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Laramide’s 2024 Drill Program Continues to Return Strong Results at the Westmoreland Project in Queensland, Australia, including Notable Gold Mineralisation

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Laramide’s 2024 Drill Program Continues to Return Strong Results at the Westmoreland Project in Queensland, Australia, including Notable Gold Mineralisation







  • Results continue to demonstrate the potential to link the Huarabagoo and Junnagunna uranium deposits
    • HJ24DD017 – 25.00m @ 393.64 ppm (0.04%) U3O8 from 15.00m,
      • including 1.00m @ 1,015.29 ppm (0.10%) U3O8 from 28.00m
      • and 1.00m @ 2,128.46 ppm (0.21%) U3O8 from 34.00m
    • HJ24DD019 – 6.00m @ 1,177.43 ppm (0.12%) U3O8 from 87.00m,
      • including 4.00m @ 1,520.58 ppm (0.15%) U3O8 from 89.00m
  • Uranium mineralisation at Huarabagoo continues to deliver impressive results including:
    • HB24DD010 – 15.60m @ 2,237.03 ppm (0.22%) U3O8 and 0.53 g/t Au from 68.40m,
      • including 1.00m @ 2,264.06 ppm (0.23%) U3O8 and 0.23 g/t Au from 70.00m
      • and 7.00m @ 4311.16 ppm (0.43%) U3O8 and 0.10 g/t Au from 76.00m
      • with highest intercept result of 1.00m @ 1.42% U3O8 and 0.01 g/t Au from 80.00m
  • Broad zones of gold mineralisation were also intercepted with grades up to 24.2g/t Au
    • HB24DD008 – 19.00m @ 620.58 ppm (0.06%) U3O8 and 1.95 g/t Au from 48.00m,
      • including 2.00m @ 1,720.45 ppm (0.17%) U3O8 and 1.64 g/t Au from 57.00m
      • and 2.00m @ 2,202.16 ppm (0.22%) U3O8 and 12.39 g/t Au from 64.00m
      • with highest intercept result of 1.00m @ 2,299.44 ppm (0.22%) U3O8 and 24.20g/t Au from 65.00m
    • HB24DD006 – 8.00m @ 1,449.86 ppm (0.14%) U3O8 & 0.22 g/t Au from 36.00m,
      • including 1.70m @ 6,208.83 ppm (0.62%) U3O8 & 0.78 g/t Au from 37.60m.
  • New Exploration Permit (EPM 28807) granted adjacent to Westmoreland Project adding 327km2 of highly prospective tenure in NW Queensland


Laramide Resources Ltd. (TSX: LAM) (ASX: LAM) (OTCQX: LMRXF), a uranium mine development and exploration company with globally significant assets in the United States and Australia, is pleased to announce another batch of assay results from the 2024 drilling campaign completed at the Westmoreland Uranium Project in Queensland, Australia and the receipt of a permit for exploration for a large land package immediately east of and adjacent to the current Westmoreland land tenure.


Results for 6 holes of 17 holes from infill drilling at Huarabagoo and for 11 holes of 27 holes drilled in the zone between the Huarabagoo and Junnagunna deposits have been received. The results demonstrate that uranium mineralisation is continuous along strike and potentially joins the two deposits. Furthermore, there is a significant gold endowment within the mineralising system.


Commenting on the results, Laramide’s Vice-President of Exploration Rhys Davies said:


“The uranium and gold grades at Huarabagoo are consistently impressive. As we continue to gather more data relating to gold in the system, it is becoming clear that historical exploration work did not include assaying for gold, which has left significant gaps in the data, and presents a meaningful opportunity to enhance the project economics of these deposits.


“Furthermore, the shallow and broad zones of mineralisation observed in the Huarabagoo-Junnagunna link zone highlight the considerable potential for expanding the uranium mineral resources.”  


Drilling across the broader Westmoreland Project was completed on the 4th of November and comprised 106 holes (includes 60 RC and 46 DD) for 11,263 meters, across multiple targets. Core processing continues, with announcements on assay results expected to continue into Q1 2025.


An updated Westmoreland Mineral Resource Estimate, which will include all results and include a Maiden Resource Estimate for Long Pocket, remains on track for early 2025.




The Huarabagoo deposit is located in the structural corridor between Redtree and Junnagunna and is included in the restated 2016 Westmoreland Mineral Resource Estimate1. Seventeen diamond drill holes for a total of 1,827.16m, were completed in 2024. Laramide designed this program to test the extents of modelled mineralisation for both uranium and also for the gold associated with the intrusive dolerite dyke.


Significant results from the 2024 drilling confirm that both uranium and gold mineralisation are within and peripheral to the dyke margins (Figure 1) and along fault extensions, with multiple zones intersecting a similarly variable hematite-silicate-sericite altered sandstone.



Full Drill Collar details can be found here by clicking this link.


Huarabagoo-Junnagunna Link Zone


Drilling in the Huarabagoo-Junnagunna structural corridor is designed to test the mineralisation continuity between the two deposits with the intent to further increase the overall size of the resource. The program drill tested a system analogous to the Redtree Dyke system, and comprised of 21 RC holes for 3,096m, and 8 diamond drillholes for 1,124.10m, totaling 29 holes for 4,220.10m. The program was designed with three phases starting with an initial RC component (HJ24RC001 to HJ24RC013) to target the spatial extents for the Dolerite Dyke. The subsequent phases consisted of step out diamond drilling (HJ24DD014-HJ24DD021) to obtain structural measurements and establish structural controls and orientation of mineralisation the dolerite dyke system and fault zone extensions. The final phase consisted of RC drilling (HJ24RC014-HJ24RC021) to follow up on substantial downhole gamma results from earlier in the campaign.




EPM28807 has recently been granted, adding 327 km2 (32,700 hectares) to the exploration portfolio in northwest Queensland. This tenement is adjacent to and surrounding EPM14558 which contains the Westmoreland Project, increasing and securing our foothold in the region to grow our pipeline of exploration targets and resources. The permit hosts 7 known uranium occurrences and one gold occurrence and presents a substantial exploration opportunity with significant areas of prospective Westmoreland Conglomerate outcropping and under cover.


Qualified/Competent Person


The information in this announcement relating to Exploration Results is based on information compiled or reviewed by Mr. Rhys Davies, a contractor to the Company. Mr. Davies is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’, and is a “Qualified Person” as defined by National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Davies consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.


About Laramide Resources Ltd.


Laramide is focused on exploring and developing high-quality uranium assets in Tier-1 uranium jurisdictions. The company’s portfolio comprises predominantly advanced uranium projects in districts with historical production or superior geological prospectivity. The assets have been carefully chosen for their size, production potential, and the two large development projects are considered to be late-stage, low-technical risk projects.  As well, Laramide has expanded its pipeline with strategic exploration in Kazakhstan where the company is exploring over 5,500 km2 of the prolific Chu-Sarysu Basin for world class roll-front deposits which are amenable to in-situ recovery.



Table 1: Significant intercepts >100ppm U3O8
Hole number From To Length (m) U308ppm Au g/t
HB24DD005 47 50 3 371.49 0.18
HB24DD005 55.4 63 7.6 162.71 0.03
HB24DD005 70 74 4 150.17 0.01
HB24DD005 103 111 8 102.27 0.01
HB24DD006 30 33 3 307.07 0.15
HB24DD006 36 44 8 1449.86 0.22
including 37.3 39 1.7 6208.83 0.78
HB24DD006 79 80 1 155.06 0.02
HB24DD007 60 76 16 2151.24 0.01
including 60 72 12 2816.22 0.01
HB24DD007 80 82 2 192.50 0.03
HB24DD007 86 87 1 121.46 0.01
HB24DD008 33 34 1 101.88 0.01
HB24DD008 40 42 2 222.28 0.02
HB24DD008 48 67 19 620.58 1.95
including 57 59 2 1720.45 1.64
and 64 66 2 2202.16 12.39
HB24DD008 73 74 1 190.44 0.23
HB24DD008 81 84 3 487.72 0.03
including 83 84 1 1084.86 0.04
HB24DD009 58 62 4 236.11 0.04
HB24DD009 76 77 1 116.27 0.01
HB24DD009 78 79 1 153.30 0.01
HB24DD010 15 17 2 574.86 0.15
including 15 16 1 1007.04 0.25
HB24DD010 33 41.3 8.3 336.50 0.08
including 40 41.3 1.3 1379.66 0.35
HB24DD010 44 47 3 1339.85 1.18
including 44 45.65 1.65 2191.03 0.96
HB24DD010 53.25 62 8.75 1115.03 1.44
including 53.25 56.1 2.85 2785.70 0.22
HB24DD010 68.4 84 15.6 2237.03 0.53
including 70 71 1 2264.06 0.23
and 76 83 7 4311.16 0.10
with# 80 81 1 1.42 % 0.01
HB24DD010 88 89 1 131.48 0.01
HJ24DD014 25.55 27 1.45 180.42 0.01
HJ24DD014 79 80 1 310.13 0.01
HJ24DD014 125 126 1 113.20 0.02
HJ24DD015 95 96 1 321.92 0.40
HJ24DD015 101 103 2 191.03 0.10
HJ24DD015 133 135 2 1229.32 0.02
including 133 135 2 1229.32 0.02
HJ24DD016 69.35 73 3.65 772.12 0.12
including 69.35 70.15 0.8 1285.33 0.15
and 71 72 1 1044.77 0.14
HJ24DD016 76 87 11 229.76 0.02
HJ24DD016 104.4 106 1.6 130.89 0.01
HJ24DD017 15 40 25 393.64 0.01
including 28 29 1 1015.29 0.01
and 34 35 1 2128.46 0.01
HJ24DD017 48 49 1 128.53 0.01
HJ24DD017 51 52 1 142.68 0.01
HJ24DD017 68 69 1 114.85 0.01
HJ24DD017 72 78 6 161.69 0.01
HJ24DD018 21 22 1 277.11 0.01
HJ24DD018 29 32 3 477.18 0.01
HJ24DD018 106 115 9 770.03 0.05
including 111 113 2 2953.90 0.18
HJ24DD019 87 93 6 1177.43 0.04
including 89 93 4 1520.58 0.01
HJ24DD020 70 71 1 199.87 0.01
HJ24DD020 95.55 100 4.45 163.33 0.01
HJ24DD020 104 108 4 196.04 0.01
HJ24DD020 113 114 1 178.65 0.01
HJ24DD020 119 120 1 203.41 0.01
HJ24RC016 35 40 5 176.13 0.01
HJ24RC016 43 44 1 114.62 0.01
HJ24RC016 48 51 3 195.16 0.01
HJ24RC016 62 63 1 109.90 0.01
HJ24RC017 22 23 1 120.87 0.01
HJ24RC018 No significant intercepts to report
HJ24RC019 14 19 5 166.08 0.01
* Included intercepts are above >1000 ppm U3O8

# intercept is above >1% U3O8



Table 2: Significant intercepts >0.1 g/t Au
Hole number From To Length (m) U308ppm Au g/t
HB24DD005 47 47.7 0.7 233.48 0.51
HB24DD005 48.85 50 1.15 749.97 0.13
HB24DD005 55.4 56 0.6 244.09 0.10
HB24DD006 32 33 1 274.75 0.35
HB24DD006 37.3 39 1.7 6208.83 0.78
HB24DD006 43 44 1 341.97 0.21
HB24DD006 82 83 1 38.68 0.48
HB24DD006 86 87 1 58.25 0.43
HB24DD007 21 22 1 17.92 0.36
HB24DD008 48 51 3 343.34 0.46
HB24DD008 57 60.15 3.15 1220.21 1.10
including 57 58 1 2185.06 2.89
with 57.6 58 0.4 3631.94 5.96
HB24DD008 64 71 7 781.46 4.60
including 64 67 3 1733.42 10.60
with# 65 66 1 2299.44 24.2
HB24DD008 73 74 1 190.44 0.23
HB24DD008 79 80 1 30.66 0.10
HB24DD010 15 16 1 1007.04 0.25
HB24DD010 40 41.3 1.3 1379.66 0.35
HB24DD010 44 62 18 778.72 1.34
including 44 47 3 1339.85 1.18
with 52 53.25 1.25 54.01 5.51
including 56.1 60 3.9 259.61 2.92
with 56.1 58 1.9 139.39 5.41
HB24DD010 70 71 1 2264.06 0.23
HB24DD010 73 77 4 855.21 1.97
including 74 77 3 1053.42 2.54
with 74 76 2 545.38 3.54
HJ24DD016 69.35 72 2.65 974.04 0.14
HJ24DD018 111 113 2 2953.90 0.18
HJ24DD019 43 44 1 4.36 0.41
HJ24DD019 88 89 1 841.95 0.15
HJ24RC019 108 109 1 45.75 0.21
* Included intercepts are above >0.5g/t Au; with intercepts above >1g/t Au

# Intercepts exceed 20g/t Au 




Figure 1: Plan view of Drill Collars between Huarabagoo and Junnagunna, locations of highlight holes shown. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)




Figure 2: Cross section HB24DD008 looking northeast (window ±5m), Refer Figure 1 for Plan view. 2024 Huarabagoo Drill Collar location and Cross Section (HB24DD008). Note: significant intercept results for blue collar drill holes are reported in this release, assay results for red collar drill holes have not yet been released. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)




Figure 3: Cross section HB24DD010 looking northeast (window ±5m), Refer Figure 1 for Plan view. 2024 Huarabagoo Drill Collar location and Cross Section (HB24DD010). Note; significant intercept results for blue collar drill holes are reported in this release, assay results for red collar drill holes have not yet been released. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)




Figure 4: Cross Section HJ24RC009 and HJ24DD017; and Plan view of Drill Collars (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)




Figure 5: New exploration permit EPM28807. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)


Posted December 9, 2024

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