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Power Nickel Hole PN-24-095a Delivers 10.60% CuEq1 over 5.35 Metres Within 3.61% CuEq1 over 19.40 Metres

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Power Nickel Hole PN-24-095a Delivers 10.60% CuEq1 over 5.35 Metres Within 3.61% CuEq1 over 19.40 Metres






Power Nickel Inc(TSX-V: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) (Frankfurt: IVV) is pleased to announce the return of the 5 holes of the fall campaign. These holes were testing multiple targets in the Lion zone area.


Hole PN-24-095a tested the interpreted plunge of the Lion zone below previous drill holes. Power Nickel previously released photos of mineralized core from hole PN-24-095a (news release January 21, 2025), and assays have now confirmed that extension of the high-grade zone (Table 1).


Drill holes PN-24-082 to PN-24-085 inclusive, were designed to intersect the target horizon 100-200m west of known mineralization at depths below the ground and airborne EM signals (Figure 1 and 2), therefore they were testing unknown locations along the target horizon. Although the holes passed through the target horizon they only returned weakly geochemically anomalous Pt and Pd (up to 0.14g/t combined). These holes were specifically located to provide platforms for borehole EM (BHEM) surveys, which will be carried out this month. The BHEM should give a ‘look’ radius of 150-200 meters around the hole for any off-hole conductors indicative of mineralization.


Hole PN-24-88 was drilled to test a weak airborne EM anomaly halfway (Figure 1 and 2) between Lion and the Lion East discovery hole PN-24-094 located approximately 700m east of Lion (see news release January 27, 2025). PN-24-88 contained minor sporadic Au and Cu values (up to 0.09 g/t and 0.17% respectively). The location of the drill hole was significantly below the interpreted airborne EM anomaly. A partial BHEM survey (obstruction prevented a full survey) was re-evaluated by Power Nickel’s geophysicist and indicated a potential off-hole anomaly that will be tested in the coming weeks. It is not known what causes this anomaly, but based on previous experience at Lion there is reasonable expectation that a sulphide concentration is causing the conductor.


“Borehole EM has become a primary tool for discovery. Predicting the location of the Lion East discovery was a true acid test of the method, identified conductors have a very good chance to be sulphides. and we are excited to test the partial off-hole conductor found in hole PN-24-088 and to begin testing holes PN-24-082 to 085. Additional targets are expected along the trend between and the Nisk and Lion deposits, providing more drill targets for our Winter 2025 program” commented Joe Campbell Power Nickel’s VP Exploration.


The Lion Zone continues to provide excellent intersections and grades, conforming to interpreted geological modeling, and extending the mineralized area of the high-grade copper, gold, silver, and platinum group metals within the Lion zone. Visual logging of the first hole of the 2025 campaign, hole PN-25-96 (assays pending) suggests the high-grade trend will extend to depth and along strike from hole PN-24-95a reported in this news release.


Table 1 below presents the significant results of the current assays. Previously released results are included at the end of this news release (Table 2).


Table 1: Significant assay results from this news release – Lion zone


Hole From (m) To
PN-24-095a 427.00 446.20 19.40 0.14 10.8 2.63 2.97 0.25 0.09 4.29
including 437.85 443.20 5.35 0.24 31.8 8.11 8.25 0.80 0.27 10.60
PN-24-082 Isolated individual assays
PN-24-083 Isolated individual assays
PN-24-084 Isolated individual assays
PN-24-085 Isolated individual assays
PN-24-088 Isolated individual assays
Note: Reported length is downhole distance; true width based on model projections is estimated as 85% of downhole length


1Copper Equivalent Rec Calculation


CuEq Rec represents CuEq calculated based on the following metal prices (USD) : 2,360.15 $/oz Au, 27.98 $/oz Ag, 1,215.00 $/oz Pd, 1000.00 $/oz Pt, 4.00 $/lb Cu, 10.00 $/lb Ni and 22.50 $/lb Co., and a recovery grade of 80% for all commodities, consistent with comparable peers.


“Drilling results like this have become routine at the Lion Zone but anyone in the industry knows they are anything but routine. We remain thankful for our blessings and remain excited about the future at the Lion Zone and indeed with exploration at the entire Nisk project!  commented Power Nickel CEO Terry Lynch.


A second drill has arrived at site and will begin with drill holes around Lion East utilizing an improved interpretation of previous borehole EM surveys. This drill will then be used to carry out additional borehole surveys west of Lion in holes PN-24-082 to 085. By mid-February a third drill will be added. The increased drill capacity will allow for a much quicker turnaround of drill results, building the potential mineral resource in a shorter time.


In addition to the drilling program, ongoing expert interpretations of the 2024 EM ground and borehole surveys is expected to identify multiple conductive targets that will allow for a much greater expansion of the exploration effort. The EM is expected to identify extensions to the Lion zone as well as providing additional targets of similar zones along several kilometers of strike on the mineralized structures. The geophysical targets promise to keep the additional drills busy during this winter’s drill campaign.


Qualified Person


Joseph Campbell, P.Geo, VP Exploration at Power Nickel, is the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.


About Power Nickel Inc.


Power Nickel is a Canadian exploration company focusing on developing the High-Grade Nickel Copper PGM, Gold and Silver Nisk project into Canada’s next poly metallic mine.


On February 1, 2021, Power Nickel (then called Chilean Metals) completed the acquisition of its option to acquire up to 80% of the Nisk project from Critical Elements Lithium Corp. (CRE: TSXV).


The NISK property comprises a large land position (20 kilometres of strike length) with numerous high-grade intercepts. Power Nickel is focused on expanding the high-grade nickel-copper PGM, Gold and Silver mineralization with a series of drill programs designed to evaluate the initial Nisk discovery zone, the Lion discovery zone and to explore the land package for adjacent potential poly metallic deposits.


In addition to the Nisk project, Power Nickel owns significant land packages in British Colombia and Chile. Power Nickel has reorganized these assets in a related public vehicle through a plan of arrangement.


Table 2: Significant Lion zone assays previously reported since Q3 2024
Hole From To Length Au Ag Cu Pd Pt Ni CuEq
(m) (m) (m) (g/t) ( g/t ) ( %) (g/t) ( g/t ) ( %) ( %)
PN-24-063 428 433 5 0.48 24.82 4.41 0.21 6.15 0.47 5.93
Including 429 432 3 0.73 37.9 7.1 0.3 9.26 0.5 9.3
PN-24-064 452 454.2 2.15 0.21 2.98 0.49 0.68 0.24 0.1 0.87
Including 452 453 1 0.27 3.9 0.85 1.03 0.31 0.19 1.35
PN-24-065 No significant values
PN-24-066 402 414 12.05 0.09 4.53 0.65 6.39 0.3 0.06 2.97
Including 411 414 3 0.2 12.5 1.95 2.26 0.62 0.12 2.78
With 413 414 1 0.28 32.4 5.08 4.44 0.44 0.16 6.22
PN-24-067 431 442.9 12.15 0.12 8.54 1.75 1.99 0.36 0.14 2.36
Including 431 433.4 2.65 0.16 8.47 1.27 1.01 0.84 0.11 1.8
With 432 432.4 0.5 0.77 43.1 6.38 1.46 4.24 0.38 7.74
and Including 441 442.9 2.35 0.31 32.77 7.41 8.59 0.64 0.32 9.64
With 442 442.9 0.75 0.34 70 15.7 12.7 0.49 0.41 18.01
PN-24-068 475 476.3 1.7 0.28 10.96 2.74 3.47 1.54 0.1 4.15
Including 475 475.1 0.5 0.94 36.3 8.55 11.4 5.19 0.28 13.34
PN-24-069 100 117 17 0.28 9.52 0.93 7.19 1.66 0.05 4.05
Including 100 106 6 0.42 19.33 0.96 11.68 3.69 0.04 6.43
With 100 102 2 0.66 47.3 2.15 19.35 2.87 0.08 10.26
and Including 112 117 5 0.35 7.8 1.78 9.69 0.74 0.09 5.38
With 114 115 1 0.57 12.9 6.09 33.8 0.85 0.36 18.39
PN-24-070 118 150 32 0.45 20.93 3.62 8.1 2.47 0.18 6.97
Including 120 130 10 0.5 12.94 1.76 10.82 5.98 0.08 7.44
With 120 12 2 0.53 28.2 5.77 7.61 1.86 0.25 8.45
and Including 139 150 11.4 0.6 44.51 8.39 11.52 1.24 0.42 11.94
With 141 147.4 6 0.79 60.98 12.9 15.21 1.6 0.51 17.22
PN-24-071 157 196.6 39.6 0.38 19.57 2.62 3.37 0.8 0.13 4.19
Including 157 160 3 0.25 8.93 0.68 6.2 0.04 0.02 3.04
and Including 185 196.6 11.6 0.88 49.9 8.25 9.57 2.64 0.34 12.46
With 193 196.6 3.6 1.56 63.03 10.39 11.42 7.9 0.32 16.89
PN-24-072 294 345 51 0.54 9.1 1.01 0.06 1.14 0.53 1.94
Including 294 299.2 5.2 0.18 3.67 0.02 0 1.19 0.89 0.86
and Including 308 309.8 1.9 0.45 4.43 0.11 0 0.99 0.71 0.99
and Including 321 323 2 0.15 3.45 0.32 0.03 1.18 0.51 1
and Including 325 332.5 7.1 0.68 18.14 0.66 0.08 0.73 0.15 1.61
and Including 333 345 12.5 0.31 16.22 3.01 0.17 3.14 1.49 4.63
With 333 337 4.5 0.53 32.71 6.4 0.35 5.73 3.74 9.59
PN-24-073 355 383.8 29.1 0.25 4.97 0.51 1.52 0.7 0.06 1.49
Including 367 369 2.1 0.21 20.67 3.53 4.05 0.1 0.27 5.14
and Including 376 379.3 3 1.67 14.93 0.89 10.36 5.71 0.04 7.41
PN-24-074 290 313.6 23.55 0.15 3.06 0.6 0.11 0.13 0.02 0.89
Including 295 295.8 1 0.09 7.2 0.5 0.02 0.93 0.02 0.9
and Including 311 313.6 2.5 1.27 18.57 5.1 0.52 0.78 0.13 6.46
PN-24-075 322 340.7 19.2 0.14 5.45 1.04 0.05 1.22 0.53 1.65
Including 322 324.9 3.4 0.6 13.02 0.24 0.01 3.38 3.6 2.97
and Including 330 331 0.75 0.27 15.4 1.94 0.06 0.52 0 2.16
and Including 338 340.7 3.05 0.23 15.29 5.31 0.23 4.36 0.27 6.62
PN-24-076 No significant values
PN-24-078 158 187 29.4 0.53 11.95 1.15 1.08 0.36 0.06 2.34
Including 158 169.2 11.55 0.44 11.55 0.59 1.25 0.76 0.02 1.92
With 159 160.6 2 0.64 14.85 0.49 2.71 2.32 0.02 3.24
And With 164 168.2 4.65 0.59 15.83 0.97 1.25 0.5 0.04 2.38
and Including 174 187 13.35 0.77 15.86 1.98 1.29 0.14 0.12 3.43
With 174 176.6 2.9 3.16 21.62 5.84 4.72 0.44 0.48 11.03
And With 183 187 4 0.23 35.78 2.3 0.73 0.11 0.03 3.23
PN-24-079 177 197 20.05 0.88 23.2 2.36 3.3 0.53 0.14 4.29
including 187 197 10.25 1.28 33.1 3.7 4.63 0.34 0.2 6.26
and 205 206.7 1.9 2.73 43.2 1.15 0.42 0.07 0.04 3.41
and 217 220 3.25 0.14 8.6 0.4 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.52
PN-24-080 Isolated individual assay values
PN-24-081 348 353 4.85 0.65 6.7 0.32 2.1 0.76 0.06 1.84
including 349 350 1 2.84 27.8 1.04 8.77 3.11 0.06 7.15
and 358 359.2 0.95 0.05 7.4 1.15 0.22 0.01 0.13 1.35


 QAQC and Sampling


GeoVector Management Inc is the Consulting company retained to perform the actual drilling program, which includes core logging and sampling of the drill core.


All samples were submitted to and analyzed at Activation Laboratories Ltd, an independent commercial laboratory for both the sample preparation and assaying. Actlabs is a commercial laboratory independent of Power Nickel with no interest in the Project. Actlabs is an ISO 9001 and 17025 certified and accredited laboratories. Samples submitted through Actlabs are run through standard preparation methods and analysed using RX-1 (Dry, crush (< 7 kg) up to 80% passing 2 mm, riffle split (250 g) and pulverize (mild steel) to 95% passing 105 μm) preparation methods, and using 1F2 (ICP-OES) and 1C-OES – 4-Acid near total digestion + Gold-Platinum-Palladium analysis and 8-Peroxide ICP-OES, for regular and over detection limit analysis. Pegmatite samples are analyzed using UT7 – Li up to 5%, Rb up to 2% method. Actlabs also undertake their own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration.


GeoVector’s QAQC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream with a stringent review of all results.


The results presented in the current Press Release are complete within the mineralized intervals, but results are still pending for the top portion of both holes reported. QAQC and data validation was performed on these portions of the holes where assays are fully integrated, and no material error were observed.


Figure 1: Longitudinal view across the Lion Zone Area, presenting the CuEq Rec1 x meters, with interpreted plunge direction extension (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)




Figure 2: Plan view of drill holes in the Lion Zone Area, showing recently completed drill hole PN-25-096; discovery hole PN-24-094 east of Lion; and BH EM targets. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)


Posted February 5, 2025

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