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The March/April Edition of the Prospector News is Available for Download













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04 Cypress Reports on Dean Lithium Claystone Solubility Results in Clayton Valley, Nevada
Cypress Development Corp. (CYP: TSX-V, CYDFV: OTCBB, C1Z1: FSE) has received its solubility study assay results from Cypress’ 2,700 acre Dean Lithium Brine/Claystone Project

The voting booths hadn’t cooled down last November before I was insisting that America was likely to see something rather different than what it thought it had voted for.

08 Don McKinnon Jr. follows up on his father’s promising Gold Property right near Hemlo
When our Due Dili checklist keeps getting ‘Excellent’ ratings, it’s time to tell Sunvest Minerals Corp.’s story… (SSS: TSX-V)

Pollution and climate change are key drivers for the global adoption of clean renewable energy – solar, wind and tidal […]

14 Southern Silver Expands Cerro Las Minitas Mexico’s ‘Belt of Silver’ targeted at ‘The Hill of Many Mines’
Southern Silver Exploration has a lot of congruent factors going for them at their flagship Durango, Mexico project.

16 Cruz Cobalt Corp. (formerly Cruz Capital Corp.) (CUZ: TSX-V, BKTPF: OTCBB, A2AG5M: FSE) notes that cobalt prices have gone parabolic…
Cruz currently has seven cobalt projects located in Canada and one in Idaho.

18 Pershing Gold Corp. Solidifies Nevada Interests
Building on a solid foundation laid in 2016, Pershing Gold has maneuvered itself into a strong position for the coming year […]

20 High Grade Zinc Pouring Out of Turkey
Zinc is a vital element for life: one of eight essential micro-nutrients, without which our bodies couldn’t manufacture many enzymes and proteins, fight off bacteria, experience proper taste and smell, or make the DNA in our cells.

22 BHT Acquires Alpine Mine Group
Braveheart Resources Inc. (BHT: TSX-V) is focused on building shareholder wealth through aggressive exploration in a favourable and proven mining jurisdiction – the West Kootenays in southeast British Columbia (Ag, Au).

24 How you can receive “free” stock in a new game-changing company!
[…] in the process of making an almost two year’s long study, we featured a new technology company in the microcap category that could change the mining industry.

26 Why Low Risk, High Grade is More Important Now Than Ever
A lot of us have been trying to figure out what’s going on in Trump’s Whitehouse and what it means for us in the Canadian mining sector.

28 The 46-Year Record of Platinum-Gold Ratios
The gold to silver and platinum to gold price ratios determine the relative value of the precious metals and are useful parameters in deciding which metal to buy at any given time.

30 Where Will All The Electric Cars Go When They End Their Service Life?
Of all the hurdles that electric cars have had to overcome, one of the most annoying, and persistent, has been what to do with the batteries when the vehicles reach the end of their service life.

Posted May 19, 2017

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