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Kobo Resources Intersects Strong Gold Mineralisation over 850 Metre Strike Extent at the Road Cut Zone including 13 m at 2.10 g/t Au and 8 m at 3.18 g/t Au

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Kobo Resources Intersects Strong Gold Mineralisation over 850 Metre Strike Extent at the Road Cut Zone including 13 m at 2.10 g/t Au and 8 m at 3.18 g/t Au






Kobo Resources Inc. (TSX-V: KRI) is pleased to announce that it has completed initial drilling at its Kossou Gold Project located in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa with 5,887 metres drilled in 53 reverse circulation drill holes in under five weeks. Drilling has successfully confirmed significant gold mineralisation at the Road Cut Zone and additional strong gold mineralisation within the Jagger Zone. Further exploration has elevated the Kadie Zone to drill status. All drill assay results have been received and reported in this release.


Program Highlights

  • Road Cut Zone drilled over a strike of 850 m including KRC022 returning 8 m at 3.18 g/t Au and KRC044 returning 13 m at 2.10 g/t Au
  • Jagger Zone has been drilled over 1,400 m strike extent with mineralisation intersected in every hole and KRC015 returning 6 m at 4.31 g/t Au, including 2 m at 8.42 g/t Au
  • Kadie Zone, strong, well-defined gold in soil anomalies over a total of 750 m combined strike extent has been elevated to drill target for next program


Edward Gosselin, CEO and Director of Kobo commented: “Following the completion of our maiden drill program, both the Jagger Zone and the Road Cut Zone have yielded excellent gold results to-date. Additionally, we are now elevating the Kadie Zone to drill target status as we continue to expand our detailed soil geochemical program.” He continued: “The geological team delivered these results without incident in less than five weeks, and I am extremely pleased with the performance of the entire Kobo team during the course of this program. Having identified multiple shear zones with gold mineralisation, we are more convinced than ever of the project’s potential value and look forward to fully evaluating the potential of Kossou through additional work. Currently, we are reviewing all results and planning for our next drilling program, which we anticipate will commence in the fall.”


Road Cut Zone


The Company completed 1,699 m of RC drilling in 13 holes and has defined broad zones of gold mineralisation with high grade sections hosted within sheared and silicified volcanic units over a strike length of 850 m. Gold mineralisation has been confirmed in clearly defined zones to a depth of 80 m below surface. There remains a gap of 500 m between holes KRC051 (5 m at 3.27 g/t Au) and KRC044 (9 m at 2.94 g/t Au) that is underlain by a strong gold soil geochemical anomaly that remains a primary drill target for the future. See Figure 1 for drill collar positions and key results and Table 1 for full drill results.

  • KRC022 – 8 m at 3.18 g/t Au
  • KRC041 – 10 m at 1.33 g/t Au
  • KRC040 – 12 m at 1.49 g/t Au
  • KRC044 – 13 m at 2.10 g/t Au, including 9 m at 2.94 g/t Au and 5 m at 4.48 g/t Au, including 2 m at 10.41 g/t Au and a separate interval of 3 m at 3.16 g/t Au
  • KRC051 – 5 m at 3.27 g/t Au, including 2 m at 4.89 g/t Au


Jagger Zone


The Company completed a total of 25 RC drill holes for 3,164 m, mainly south of the results reported previously (see release July 24, 2023) and has now recorded gold mineralisation in drilling over a total strike extend of 1,400 m. Jagger continues to show broad zones of gold mineralisation with higher grade sections within a strong north-south shear zone. Results from KRC047 and KRC048 have confirmed gold mineralisation 200 m north of the previously reported results. This gap is underlain by a strong gold soil geochemical anomaly and will be targeted for future drilling. See Figure 2 for drill collar positions and key results and Table 1 for full drill results.

  • KRC015 – 6 m at 4.31 g/t Au
  • KRC018 – 7 m at 1.47 g/t Au, including 2 m at 4.17 g/t Au
  • KRC047 – 6 m at 1.67 g/t Au and 5 m at 1.01 g/t Au
  • KRC048 – 5 m at 1.20 g/t Au


Kadie Zone


Recent infill soil sampling at the Kadie Zone has identified three strong geochemical anomalies 200 m, 400 m, and 600 m west of the main Jagger Zone with individual soils sampling up to 1,620 ppb, 6,010 ppb and 1,620 ppb respectively. Recent prospecting and mapping has identified surface samples up to 7.42 g/t Au in mineralisation similar to that noted in trench KTR028 (see previous press release June 7, 2023). The total combined strike extend of these anomalies totals approximately 750 m (see Figure 3).


Contact Zone


Results of the two reconnaissance drill lines (15 RC drill holes for 1,024 m) failed to intersect significant gold mineralisation but has identified the important contact between the metasediments and the volcanic package. The Company believes there is still potential to the northwest along the contact where gold has been identified in silicified sediments and local small-scale mining has been active in the past.


Table 1: Summary of Drill Results


BHID East North Elev. Az. Dip Depth From (m) To (m) Int. (m) Au g/t Target
KRC012 229110 774899 371 90 -50 54 14 16 2 0.67 Jagger
              45 46 1 1.11 Jagger
KRC013 229079 774899 370 90 -50 108 46 51 5 1.06 Jagger
              90 99 9 0.32 Jagger
              103 104 1 1.59 Jagger
KRC014 229121 774848 371 90 -50 50 10 16 6 1.21 Jagger
KRC015 229086 774849 373 90 -50 100 45 51 6 4.31 Jagger
              incl. 45 47 2 8.42 Jagger
KRC016 229134 774798 369 90 -50 54 29 31 2 1.26 Jagger
KRC017 229097 774798 375 90 -50 100 No Intercepts Jagger
KRC018 229129 774747 382 90 -50 70 20 27 7 1.47 Jagger
              Incl. 20 22 2 4.17 Jagger
KRC019 229101 774747 383 90 -50 100 11 13 2 0.59 Jagger
              42 44 2 2.52 Jagger
              50 55 5 0.80 Jagger
              58 63 5 0.32 Jagger
KRC020 229131 774703 389 90 -50 90 24 42 18 0.60 Jagger
              incl. 26 28 2 1.65 Jagger
              47 48 1 2.00 Jagger
              80 86 6 0.70 Jagger
              incl. 80 83 3 1.23 Jagger
KRC021 229099 774699 393 90 -50 160 60 65 5 0.89 Jagger
              incl. 64 65 1 3.33 Jagger
              84 92 8 0.34 Jagger
KRC022 228565 776022 277 90 -50 122 8 10 2 0.55 South RCZ
              36 44 8 3.18 South RCZ
              incl. 42 44 2 8.38 South RCZ
KRC023 228583 775925 299 90 -50 142 8 12 4 1.62 South RCZ
KRC024 229183 775950 206 90 -50 75 No Intercepts CZ
KRC025 229153 775950 206 90 -50 60 No Intercepts CZ
KRC026 229123 775950 207 90 -50 90 No Intercepts CZ
KRC027 229093 775949 209 90 -50 65 No Intercepts CZ
KRC028 229063 775949 212 90 -50 60 No Intercepts CZ
KRC029 229033 775949 214 90 -50 54 No Intercepts CZ
KRC030 229003 775949 216 90 -50 70 No Intercepts CZ
KRC031 229313 775752 211 90 -50 55 No Intercepts CZ
KRC032 229283 775752 212 90 -50 55 No Intercepts CZ
KRC033 229253 775751 213 90 -50 60 No Intercepts CZ
KRC034 229224 775751 214 90 -50 60 No Intercepts CZ
KRC035 229193 775751 216 90 -50 75 No Intercepts CZ
KRC036 229163 775750 217 90 -50 75 No Intercepts CZ
KRC037 228263 776696 268 90 -50 146 11 13 2 1.60 RCZ
19 20 1 2.99 RCZ
39 45 6 2.04 RCZ
incl. 40 44 4 2.81 RCZ
incl. 40 41 1 7.82 RCZ
55 59 4 0.54 RCZ
89 99 10 0.77 RCZ
incl. 89 94 5 1.19 RCZ
103 108 5 0.88 RCZ
KRC038 228290 776631 275 90 -50 91 52 55 3 1.33 RCZ
              78 80 2 0.40 RCZ
KRC039 228290 776631 275 90 -60 125 52 67 15 1.06* RCZ
              incl. 52 55 3 3.24 RCZ
              60 61 1 1.16 RCZ
              65 67 2 2.39 RCZ
              112 113 1 1.10 RCZ
KRC040 228312 776600 276 90 -50 98 30 35 5 0.35 RCZ
              76 88 12 1.49 RCZ
              incl. 76 78 2 2.86 RCZ
              incl. 85 87 2 4.75 RCZ
KRC041 228312 776600 276 90 -60 150 27 32 5 1.83 RCZ
              incl. 27 30 3 2.89 RCZ
              83 93 10 1.33 RCZ
              incl. 86 93 7 1.63 RCZ
              Incl. 86 88 2 4.25 RCZ
              102 106 4 0.36 RCZ
              123 125 2 0.79 RCZ
KRC042 228280 776547 283 90 -50 140 70 71 1 5.7 RCZ
              105 107 2 0.66 RCZ
              124 125 1 1.67 RCZ
              135 139 4 0.75 RCZ
KRC043 228281 776501 287 90 -50 158 17 21 4 0.44 RCZ
              135 145 10 0.36 RCZ
              150 155 5 1.08 RCZ
KRC044 228283 776447 288 90 -50 158 21 25 4 0.48 RCZ
              37 38 1 1.21 RCZ
              54 73 19 0.56 RCZ
              incl. 58 64 6 1.07 RCZ
              61 64 3 1.48 RCZ
              88 101 13 2.10 RCZ
              incl. 88 97 9 2.94 RCZ
              97 97 2 10.41 RCZ
              113 116 3 3.16 RCZ
              130 132 2 0.87 RCZ
KRC045 228042 776901 254 90 -50 119 65 67 2 0.43 North RCZ
              89 91 2 0.51 North RCZ
              108 110 2 0.45 North RCZ
              117 118 1 1.70 North RCZ
KRC046 227924 777001 256 90 -50 100 16 22 6 0.46* North RCZ
              incl. 16 17 1 1.69 North RCZ
KRC047 228982 775575 288 90 -50 200 28 31 3 0.47 Jagger
              41 43 2 2.58 Jagger
              47 53 6 1.66 Jagger
              incl. 51 52 1 7.51 Jagger
              64 69 5 1.01 Jagger
              incl. 66 69 3 1.19 Jagger
              113 122 9 0.66 Jagger
              incl. 113 117 4 1.15 Jagger
KRC048 229040 775575 272 90 -50 176 33 34 1 1.45 Jagger
              52 57 5 1.20 Jagger
              incl. 53 55 2 2.20 Jagger
              162 165 3 0.91 Jagger
              incl. 162 164 2 1.21 Jagger
KRC049 229130 775750 220 90 -50 90 No Intercepts CZ
KRC050 229100 775750 220 90 -50 80 No Intercepts CZ
KRC051 228505 776025 280 90 -50 150 12 15 3 0.71 South RCZ
              incl. 14 15 1 1.55 South RCZ
              102 107 5 3.27 South RCZ
              incl. 104 107 3 4.89 South RCZ
KRC052 229158 774550 388 90 -50 120 39 40 1 5.07 Jagger
KRC053 229240 774150 369 90 -50 100 13 14 1 1.09 Jagger


Cut off using 2m @ 0.30 g/t Au
Intervals are reported no more than 3m of continuous internal dilution except where indicated *

An accurate dip and strike and controls of mineralisation are unconfirmed at this time and the true width of mineralisation is unconfirmed at this time. Drill holes are planned to intersect mineralised zones perpendicular to interpreted targets. All intercepts reported are downhole distances.


Sampling, QAQC, and Analytical Procedures


One meter composite samples of RC chips were sent to the MSA Labs facility in Yamoussoukro where the entire sample was dried and split into 500 g subsample for analysis (prep code CRU-CPA). Sample splits were then analysed for gold using PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1). QAQC procedures for the drill program include insertion of a certificated standards every 20 samples, a blank every 20 samples and a duplicate sample (split of the 1 m original sample) every 20 samples. All QAQC control samples returned values within acceptable limits.


Review of Technical Information


The scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Paul Sarjeant, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Persons as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Sarjeant is the President and Chief Operating Officer and Director of Kobo.


About Kobo Resources Inc.


Kobo Resources is a growth-focused gold exploration company with a compelling new gold discovery in Cote d’Ivoire, one of West Africa’s most prolific and developing gold districts, hosting several multi-million-ounce gold mines. The Company’s 100%-owned Kossou Gold Project is located approximately 20 km northwest of the capital city of Yamoussoukro and is directly adjacent to one of the region’s largest gold mines with established processing facilities.


The Company is drilling to unlock the potential size and scale of Kossou within 9+ km strike length of highly prospective gold in soil geochemical anomalies with excellent rock and trench sampling results. The Company’s 2023 exploration plan calls for over 8,000 meters of reverse circulation drilling with an immediate goal of defining significant near surface zones of gold mineralisation. Kobo offers investors the exciting combination of high-quality gold prospects led by an experienced leadership team with in-country experience.


Figure 1: Road Cut Zone Drill Collar Positions and Key Results (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 2: Jagger Zone Drill Collar Positions and Key Results (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 3 – Kadie Zone Detailed Soil Gold Geochemistry Map (Graphic: Business Wire)


Posted August 14, 2023

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