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Honey Badger Silver

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Honey Badger Silver






A Premier Silver-Focused Growth Company


Honey Badger Silver Inc. (TSX-V:TUF) is a Canadian silver company based in Toronto, Ontario, involved in the identification, acquisition, and development of properties in mining-friendly jurisdictions. Led by a highly experienced leadership and technical team, the Company’s primary focus is on the acquisition, development, and integration of accretive transactions of silver ounces to build the company’s portfolio of assets. The Company also holds the dominant land position in Ontario’s prolific historic Thunder Bay Silver District covering some 16,800 hectares.




Our mission is to produce silver and other precious metals safely, sustainably and profitability.




Our vision is to be world’s premier precious metal’s producer that creates value for our shareholders by
engineering, innovation, and sustainable development.




Our core values are our commitment, and they are embedded in our daily operations:

Integrity & Responsibility 


Conduct business with utmost integrity and responsibility by complying with all
applicable laws and regulations.



Provide a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for our employees and



Create Equal opportunity for all by ensuring all business affairs remain free from favoritism, fear, discrimination, and / or harassment.

Shareholder Value and Reporting 


Create shareholder value as well as provide complete, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure to all stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and employees.





Beaver Silver Property

Thunder Bay Silver Project


The Beaver Silver Property covers some of the most productive silver-bearing veins of the Rabbit Mountain group of deposits. including the high-grade Beaver Silver Mine that operated between 1884 and 1891 and produced over 500,000 oz silver at an average grade of 0.25% with zones grading up to 3.42% Ag (Ingall, 1889, Szetu, 1969).



Exploration History


Honey Badger’s land package hosts 12 past-producing high-grade mines with historic production of over 1.67M oz silver.


The Beaver Silver Property covers some of the most productive silver-bearing veins of the Rabbit Mountain group of deposits. including the high-grade Beaver Silver Mine that operated between 1884 and 1891 and produced over 500,000 oz silver at an average grade of 0.25% with zones grading up to 3.42% Ag (Ingall, 1889, Szetu, 1969).



Honey Badger’s Silver Mountain/Mink Property is approximately 50 metres south of the Silver Mountain Group of deposits which produced 700,000 oz of silver from 1888-1903 and in 1911 (Franklin et al., 1986). The veins in Silver Mountain were up to 1,500 metres in strike length, trending east-west (Franklin et al., 1986). The historical Mink and Silver Wolverine mines fall within the property claims, but little is known about these historical mines and their historical silver production and grade.


Mineralization Potential


Honey Badger’s land package hosts 12 past-producing high-grade mines with historic production of over 1.67M oz silver.


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The geological history and the overall geological setting of the Thunder Bay Silver Project make it a prime target for the discovery of high-grade polymetallic silver (Cobalt, Gold, Zinc and Lead) mineralization.

Polymetallic silver deposits occur in two main districts in Ontario; that of Timiskaming near the town of Cobalt (the Cobalt Silver District) and that of northwest Lake Superior near the city of Thunder Bay (the Thunder Bay Silver District).


Polymetallic silver mineralization in the Cobalt District formed in a sedimentary sequence capping an Archean basement, and occurred in spatial association with diabase sills emplaced in an extensional setting (see Potter, 2009 for the geological history of the Cobalt District). The Thunder Bay Silver District exhibits the same geological setting and controls. Furthermore, a report filed with the Bureau of Mines in 1913 (REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF MINES VOL. XIX., PART II., The Cobalt-Nickel Arsenides and Silver Deposits of Temiskaming (Cobalt and Adjacent Areas), WILLET G. MILLER, Provincial Geologist, 1913) compared the minerals of the Port Arthur silver mines (Thunder Bay, ON) with those of the Temiskaming veins (Cobalt, ON) and found the following commonalities:

  • Native elements: Native silver, native bismuth, graphite.
  • Arsenates: Cobalt bloom, annabergite.
  • Sulphides: Argentite, zinc blende, galena, pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, copper glance.


Also, “The vein filling materials are quartz, barite, calcite, dolomite, rhodochrosite and Fluorite.” (T. Macfarlane, &quot;Am. Inst. M. E.&quot;, Vol. VIII. 1S79-80, page 238) 1

The group of properties held or optioned by Honey Badger covers some of the most productive veins of the Thunder Bay Silver District. The geological attributes of the area and the spatial distribution of the polymetallic silver mines, showings and occurrences over approximately 100 kilometres suggest good potential to discover additional high- grade polymetallic silver veins in the region.


2018 and 2019 Exploration Programs

The Company initiated its exploration program in March 2018 and made several promising discoveries:


  • >2 km “five-element” polymetallic vein with the potential to contain silver, as well as cobalt, copper, lead and zinc was discovered at the Beaver Mine.
  • Airborne geophysics identified numerous targets on the project’s land package that exhibit the same response as the historic Beaver Mine “five-element” vein.
  • Grab samples* taken around the 12 historic mines on the property returned up to 1,503 g/t silver and 14.94% zinc.
  • Drilling identified multiple zones of near-surface, arsenic-free, cobalt mineralization (0.26% cobalt over 10.8 metres in BM-18-004) and high-grade silver mineralization (1,254 g/t silver in BM-18-006).


* Grab samples are selective by nature and they may not represent the true mineralization of the prospect.


In addition to identifying several drill-ready exploration targets for follow up, the program outlined high-grade silver mineralization below the historic Beaver Mine in two separate structures, broad zones of cobalt mineralization near the Beaver Mine, and a chemical zonation in the shales suggestive of a large hydrothermal system.


A 2,000 metre drilling program was initiated in the spring of 2019 in follow-up to the Company’s 2018 drilling program where significant high-grade silver mineralization was intersected in the Beaver Vein.


Drilling was successful in proving the continuity of the high-grade silver mineralization of the Beaver Vein.  BM-19-014 extended high-grade silver 35 metres down-plunge of the intersection in BM-18-006. Combined with the geometry of the Beaver Mine underground developments, the intersections in BM-18-006 and BM-19-014 suggest a moderate southerly plunge as the main direction of high-grade silver mineralization in the Beaver Vein.



High Grade Silver Intervals

BM-18-006 and BM-19-014


BM-19-014 intersected the Beaver Vein and contains 1,025 g/t silver equivalent (AgEq) over 4 metres (core length), including 1,701 g/t AgEq over 2.4 metres (core length); BM-19-014 also intersected a second silver-bearing vein and contains 87.8 g/t AgEq over 1.8 metres (core length).BM-19-014 is also the southernmost hole drilled in the high-grade silver zone discovered in the Beaver Vein that is open down-plunge. BM-19-014 may also have discovered the extension of the high-grade silver vein intersected in BM-18-004 (921 g/t silver over 1.4 metres) and is hosted in a structure distinct from the Beaver Vein. Although more drilling remains necessary to constrain the geometry of that vein, the intersections in BM-19-004 and BM-19-014 indicates that, in addition to the Beaver Vein, other vein sets in the vicinity of the Beaver Vein also contain high-grade silver zones.



The 2019

Drilling Program


The 2019 drilling program was completed in June 2019. In addition to the Beaver Vein, the remaining holes of the program targeted favorable structures in the predicted extensions of the veins mined in the Elgin and the Stewardson mines

Drilling successfully proved the continuity of the structures hosting historic Elgin and Stewardson mines. Honey Badger also discovered three new silver-bearing structures in the black shales of the Rove Formation. Two are located near the Beaver Mine and the other is located near the Stewardson Mine.

These new discoveries along with the previous announced high grade silver intersects in BM-19-014 of 1,004 g/t Ag over 4 metres, including 1,674 g/t Ag over 2.4 metres (core length) and a second silver-bearing vein and contains 69.2 g/t Ag over 1.8 metres (core length) prove that these structures have considerable lateral extension. The Company will focus on extending these high-grade intersections along strike and to depth.


In The James Bay Region Of Québec

LG Diamond


The property consists of 7 claim blocks, each centered on a circular magnetic anomaly that could represent a kimberlite. The geological environment is favourable for diamantiferous kimberlite and lake sediments near the magnetic anomalies contain kimberlite indicators. Exploration agreements are in place with local First Nations Groups.




The property consists of 7 claim blocks, each centered on a circular magnetic anomaly that could represent a kimberlite. The geological environment is favourable for diamantiferous kimberlite and lake sediments near the magnetic anomalies contain kimberlite indicators. Exploration agreements are in place with local First Nations Groups.


Executive Team


Chad Williams Executive Chairman


Chad Williams has an extensive background in capital markets and business management. He is the founder and Chairman of Red Cloud Mining Capital, Inc., Blue Thunder Mining Inc., and Sharechest. Mr. Williams also serves on the board of Golden Tag Resources Ltd., Karora Resources Inc., and Deep-South Resources Inc. He was one of the founders of both Agilith Capital Inc. and Westwind Capital Inc., as well as the former CEO of Victoria Gold Corp. and former Head of Mining Investment Banking at Blackmont Capital Inc. Prior to these positions, Mr. Williams was a top-ranked mining analyst at TD Bank and other Canadian brokerage firms in Toronto. He is the executive producer for the motion picture Red Rover. He is also a founder of Hot Rod Publishing, a music company. Chad Williams is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, having received a Bachelor of Engineering degree and a Master of Business Administration from McGill University.


Donna McLean  CFO

Ms. McLean has served as CFO for numerous publicly-traded and private companies, for more than 30 years. She has worked for several mineral exploration companies including Aurania Resources Ltd. and Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd. (formerly Excalibur Resources Ltd.). Ms. McLean is currently as CFO for Unigold Inc., Firestone Ventures Inc., and Avidian Gold Corp. Ms. McLean is founder and President of DMc CORPORATE SERVICES INC., a private company that provides consulting services in the areas of financial reporting and controls and corporate secretarial services, to established and emergent businesses, operating in a variety of business sectors.

Igor Zonenschein Corporate Secretary

Igor has 10 years of experience in the area of Corporate Governance, Compliance and corporate administrative and secretarial services to public companies. He has a bachelor’s degree in International Business Law, and is currently pursuing a Post Graduate in Business Management at the University of Toronto.

Edmond Thorose Vice- President of Corporate Development

Edmond Thorose has over 10 years of experience in exploration geology in the DRC, Canada, and Indonesia. He is the former VP of Research at Red Cloud Securities, as well as the former Manager of Corporate Development at Victoria Gold Corp. from 2010-2015.


Chad Gilfillan Director

Mr. Gilfillan is Senior Vice-President at Red Cloud Securities Inc., an exempt market dealer focused on providing unique and innovative financing alternatives, growth opportunities, and market exposure for select mining companies. Mr. Gilfillan is a former precious metals, energy and resource fund portfolio manager with Natcan Investment Management and a buy-side mining and energy analyst at TD Asset Management. Prior to his work in capital markets, he was employed as a consulting engineer having worked on mining projects around the globe and across the resource company cycle: from exploration to feasibility, construction and operation. Mr. Gilfillan holds a B.A.Sc. in Geological Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He is a registered Professional Engineer and a CFA charter holder.




Quentin Yarie, SIAST, CCI  Geophysicist

Mr. Yarie is an experienced geophysicist and a successful entrepreneur with extensive project management and business development experience. He was previously the Business Development Officer at Geotech Ltd, a geo-physical airborne survey company, and a Senior Representative of Sales and Business Development for Aeroquest Limited. From 1992 to 2001, Mr. Yarie was a partner of a specialized environmental and engineering consulting group where he managed a number of large projects including the ESA of the Sydney Tar Ponds, the closure of the Canadian Forces Bases in Germany and the Maritime and Northeast Pipeline Project. Mr. Yarie currently serves as President and CEO for Red Pine Exploration Inc. and President and CEO for MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd., both resource exploration companies headquartered in Toronto, Canada.


Jean-Francois Montreuil, Ph.D. INRS-ETE

Dr. Montreuil has over 10 years experience in defining and exploring complex hydrothermal systems related to precious and base metals in Canada. Since 2016, Dr. Montreuil held senior management positions with Red Exploration, MacDonald Mines Exploration and Honey Badger Exploration. Dr. Montreuil holds a doctoral degree in Earth Sciences from INRS-ETE (Quebec City) and Masters degree in Earth Sciences from Laval University (Quebec City).


Corporate Reports


4th Quarter 2020 Finacial Reports


Corporate Presentation

Contact Information


Christina Slater, Manager of Investor Relations

2704-401 Bay Street, P.O. Box 4
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2Y4

(914) 506 7933

(416) 364 2753


Posted April 6, 2023

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