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Laramide Releases Further Assay Results from Successful 2024 Drill Campaign at Westmoreland Project, Queensland, Australia

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Laramide Releases Further Assay Results from Successful 2024 Drill Campaign at Westmoreland Project, Queensland, Australia

Laramide Resources Ltd. (TSX: LAM) (ASX: LAM) (OTCQX: LMRXF), a uranium mine development and exploration company with globally significant assets in the United States and Australia, is pleased to report more assay results from the 2024 drilling campaign completed at the Westmoreland Uranium Project in Queensland, Australia.

Further results for 7 holes of 17 holes from infill drilling at Huarabagoo and for 4 holes of 27 holes drilled in the zone between the Huarabagoo and Junnagunna (“Link Zone”) deposits have been received. All of the holes returned significant uranium mineralization with further gold mineralization evident at the Huarabagoo deposit. The results from the Link Zone demonstrate that uranium mineralisation is continuous along strike and potentially joins the two deposits. (Figure 1)

Commenting on the results, Laramide’s Vice-President of Exploration Rhys Davies said:

“The latest results from Huarabagoo and the Link Zone continue to show the high quality of the project and will contribute to an updated Westmoreland Mineral Resource Estimate. The updated MRE which will include a Maiden Resource Estimate for Long Pocket, remains on track for delivery later in Q1 2025. The results to date have supported the objectives of the 2024 drill program, including testing new areas for expansion which have led us to appreciate the size and scope of the deposit. 

“Additionally, this data will underpin the next phase of work at Westmoreland in 2025, which is expected to include further drilling along with renewed development studies, including geotechnical, advanced metallurgical, mining optimisation and scheduling.

“The final exploration results from the 2024 campaign are expected in the coming weeks from Junnagunna North and Amphitheatre in Queensland, and from Mageera in the Northern Territory.” 

The 2024 drilling campaign across the broader Westmoreland Project was completed on the 4th of November and comprised 106 holes (includes 60 RC and 46 DD) for 11,263 meters, across multiple targets.

Figure 1 Plan view of Drill Collars between Huarabagoo and Junnagunna, locations of highlight holes shown. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)

Figure 2. Cross section along HB24DD012, HB24DD013 & HB24DD014 looking northeast (window ±5m), Refer Figure 1 for Plan view; 2024 Huarabagoo Drill Collar location and Cross Section. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)

Figure 3: Cross section along HJ24RC014 & HJ24RC015 looking northeast (window ±5m), Refer Figure 1 for Plan view; 2024 Huarabagoo-Junnagunna Link Zone Drill Collar location and Cross Section. Note; significant intercept results for blue collar drill holes are reported in this release. (CNW Group/Laramide Resources Ltd.)



  • Huarabagoo continues to deliver broad, consistent mineralisation including: 
    • HB24DD011 – 5m @ 2,053 ppm (0.21%) U3O8 and 0.58 g/t Au from 34.5m,
      • including 3.7m @2,751 ppm (0.28%) U3O8 and 0.81 g/t Au
    • HB24DD013 – 12m @ 1,694 (0.17%) U3O8 from 44 m,
      • including 5.0m @ 3,235 ppm (0.32%) U3O8
    • HB24DD014 – 17m @ 764 ppm (0.08%) U3Ofrom 30m,
      • including 9m @ 1,247 ppm (0.12%) U3O8
      • and 3m @ 5,286 ppm (0.53%) U3O8 and 0.62 g/t Au from 72m,
    • HB24DD015 – 22m @ 871 ppm (0.09%) U3O8 from 27m,
      • including 5m @ 2,050 ppm (0.25%) U3O8
    • HB24DD015 – 19m @ 965 ppm (0.1%) U3O8 from 83m,
      • including 6m @ 2,622 ppm (0.26%) U3O8
  • Results continue to demonstrate the potential to link the Huarabagoo and Junnagunna uranium deposits:
    • HJ24RC014 – 15m @ 267 ppm (0.03%) U3O8 from 79m,
      • including 1m @ 1,068 ppm (0.11%) U3O8 from 80m
      • and 1m @ 2,128 ppm (0.21%) U3O8 from 34m


The Huarabagoo deposit, located in the structural corridor between Redtree and Junnagunna, is included in the restated 2016 Westmoreland Mineral Resource Estimate1.

The 2024 drilling at Huarabagoo was designed to infill data gaps within the deposit, and to also test continuity of gold mineralisation within the system.

The reported results continue to support the model and confirm lateral continuity but also vertical continuity, for example HB24RC014 presents multiple mineralised intercepts downhole within a 31m zone (30m to 61m) plus a higher-grade zone from 72m:

  • 3m @ 0.53% U3O8 and 0.62g/t Au (Figure 2, Table 2).



Huarabagoo-Junnagunna Link Zone

Drilling in the Huarabagoo-Junnagunna structural corridor is designed to test the mineralisation continuity between the two deposits with the intent to further increase the overall size of the resource. Results are encouraging and support the rationale for further testing of this zone.

Corporate Update

Further to Laramide’s release of December 6, 2024, regarding the Kazakhstan exploration opportunity, Aral Resources (which Laramide has an option to acquire) has now been granted 21 exploration licenses that were applied for, with one license pending grant. Planning is well advanced for the initial phase of exploration in the country which includes historical data compilation, as well as a large-scale airborne survey expected to commence in Q2 2025. The expected budget for Kazakhstan exploration in 2025 is approximately USD$2.5M, which aligns with the requisite statutory work commitments attached to the licenses. Most of this budget is back-end loaded, beginning in Q3, and will be focused on initial drilling of the most promising roll front targets identified across the very large land package.

Following the extension of Laramide’s USD$3.5M convertible note held by Extract Capital in Q4 2024 (see news release of October 18, 2024), the Company ended the year in a comfortable financial position with cash and marketable securities exceeding CDN$5 million. This was facilitated by sales of a portion of the shares held in Sol Strategies, a CSE listed public company (symbol: HODL) which traded at 22 cents per share on September 30, 2024, but ended the year at $3.02 per share.

Qualified/Competent Person

The information in this announcement relating to Exploration Results is based on information compiled or reviewed by Mr. Rhys Davies, a contractor to the Company. Mr. Davies is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’, and is a “Qualified Person” as defined by National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Davies consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

To learn more about Laramide, please visit the Company’s website at

Follow us on Twitter @LaramideRes

About Laramide Resources Ltd.

Laramide is focused on exploring and developing high-quality uranium assets in Tier-1 uranium jurisdictions. The company’s portfolio comprises predominantly advanced uranium projects in districts with historical production or superior geological prospectivity. The assets have been carefully chosen for their size, production potential, and the two large development projects are considered to be late-stage, low-technical risk projects.  As well, Laramide has expanded its pipeline with strategic exploration in Kazakhstan where the company is exploring over 5,500 km2 of the prolific Chu-Sarysu Basin for world class roll-front deposits which are amenable to in-situ recovery.

Table 1: Drill Collar Details
Prospect Hole ID GDA_Easting GDA_Northing RL (m) Depth (m) Grid Azi Dip Hole type Drilling
Drilling completed
HUARABAGOO HB24DD001 194116 8062630 86 110.8 133 -60 DD 08/08/2024 13/08/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD002 194186 8062731 85 37.8 134 -50 DD 13/08/2024 14/08/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD003 194185 8062731 85 117.9 134 -50 DD 20/08/2024 23/08/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD004 194110 8062675 90 116.1 134 -50 DD 23/08/2024 27/08/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD005 194211 8062632 86 137.8 314 -50 DD 27/08/2024 30/08/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD006 194234 8062667 85 122.8 314 -50 DD 30/08/2024 01/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD007 193970 8062353 95 88.3 314 -50 DD 01/09/2024 03/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD008 193974 8062381 94 117.3 314 -60 DD 03/09/2024 06/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD009 194171 8062573 88 119.6 314 -50 DD 06/09/2024 07/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD010 194283 8062835 84 95.1 134 -50 DD 07/09/2024 09/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD011 194303 8062858 84 90.1 134 -60 DD 09/09/2024 10/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD012 194573 8063195 84 102.2 134 -70 DD 16/09/2024 18/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD013 194573 8063195 84 81.5 134 -50 DD 18/09/2024 19/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD014 194567 8063202 82 101.3 315 -55 DD 19/09/2024 24/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD015 194660 8063383 81 107.0 314 -60 DD 24/09/2024 25/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD016 194764 8063486 81 141.1 134 -60 DD 26/09/2024 27/09/2024
HUARABAGOO HB24DD017 194724 8063527 80 140.7 134 -60 DD 28/09/2024 29/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC001 195002 8063617 81 150.0 315 -60 RC 17/08/2024 18/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC002 195064 8063844 79 150.0 135 -60 RC 19/08/2024 19/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC003 195275 8063908 79 150.0 315 -60 RC 20/08/2024 21/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC004 195141 8064040 79 150.0 135 -60 RC 21/08/2024 22/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC005 195346 8064256 78 168.0 135 -60 RC 22/08/2024 24/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC006 195559 8064345 77 90.0 315 -60 RC 24/08/2024 25/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC007 195448 8064447 77 150.0 135 -60 RC 25/08/2024 26/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC008 195634 8064542 78 150.0 135 -60 RC 27/08/2024 28/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC009 195838 8064619 78 150.0 315 -60 RC 28/08/2024 29/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC010 195932 8064814 77 150.0 135 -60 RC 29/08/2024 30/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC011 196114 8064909 77 150.0 315 -60 RC 30/08/2024 31/08/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC012 196208 8065094 77 150.0 135 -60 RC 01/09/2024 02/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC013 195362 8064519 77 150.0 315 -55 RC 02/09/2024 03/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC014 194937 8063686 79 150.0 135 -60 RC 25/09/2024 26/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC015 194872 8063736 80 150.0 135 -60 RC 26/09/2024 27/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC016 195131 8063771 80 162.0 315 -55 RC 27/09/2024 27/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC017 195006 8063894 78 150.0 135 -60 RC 28/09/2024 29/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC018 196158 8065142 79 150.0 135 -60 RC 02/10/2024 03/10/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC019 195999 8065017 77 126.0 135 -60 RC 03/10/2024 05/10/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC020 195731 8064722 77 150.0 135 -60 RC 05/10/2024 06/10/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24RC021 195372 8064237 79 150.0 246 -55 RC 06/10/2024 07/10/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD014 195202 8063980 78 150.3 315 -60 DD 04/09/2024 06/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD015 195400 8064216 79 150.3 135 -50 DD 06/09/2024 08/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD016 195533 8064369 77 132.5 315 -70 DD 08/09/2024 10/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD017 195789 8064673 78 132.3 135 -60 DD 11/09/2024 12/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD018 195591 8064583 77 138.3 135 -60 DD 13/09/2024 14/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD019 196051 8064970 77 135.3 135 -60 DD 15/09/2024 16/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD020 196267 8065043 77 135.0 315 -50 DD 16/09/2024 19/09/2024
HJ Link Zone HJ24DD021 195533 8064369 77 150.2 315 -55 DD 20/09/2024 24/09/2024
Table 2: Significant intercepts >100ppm U3O8
From To Length (m) U308ppm Au g/t
HB24DD011 14.3 16 1.7 150.28 0.05
HB24DD011 34 39.7 5.7 2053.35 0.58
including 34.5 38.2 3.7 2751.20 0.81
HB24DD011 70.85 82 11.2 325.27 0.01
HB24DD011 85 86 1 129.12 0.01
HB24DD012 59 60 1 249.99 0.01
HB24DD012 86 89 3 177.43 0.01
HB24DD013 52 63 11 499.23 0.01
including 59 60 1 2582.45 0.01
HB24DD013 68 80 12 1694.37 0.01
including 69 74 5 3235.49 0.01
HB24DD013 77 78 1 1042.41 0.01
HB24DD014 20 25 5 360.95 0.01
including 23 24 1 1113.16 0.01
HB24DD014 30 38 8 408.89 0.01
HB24DD014 44 61 17 764.24 0.03
including 52 61 9 1247.99 0.04
and 72 75 3 5286.75 0.62
HB24DD014 98 101.25 3.25 938.60 0.01
including 98 100 2 1423.88 0.02
HB24DD015 27 49 22 871.01 0.02
including 29 30 1 1550.65 0.01
and 38 43 5 2503.44 0.01
HB24DD015 83 102 19 964.90 0.02
including 94 100 6 2622.74 0.01
HB24DD016 17 22 5 111.76 0.01
HB24DD016 26 28 2 160.08 0.01
HB24DD016 36 37 1 117.92 0.01
HB24DD017 7 13 6 157.09 0.01
HB24DD017 75 89 14 423.32 0.05
including 81 82 1 1863.14 0.21
HJ24RC014 74 75 1 113.91 0.01
HJ24RC014 79 94 15 267.18 0.01
including 80 81 1 1068.36 0.03
HJ24RC015 108 115 7 309.42 0.01
HJ24RC020 18 39 21 181.91 0.01
HJ24RC020 95 99 4 156.57 0.04
HJ24RC021 25 29 4 200.17 0.01
HJ24RC021 32 33 1 126.17 0.01
HJ24RC021 123 125 2 397.57 0.01
HJ24RC021 137 139 2 267.97 0.01
HJ24DD021 46 49.1 3.1 377.91 0.01
HJ24DD021 51.6 53 1.4 119.69 0.01
HJ24DD021 57 58 1 104.71 0.01
* Included intercepts are above >1000 ppm U3O

# intercept is above >1% U3O8

Table 3: Significant intercepts >0.1 g/t Au
From To Length (m) U308ppm Au g/t
HB24DD011 34.5 39 4.5 2433.58 0.72
including 36 38.2 2.2 3135.60 1.23
with 36 37 1 4563.50 2.04
HB24DD011 43 46 3 8.96 0.12
HB24DD011 84 85 1 52.47 0.15
HB24DD014 60 61 1 1123.78 0.34
HB24DD014 72 75 3 5286.75 0.62
with 74 75 1 3419.68 1.47
HB24DD014 96 97 1 16.63 0.14
HB24DD015 46 47 1 261.78 0.24
HB24DD015 84 85 1 151.53 0.23
HB24DD017 80 82 2 1352.54 0.16
HB24DD017 86 87 1 627.33 0.18
HJ24RC020 43 44 1 30.66 0.11
HJ24RC020 76 77 1 3.18 0.22
HJ24RC020 96 97 1 231.71 0.10
HJ24RC021 102 105 3 31.68 0.57
including 103 104 1 50.00 1.29
* Included intercepts are above >0.5g/t Au; with intercepts above >1g/t Au

# Intercepts exceed 20g/t Au 


Posted January 16, 2025

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