the remaining half kept in storage for future reference and uses. Diamond drilled core has been a HQ size and recoveries are consistently 100% across all drill holes intercept reported
Sampling and analytical procedures are subject to a comprehensive quality assurance and quality control program. The QAQC program involves insertion of duplicate samples, blanks and certified reference materials in the sample stream. Gold analyses are performed by standard fire assaying protocols using a 50-gram charge with atomic absorption (AAS) finish and a gravimetric finish performed for assays greater than 10 grams per ton.
Sample Preparation and analysis are performed by independent SGS Laboratory in Mwanza, Tanzania. SGS Laboratory is ISO17025 accredited and employs a Laboratory Information Management System for sample tracking, quality control and reporting.
The results summarized in this release are from Stamford Bridge target. The intercepts confirm an interpreted mineralized shear zone trending 070 degrees East Northeast that is over a km long. The intersections reported here has covered only the first 150m strike length, they are down-hole lengths and may not represent true width, however the true width is estimated to be between 50% – 60% of the length.


Qualified Person


Mr. William van Breugel, P.Eng, BASc (Hons), technical Advisor to TRX Gold Corporation, is the Company’s Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 “Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects” and has reviewed and assumes responsibility for the scientific and technical content in this press release.


Sample Protocol QA/QC


The sample chain of custody is managed by the Buckreef geology team on site. Reported results are from diamond drilled core samples. Intervals of core to be analyzed are split into half using a mechanized core cutter, with one half sent to the Laboratory for geochemical analysis and the remaining half kept in storage for future reference and uses. Diamond drilled core has been a HQ size and recoveries are consistently 100% across all drill holes intercept reported.


Sampling and analytical procedures are subject to a comprehensive quality assurance and quality control program. The QAQC program involves insertion of duplicate samples, blanks and certified reference materials in the sample stream. Gold analyses are performed by standard fire assaying protocols using a 50-gram charge with atomic absorption (AAS) finish and a gravimetric finish performed for assays greater than 10 grams per tonne.


Sample Preparation and analysis are performed by independent SGS Laboratory in Mwanza, Tanzania. SGS Laboratory is ISO17025 accredited and employs a Laboratory Information Management System for sample tracking, quality control and reporting.


The results summarized in this release are from Stamford Bridge target. The intercepts confirm an interpreted shear zone trending 070 degrees East Northeast that is over a km long. The intersections reported here has covered only the first 150m strike length, they are down-hole lengths and may not represent true width, however the true width is estimated to be between 50% – 60% of the length.


About TRX Gold Corporation


TRX Gold is rapidly advancing the Buckreef Gold Project. Anchored by a Mineral Resource published in May 2020, the project currently hosts a Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 35.88 MT at 1.77 g/t gold containing 2,036,280 oz of gold and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 17.8 MT at 1.11g/t gold for 635,540 oz of gold. The leadership team is focused on creating both near-term and long-term shareholder value by increasing gold production to generate positive cash flow. The positive cash flow will be utilized for exploratory drilling with the goal of increasing the current gold Resource base and advancing the Sulphide Ore Project which represents 90% of current gold Resources. TRX Gold’s actions are led by the highest ESG standards, evidenced by the relationships and programs that the Company has developed during its nearly two decades of presence in Geita Region, Tanzania.


Posted January 14, 2025

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