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Kootenay Silver Expands Known Mineralization at Columba Project, Chihuahua, Mexico: Four Drill Holes Report Highs to 2,370 gpt Silver and 6.7% Lead-Zinc

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Kootenay Silver Expands Known Mineralization at Columba Project, Chihuahua, Mexico: Four Drill Holes Report Highs to 2,370 gpt Silver and 6.7% Lead-Zinc






Kootenay Silver Inc. (TSX-V: KTN) is pleased to provide results from four drill holes at the Columba High Grade Silver Project. The batch reported herein comprises drill tests of the D-Vein trend along strike or at depth. The Company is focused on testing extensions and gaps within the data set in advance of the preparation of a mineral resource estimate.


Drill Highlights include;

  • Hole CDH-24-171 Hit three significant composited intervals within a continuously mineralized 87.6 meters long mineralized envelope plus two more narrow high grade zones.
    • First Zone – Hangingwall
      • 1,134 gpt silver, 0.8 % lead and 3.4 % zinc over 2.6 meters core length (2.17 meters estimated true width) from 256.4 meters downhole includes;
      • 2,370 gpt silver, 1.2% lead and 5.5% zinc over 0.5 meters (0.42 meters e.t.w.) from 257.5 meters downhole
    • Second Zone – Hangingwall
      • 298 gpt silver, 1.3 % lead and 0.6 % zinc over 7.78 meters core length (6.48 meters e.t.w) from 268.5 meters downhole includes;
      • 627 gpt silver, 2.5% lead and 0.5% zinc over 3.14 meters of core length (2.62 meters e.t.w.) from 272.5 meters downhole
      • 1,525 gpt silver, 1.3% lead and 0.2% zinc over 0.6 meters (0.53 meters e.t.w.) from 275 meters downhole
    • Third Zone – D-Vein
      • 338 gpt silver, 0.4% lead and 1.1% zinc over 18 meters core length (15.0 meters e.t.w) from 315 meters downhole includes;
      • 484 gpt silver, 0.49% lead and 1.42% zinc over 11.2 meters core length (9.34 meters e.t.w.) from 315 metres downhole
      • 923 gpt silver, 0.8% lead and 2.5% zinc over 1.5 meters core length (1.20 meters e.t.w) from 319.5 meters downhole
  • Plus the two narrow veins


      • Footwall 487 gpt silver, 0.5% lead and 1.1% zinc over 3 meters core length (2.4 meters e.t.w.)
      • Hangingwall 976 gpt silver, 1.5% lead and 4.8% zinc over 0.5 meters core length (0.4 meters e.t.w.) within 369 gpt silver, 0.6% lead and 1.8% zinc over 1.5 meters of core length (1.2 meters e.t.w.).
  • Hole CDH-24-173 Intersected 5 high grade intervals in the hangingwall above the D-vein and one in the footwall below it.
    • Hangingwall intervals
      • 401 gpt, 0.2% lead and 0.4% zinc over 2 meters core length (1.52 meters e.t.w) from 221 meters downhole
      • 142 gpt silver, 0.1% lead and 0.4% Zinc over 9.42 meters core length (7.14 meters e.t.w.) from 236 meters downhole including 377 gpt silver, 0.3% lead and 2.8% zinc over 2.49 meters (1.89 meters e.t.w.) from 241.13 meters downhole
      • 459 gpt silver, 0.3% lead and 0.6% zinc over 1.0 meters core length (0.76 meters e.t.w.) from 259 meters downhole
      • 796 gpt silver, 0.6% lead, 2.2% zinc over 0.7 meters core length (0.53 meters e.t.w.) from 282.11 meters downhole
      • 679 gpt silver over 1 meter (0.76 meters e.t.w.) from 291 meters downhole
    • D-Vein
      • 162 gpt silver, 0.4% lead and 1.4% zinc over 5.28 meters core length of (4.0 meters e.t.w.) from 301.5 meters downhole
    • Footwall Vein
      • 1,070 gpt silver, 4.2% lead, 1.7% zinc over 0.5 meters core length (0.38 meters e.t.w.) from 362.5 meters downhole


Kootenay’s President & CEO, James McDonald states, “Another great set of drill results from Columba. Hole 171 is especially exciting with an 87-meter-wide zone of continuous silver mineralization and as a step out down dip and along strike about 50 and 100 meters to the southeast of CDH 140 and 125 respectively. Holes 170 and 172 were semi parallel to the D vein and did not reach the target. Hole 173 expands the D vein down dip and along strike about 70 and 115 meters respectively from the high grade holes CDH 140 and 125 previously reported. Also of note in CDH 173 are two other high grade veins. One in the hangwall of D vein with 2.49 meters of 377 gpt silver and one in the footwall with. 1070 gpt silver over 0.5 meters.”


Current batch of drill results from drill holes CDH-24-170 to 173 are tabulated below. Drill highlights, maps and sections from the project are tabulated on the Company’s website at the links below


Click to view the drill plan, long section, and cross sections.


Hole ID From
To (meters) Interval
Est true1
Pb % Zn% Geologic Intersection
CDH-24-170 276.45 276.9 0.45 0.38 359 0.07 0.11 D-Vein extension
and 335.37 336 0.63 0.53 234 0.05 0.62 HW to D-Vein System
and 365.33 365.73 0.4 0.33 215 0.04 0.16 HW to D-Vein System
CDH-24-171 256.4 259.0 2.6 2.17 1,334 0.82 3.41 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 257.5 258.0 0.5 0.42 2,370 1.19 5.47 Veining within D-Vein system
and 263.0 266.0 3.0 2.50


117 1.08 0.34 Veining within D-Vein system
and 268.5 276.3 7.8 6.48 298 1.30 0.55 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 272.5 275.6 3.1 2.62 627 2.47 0.53 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 275.0 275.6 0.6 0.53 1,525 1.31 0.24 Veining within D-Vein system
and 304.0 305.5 1.5 1.25 369 0.57 1.76 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 304.0 304.5 0.5 0.42 976 1.50 4.81 Veining within D-Vein system
and 315.0 332.0 18.0 15.0 338 0.35 1.06 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 315.0 326.21 11.21 9.34


484 0.49 1.42 Veining within D-Vein system
includes 319.5 321.0 1.5 1.20


923 0.83 2.51 Veining within D-Vein system
and 339.0 342.0 3.0 2.50 487 0.47 1.13 Veining within D-Vein system
CDH-24-172 340.0 342.0 2.0 1.67 312 0.07 0.38 B-Vein corridor
and 352.0 369.0 17.0 14.17 60 0.03 0.12 B-Vein corridor
and 553.1 556.13 3.03 2.51 89 0.04 0.25 FW D-Vein
CDH-24-173 221.0 223.0 2.0 1.52 401 0.19 0.36 HW to D-Vein
and 236.0 245.4 9.4 7.14 142 0.11 0.58 Calcite Qz Vein HW to D-Vein
includes 241.1 243.6 2.5 1.89 377 0.29 1.85 Calcite Qz Vein HW to D-Vein
and 259.0 260.0 1.0 0.76 459 0.28 0.58 Calcite Qz Vein HW to D-Vein
and 282.1 282.8 0.7 0.53


796 0.56 2.16 Calcite Qz Vein HW to D-Vein
and 291.0 292.0 1.0 0.76 679 0.32 0.47 Calcite Qz Vein HW to D-Vein
and 301.5 306.8 5.3 4.00 162 0.44 1.42 D-Vein
and 319.0 329.0 10.0 7.58 84 0.11 0.21 Footwall to D-Vein system
and 362.5 363.0 0.5 0.38 1,070 4.24 1.72 Footwall to D-Vein
1 Estimated true widths are based on current interpretation of mineralized structures.


The 2024 drill program continues with two diamond drills with over 10,000 meters and 29 holes this year. The 2024 exploration work has almost tripled the known strike length of D-Vein which is mineralized for approximately 1,275 meters. D-Vein is just one of several high priority targets at Columba and boasts some of the most striking results on the project. The current program is part of a fully funded follow up program of 20,000 meters, aimed to culminate in a maiden resource.


Prospective veins on the project are hosted within a volcanic caldera setting, the surface extent of mapped veins measuring roughly 4 kilometres by 3 kilometres. Management believes that Columba may be a newly recognized vein district that is nearly entirely preserved from erosion.


A comprehensive list of drill results completed on the Columba Property since 2019 may be viewed here: Columba Drill Results.


Sampling and QA/QC at Columba


All technical information for the Columba exploration program is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control program. Samples are taken from core cut in half with a diamond saw under the direction of qualified geologists and engineers. Samples are then labeled, placed in plastic bags, sealed and with interval and sample numbers recorded. Samples are delivered by the Company to ALS Minerals in Chihuahua. The Company inserts blanks, standards and duplicates at regular intervals as follows. On average a blank is inserted every 100 samples beginning at the start of sampling and again when leaving the mineral zone. Standards are inserted when entering the potential mineralized zone and in the middle of them, on average one in every 25 samples is a standard. Duplicates are taken in the mineralized intervals at an average 2 duplicates for each hole.


The samples are dried, crushed and pulverized with the pulps being sent airfreight for analysis by ALS in Vancouver, B.C. Systematic assaying of standards, blanks and duplicates is performed for precision and accuracy. Analysis for silver, zinc, lead and copper and related trace elements was done by ICP four acid digestion, with gold analysis by 30-gram fire assay with an AA finish. All drilling reported is HQ core and was completed by Globextools, S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Qualified Persons


The Kootenay technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved on behalf of Kootenay by Mr. Dale Brittliffe, BSc. P. Geol., Vice President, Exploration of Kootenay Silver, is the Company’s nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release. Mr. Brittliffe is not independent of Kootenay Silver.


About Kootenay Silver Inc.


Kootenay Silver Inc. is an exploration company actively engaged in the discovery and development of mineral projects in the Sierra Madre Region of Mexico. Supported by one of the largest junior portfolios of silver assets in Mexico, Kootenay continues to provide its shareholders with significant leverage to silver prices. The Company remains focused on the expansion of its current silver resources, new discoveries and the near-term economic development of its priority silver projects located in prolific mining districts in Sonora, State and Chihuahua, State, Mexico, respectively.



Posted October 24, 2024

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