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Bravo Extends T5 Copper-Gold Mineralization Over ~200m of Strike

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Bravo Extends T5 Copper-Gold Mineralization Over ~200m of Strike






Highlights include 17.4m at 3.49% Cu, 0.95g/t Au, including 3.5m at 13.1% Cu, 3.87g/t Au; And 4.3m at 4.7% Cu, 0.97g/t Au


Bravo Mining Corp. (TSX-V: BRVO) (OTCQX: BRVMF),  is pleased to report that it has received more high-grade assay results from five additional drill holes at the “T5” copper-gold target at its 100% owned Luanga Project. T5 lies to the east of the Luanga PGM+Au+Ni deposit located in World Class Carajás Brazil.


“Drilling has resumed at Target T5 following down hole EM in the initial discovery hole (DDH2405T002 11.48m at 14.3% Cu, 3.3g/t Au) with mineralization now covering approximately 200m of strike. Drill Hole DDH2405T012 (collared to the east of T5 with assays pending) has also intercepted typical Carajás IOCG style mineralization which is very encouraging,” said Luis Azevedo, Chairman and CEO. “DDH2505T013 is one of a series of holes that will continue to test the strike length further east. Coupled with an improving outlook for copper and gold, this is a very exciting time as Bravo continues to grow and better understand the potential of the T5 discovery”.

  • Drill hole DDH2405T009 intercepted 17.4m at 3.49% Cu, 0.95g/t Au, including 3.5m at 13.1% Cu, 3.87g/t Au east of discovery hole DDH2405T002 (11.48m at 14.3% Cu, 3.3g/t Au including 2.9m at 22.9% Cu, 3.6g/t Au).
  • In the most easterly section to date, DDH2405T012 (assays pending) intercepted multiple zones of mineralization consisting of disseminated/veinlet sulphides and semi-massive/brecciated copper sulphides.
  • DDH2405T0013 will be collared 25m further east on strike of DDH2405T012.
  • On the western side of T5, DDH2405T010 intercepted 4.3m at 4.7% Cu, 0.97g/t Au, increasing the current strike to ~200m.


Drilling Highlights


HOLE-ID Target From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Cu (%) Sulphide Au (g/t) TYPE
DDH2405T009 T5 148.90 166.32 17.42 3.49 0.95 FR
including T5 155.88 159.40 3.52 13.14 3.87 FR
DDH2405T010 T5 140.63 144.90 4.27 4.66 0.97 FR
Notes: All ‘From’, ‘To’ depths, and ‘Thicknesses’ are downhole.
Given orientation of drilling and mineralization, intercepts are estimated at 140% to 150% of true thickness.
Type: FR = Fresh Rock. Recovery methods and results will differ based on the type of mineralization.


T5 Target – Exploration Update


Assay results have been received from diamond drill holes DDH2405T006, 007, 008, 009 and 010 at the T5 target, with assays pending for DDH2405T011 and 012. T5 is located 1km east of the Luanga PGM Deposit. This drilling comprises a total of seven holes for 1,909 metres. The status of drilling at T5 is shown in Figure 2.


Drill hole DDH2405T009 intercepted 17.4m at 3.49% Cu, 0.95g/t Au, including 3.5m at 13.1% Cu, 3;87g/t Au east of discovery hole DDH2405T002 (see press release May 28, 2023), which intercepted 11.48m at 14.3% Cu, 3.3g/t Au including 2.9m at 22.9% Cu, 3.6g/t Au). Further east, on the most easterly section tested to date, DDH2405T012 has intercepted multiple zones of mineralization consisting initially of disseminated and veinlet sulphides and finishing in semi-massive/brecciated copper sulphides (see Figure 3, 156.5m to 159.5m). Mineralization in DDH2405T012 is more typical of IOCG mineralization observed in other deposits around the Carajás and the assay results and style of mineralization is very encouraging for further exploration opportunities. DDH2405T0013 will be collared on a new section further east of DDH2405T012.


On the western side of T5, DDH2405T010 intercepted 4.3m at 4.7% Cu, 0.97g/t Au, extending the strike of mineralization. DDH2405T011, on the most westerly section, intercepted significant alteration but with little visible mineralization (assays pending).


Mineralization at T5 now covers ~200m of strike (Figure 2), is open to the east where DDH2405T013 will commence soon. 


DDH2405T006 and 007 are thought to be located too far north to intercept the emerging interpreted mineralized zone, while DDH2405T008 (Figure 4) was drilled to the south of T5. BHEM will also be completed on these holes to detect potential off-hole conductors.


Drill Results Status Update


A total of 321 drill holes have been completed to date by Bravo, for 68,299 metres, including 8 metallurgical holes (not subject to routine assaying). Results have been reported for 272 Bravo drill holes to date. Assay results for 41 Bravo drill holes that have been completed are currently outstanding (excluding the metallurgical holes). Bravo has extended the current EM drilling program to 8,000m, to continue drill testing and follow up drilling of EM anomalies.


Complete Table of Recent Intercepts.


HOLE-ID Target From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Cu (%) Sulphide Au (g/t) TYPE
DDH2405T006 T5 No Significant Results
DDH2405T007 T5 No Significant Results
DDH2405T008 T5 No Significant Results
DDH2405T009 T5 148.90 166.32 17.42 3.49 0.95 FR
including T5 155.88 159.40 3.52 13.14 3.87 FR
DDH2405T010 T5 140.63 144.90 4.27 4.66 0.97 FR
DDH2405T011 T5 Assays Pending
DDH2405T012 T5 Assays Pending
Notes: All ‘From’, ‘To’ depths, and ‘Thicknesses’ are downhole.
Given orientation of drilling and mineralization, intercepts are estimated at 140% to 150% of true thickness.
Type: FR = Fresh Rock. Recovery methods and results will differ based on the type of mineralization.


About Bravo Mining Corp.


Bravo is a Canadian and Brazil-based mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its PGM and copper-gold Luanga Project in the world-class Carajás Mineral Province, Para State, Brazil.


Bravo is one of the most active explorers in Carajás. The team, comprising of local and international geologists, has a proven track record of PGM, nickel, and copper discoveries in the region. They have successfully taken a past IOCG greenfield project from discovery to development and production in the Carajás.


The Luanga Project is situated on mature freehold farming land and benefits from being located close to operating mines and a mining-experienced workforce, with excellent access and proximity to existing infrastructure, including road, rail, and clean renewable hydro grid power. A fully funded +70,000 infill, step out and exploration drilling and trenching program is well advanced for 2024. Bravo’s current Environmental, Social and Governance activities includes planting more than 30,000 high-value trees in and around the project area, hiring and contracting locally, and ensuring protection of the environment during its exploration activities.


Technical Disclosure


Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Simon Mottram, F.AusIMM (Fellow Australia Institute of Mining and Metallurgy), President of Bravo Mining Corp. who serves as the Company’s “qualified person” as defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Mottram has verified the technical data and opinions contained in this news release.


Schedule 1: Drill Hole Collar Details


HOLE-ID Company East (m) North (m) RL (m) Datum Depth (m) Azimuth Dip Area
DDH2405T006 Bravo 660850.030 9343284.780 188.24 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 350.75 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T007 Bravo 660900.050 9343280.950 184.080 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 300.05 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T008 Bravo 660850.010 9342998.410 197.930 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 300.00 0.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T009 Bravo 660874.950 9343221.910 189.530 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 181.00 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T010 Bravo 660770.030 9343214.620 191.890 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 230.95 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T011 Bravo 660720.000 9343279.330 191.040 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 346.00 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target
DDH2405T012 Bravo 660925.005 9343225.171 183.834 SIRGAS2000_UTM_22S 200.45 180.00 -60.00 T5 EM Target


Schedule 2: Assay Methodologies and QAQC


Samples follow a chain of custody between collection, processing, and delivery to the SGS Geosol laboratory in Parauapebas, state of Pará, Brazil. The drill core is delivered to the core shack at Bravo’s Luanga site facilities and processed by geologists who insert certified reference materials, blanks, and duplicates into the sampling sequence. Drill core is half cut and placed in secured polyurethane bags, then in security-sealed sacks before being delivered directly from the Luanga site facilities to the Parauapebas SGS Geosol laboratory by Bravo staff. Additional information about the methodology can be found on the SGS Geosol website (SGS) in their analytical guides. Information regarding preparation and analysis of historic drill core is also presented in the table below, where the information is known.


Quality Assurance and Quality Control is maintained internally at the lab through rigorous use of internal certified reference materials, blanks, and duplicates. An additional QAQC program is administered by Bravo using certified reference materials, duplicate samples and blank samples that are blindly inserted into the sample batch. If a QAQC sample returns an unacceptable value an investigation into the results is triggered and when deemed necessary, the samples that were tested in the batch with the failed QAQC sample are re-tested.


Bravo SGS Geosol
Preparation Method Method Method Method
For All Elements Pt, Pd, Au Rh Sulphide Ni, Cu Trace Elements
PRPCLI (85% at 200#) FAI515, FAI34V FAI30V AA04B ICP40B



Figure 1: Interpreted breccia copper sulphide mineralization in DDH2405T012 at T5 (158.90m – 159.10m downhole), on the eastern most extent of drilling. (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)


Figure 2: T5 Current drill status and results. (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)




Figure 3: Semi-massive and breccia copper sulphides in DH2405T012 (154.68 – 161.25m shown). (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)


Figure 4: Drilling at the T5 target, as reported in this News Release (CNW Group/Bravo Mining Corp.)


Posted September 4, 2024

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