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Silver Storm Announces Rosarios Mine Drill Results

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Silver Storm Announces Rosarios Mine Drill Results






Silver Storm Mining Ltd. (TSX-V: SVRS) (OTCQB: SVRSF) (FSE: SVR), is pleased to announce further drill results from its Phase 1 diamond drilling program at the Company’s 100% owned La Parrilla Silver Mine Complex, located in Durango Mexico. Results from the 23 holes (3,039 metres) contained within this release are from the Rosarios and C340 Zones in the Rosarios mine.


An overview video on the La Parrilla Project is available at:


Key highlights include:


Numerous high-grade intercepts were encountered within the Rosarios Mine underneath and in proximity to previous mined stopes. The current drill results, when combined with historical holes drilled by FM, are expected to have a positive impact on future Mineral Resources.

  • In Central Rosarios, hole RO-24-015 returned 598 g/t Ag.Eq1 over 3.91 m including 1,170 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m and 1,071 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.35 m, RO-24-014 returned 431 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.69 m and 285 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.02 m, hole RO-24-020 returned 300 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.87 m including 588 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.46 m, hole RO-24-018 returned 928 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m, and hole RO-24-017 that returned 225 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.48 m

    • Seven drill holes in this area encountered high-grade mineralization outside the current resource envelope
  • In Western Rosarios, hole RO-24-001 returned 283 g/t Ag.Eq over 3.84 mincluding 542 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.19 m and 868 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.39 m, hole RO-24-022A returned 900 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.97 m within a broader interval of 682 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.47 m, and hole RO-24-003 intersected 450 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.30 m

    • High-grade mineralization extends the zone 135 m downdip from the last mined stope in the area, demonstrating potential of extending the zone further downdip and to the west
  • In Eastern Rosarios, hole RO-24-012 returned 338 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.97 m within a broader interval of 187 g/t Ag.Eq over 4.54 m
    • Extended the zone approximately 95 m downdip from the last mined stope in this area
  • A new mineralized zone was identified in Eastern Rosarios with hole RO-24-007 returning 605 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.31 m and RO-24-009 returning several intercepts the most notable being 889 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.44 m and 468 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.44 m


Greg McKenzie, President and CEO, commented: “We are pleased with our first drill results from the Rosarios Mine and anticipate these results should have a positive impact on future Mineral Resources, both in terms of tonnage and grade. Although the grades are not as pronounced as those from Quebradillas, historical mining by FM from Rosarios has offered a steady and predictable tonnage, which is important as Rosarios is the closest of the five mines to the processing plant. Our recent drilling reaffirms our thesis that high-grade zones can be expanded along strike and below previously mined horizons.”


Rosarios Zone


The Rosarios Zone has historically been an important part of the La Parrilla Mine Complex, characterized by a sulphide-bearing quartz-carbonate vein hosted within a fault zone striking 290 degrees and dipping 64 degrees to the northeast over a known strike length of approximately 2 km. The mineralization extends vertically for 900 m and its true width varies up to 14 m. The vein sits roughly at the northern contact of a granodiorite stock and sediments. Stockwork zones are developed either at the footwall or hanging wall of the vein; vein splays and sulphide replacement zones are typically developed in the hanging wall. The Rosarios Zone remains open along strike and at depth. The zone has been subdivided into the Western, Central, and Eastern Rosarios (Figure 1).


Central Rosarios


Holes RO-24-004A to 006 and 014 to 023A targeted the Central Rosarios Zone. Two blocks of interest have been identified by these drill results, Block A and Block B (Figure 2).


Drilling within Block A (300 m by 250 m) had four holes intersect high-grade mineralization outside of the existing resource envelope: hole RO-24-015 returned 598 g/t Ag.Eq over 3.91 m (106.94 to 110.85 m) including 1,170 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m and 1,071 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.35 m, RO-24-014 returned 431 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.69 m (139.88 to 140.57 m) and 285 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.02 m (132.15 to 133.17 m), hole RO-24-004A intersected vein mineralization returning 295 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.96 m (26.55 to 27.51 m), and hole RO-24-005 returned 213 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.7 m (17.68 to 18.35 m).


There are several historical holes within Block A (see Figure 2 and Table 1) and, when combined with current drill results, are expected to have a positive impact on Mineral Resources within this area.


An average width of 1.63 m and average weighted-average grade of 267 g/t Ag.Eq has been calculated from all the historical and current holes within Block A.


Drilling within Block B (175 m by 200 m) had three holes intersect high-grade mineralization outside of the existing resource envelope: hole RO-24-020 returned 300 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.87 m (69.84 to 71.71 m) including 588 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.46 m, hole RO-24-018 returned 928 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m (79.33 to 79.83 m), and hole RO-24-017 that returned 225 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.48 m (110.78 to 112.26 m).


An average width of 0.88 m and average weighted-average grade of 301 g/t Ag.Eq has been calculated from all the historical and current holes within Block B.


The Phase 2 drill program will focus on these two blocks of interest with the intent of increasing the drilling density to identify Indicated Resources and further extend the Inferred Resources at depth.


Western Rosarios


Five holes were drilled to test the strike and down-dip extension on the Western Rosarios Zone, with four holes successfully intersecting high-grade mineralization and the fifth intersecting structure and mineralization above the cut-off grade. These results extend the Rosarios Zone approximately 135 m downdip from the last mined stope in the area and demonstrate the potential of extending the zone further downdip and to the west.


Hole RO-24-001 successfully intersected vein mineralization returning 283 g/t Ag.Eq over 3.84 m (96.83 to 100.67 m), including 542 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.19 m and 868 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.39 m, and hole RO-24-022A returned 900 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.97 m within a broader interval of 682 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.47 m (183.00 to 184.47 m). Hole RO-24-002 intersected 212 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.57 m (65.13 to 65.70 m) and 191 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.15 m (67.98 to 69.13 m), hole RO-24-003 intersected 450 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.30 m (156.79 to 157.09 m), and hole RO-24-023A returned 228 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m (186.77 to 187.27 m).


Eastern Rosarios


Holes RO-24-007 to 013 targeted the strike and downdip extension of the Eastern Rosarios Zone. Hole RO-24-012 successfully intersected vein mineralization returning 338 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.97 m within a broader interval of 187 g/t Ag.Eq over 4.54 m (48.60 to 53.14 m), while hole RO-24-010 intersected 140 g/t Ag.Eq over 2.50 m (37.70 to 40.20 m) and hole RO-24-013 intersected 162 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.65 m (52.19 to 52.84 m). These holes have extended the Rosarios Zone approximately 95 m downdip from the last mined stope in this area.


Holes RO-24-007 to 009 targeted the extreme eastern extension of the Eastern Rosarios Zone. Hole RO-24-009 intersected Rosarios Zone vein mineralization returning 272 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.51 m (105.81 to 107.32 m) approximately 105 m below the deepest ramp (Level 11) in an area with no prior drilling. The intercept from hole 009 demonstrates the Rosarios Zone is potentially present at depth in this area. Furthermore, all 3 holes intersected a new zone of vein mineralization with hole RO-24-007 returning 605 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.31 m (6.68 to 6.99 m), hole RO-24-008 returning 182 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.35 m (0.60 to 0.95 m) and 280 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.27 m (4.74 to 5.01 m), and hole RO-24-009 returning several intercepts the most notable being 889 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.44 m (35.17 to 35.61 m) and 468 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.44 m (5.53 to 5.97 m). This new zone appears to be a northwest trending fault splay off the main Rosarios Zone trend. Whereas the Victoria, C193 and C340 Zones are encountered in the hanging wall of the Central and Western Rosarios Zone this new zone, however, is within the footwall. This opens the possibility that there is potential NW trending fault splay mineralization in Eastern Rosarios.


C340 Zone


The C340 Zone is a sulphide-bearing hydrothermal breccia and vein zone, striking 305 degrees and dipping 65 degrees NE, which is a fault splay from the Rosarios Zone to the northwest into the hanging wall. Hole RO-24-005 returning 347 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.61 m within a broader interval of 184 g/t Ag.Eq over 4.83 m (89.28 to 94.11 m), hole RO-24-022A returning 176 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.36 m (53.45 to 53.81 m) and hole RO-24-023A returning 166 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.50 m (59.90 to 60.40 m) successfully intersected the C340 Zone.


Table 1 – Select Assay Intervals from Holes RO-24-001 to RO-24-023A and Historical Results


Zone Hole From To Length
RO RO-24-001 77.54 78.37 0.83 157 124 0.23 0.04 0.48 0.01
RO RO-24-001 96.83 100.67 3.84 283 73 0.06 2.17 5.42 0.07
including 96.83 98.02 1.19 542 123 0.15 3.73 11.28 0.08
and 100.28 100.67 0.39 868 268 0.04 8.05 14.00 0.37
RO RO-24-002 65.13 65.70 0.57 212 30 0.19 0.16 5.96 0.02
RO RO-24-002 67.98 69.13 1.15 191 120 0.33 0.74 0.93 0.01
RO RO-24-003 156.79 157.09 0.30 450 217 0.01 5.89 2.73 0.31
RO RO-24-004A 26.55 27.51 0.96 295 250 0.11 0.86 0.47 0.04
RO RO-24-005 17.68 18.35 0.67 213 117 0.77 1.06 0.23 0.19
RO RO-24-005 27.00 29.05 2.05 168 125 0.18 0.72 0.34 0.02
C340 RO-24-005 89.28 94.11 4.83 184 113 0.16 1.44 0.71 0.20
including 93.50 94.11 0.61 347 221 0.17 3.63 0.55 0.20
NEW RO-24-006 31.47 32.08 0.61 294 112 0.05 4.14 2.45 0.02
RO RO-24-006 36.75 41.98 5.23 180 70 0.25 1.57 1.77 0.04
including 41.40 41.98 0.58 607 208 0.20 5.97 8.18 0.08
NEW RO-24-007 6.68 6.99 0.31 605 208 0.57 4.54 8.40 0.16
NEW RO-24-008 0.60 0.95 0.35 182 95 0.04 0.84 2.26 0.03
NEW RO-24-008 4.74 5.01 0.27 280 25 0.08 0.45 8.68 0.06
NEW RO-24-009 5.53 5.97 0.44 468 289 0.14 5.56 0.69 0.23
NEW RO-24-009 14.28 14.63 0.35 239 22 0.41 0.15 6.64 0.02
NEW RO-24-009 26.17 26.47 0.30 165 61 0.05 1.82 1.91 0.05
NEW RO-24-009 28.57 29.00 0.43 153 85 0.09 1.90 0.38 0.10
NEW RO-24-009 35.17 35.61 0.44 889 606 0.61 8.30 0.38 0.08
RO RO-24-009 105.81 107.32 1.51 272 190 0.83 0.33 0.24 0.02
RO RO-24-010 37.70 40.20 2.50 140 68 0.64 0.59 0.16 0.00
RO RO-24-012 48.60 53.14 4.54 187 176 0.06 0.20 0.02 0.01
including 51.17 53.14 1.97 338 320 0.09 0.39 0.02 0.01
RO RO-24-013 52.19 52.84 0.65 162 137 0.09 0.54 0.13 0.01
RO RO-24-014 132.15 133.17 1.02 285 119 0.30 3.93 1.33 0.02
RO RO-24-014 139.88 140.57 0.69 431 161 0.02 4.90 5.05 0.04
RO RO-24-014 144.00 144.35 0.35 168 96 0.01 2.15 0.49 0.02
NEW RO-24-015 21.30 21.55 0.25 182 69 0.03 2.19 1.90 0.03
NEW RO-24-015 66.83 67.47 0.64 205 83 0.25 3.37 0.41 0.02
NEW RO-24-015 75.67 76.70 1.03 711 300 0.04 8.83 6.26 0.34
including 76.35 76.70 0.35 1,791 842 0.10 24.79 10.10 0.94
RO RO-24-015 99.08 99.81 0.73 174 106 0.01 2.04 0.45 0.03
RO RO-24-015 105.40 106.20 0.80 175 76 0.28 1.11 1.71 0.04
RO RO-24-015 106.94 110.85 3.91 598 501 0.38 1.21 1.23 0.08
including 107.50 108.00 0.50 1,170 1,035 0.30 1.45 2.64 0.09
and 109.50 110.85 1.35 1,071 913 0.75 2.04 1.58 0.17
NEW RO-24-016 60.30 60.53 0.23 301 134 0.03 3.29 2.82 0.13
RO RO-24-016 75.23 75.84 0.61 141 54 0.04 2.19 0.91 0.03
RO RO-24-016 78.82 82.34 3.52 181 48 0.11 2.13 2.44 0.04
including 78.82 79.32 0.50 498 165 0.09 5.37 6.70 0.05
and 81.84 82.34 0.50 338 75 0.39 3.77 4.79 0.12
RO RO-24-017 110.78 112.26 1.48 225 142 0.09 1.63 1.18 0.03
RO RO-24-018 79.33 79.83 0.50 928 892 0.42 0.04 0.05 0.01
RO RO-24-020 69.84 71.71 1.87 300 223 0.16 2.35 0.08 0.01
including 69.84 70.30 0.46 588 504 0.20 2.47 0.04 0.02
RO RO-24-021 90.72 91.14 0.42 141 113 0.12 0.61 0.05 0.01
C340 RO-24-022A 53.45 53.81 0.36 176 95 0.36 1.54 0.43 0.02
RO RO-24-022A 183.00 184.47 1.47 682 469 0.07 5.00 2.67 1.89
including 183.50 184.47 0.97 900 597 0.08 7.44 3.54 1.82
C340 RO-24-023A 59.90 60.40 0.50 166 114 0.05 1.40 0.37 0.05
RO RO-24-023A 186.77 187.27 0.50 228 29 0.04 0.30 6.89 0.13
RO LBT-11-01 286.70 292.60 5.90 268 225 0.88 0.74 0.03
including 288.55 289.15 0.60 523 363 2.95 2.97 0.04
and 291.30 292.60 1.30 670 623 1.00 0.73 0.10
RO ILP-RO-14-18 69.05 72.25 3.20 246 111 0.47 1.53 2.05 0.00
RO ILP-RO-18-60 131.45 137.70 6.25 434 185 0.02 6.49 2.68 0.04
including 131.45 132.90 1.45 1,167 532 0.01 18.13 5.37 0.04
RO ILP-RO-14-10 25.70 26.75 1.05 177 94 0.01 0.78 2.25 0.01
and 27.55 27.90 0.35 192 176 0.01 0.18 0.39 0.00
RO ILP-RO-14-08 26.90 29.35 2.45 195 148 0.56 1.16 0.04
RO ILP-RO-14-26 86.70 87.00 0.30 313 85 2.09 1.58 0.63 0.01
and 89.00 89.40 0.40 268 178 0.02 2.07 1.19 0.03
RO ILP-RO-18-57 103.85 104.15 0.30 262 80 0.07 3.88 2.63 0.02
RO ILP-RO-18-71 128.05 128.80 0.75 493 201 1.22 2.64 4.51 0.08
RO ILP-RO-18-52 86.35 86.60 0.25 205 101 0.06 2.10 1.54 0.02
RO ILP-RO-18-49 93.85 94.95 1.10 239 141 0.18 1.31 1.82 0.04
RO ILP-RO-18-45 99.55 99.90 0.35 168 57 0.22 1.70 1.75 0.01
and 103.50 104.25 0.75 152 61 0.01 2.38 0.97 0.01
and 106.50 106.75 0.25 436 211 0.01 6.31 2.05 0.02
RO ILP-RO-18-48 85.65 86.25 0.60 303 250 0.02 1.04 0.87 0.04
RO RO-10 427.50 428.50 1.00 214 143 0.21 1.00 1.00 0.05
RO RO-22 385.10 385.90 0.80 277 197 0.12 2.09 0.56 0.02
RO ILP-RO-18-55 129.50 130.20 0.70 280 151 0.05 4.06 0.56 0.04
  1. All results in this release are rounded. Assays are uncut and undiluted. Widths are core-lengths, not true widths. Silver equivalent: Ag.Eq g/t was calculated using commodity prices of US$22.50 /oz Ag, US$1,800 /oz Au, US$0.94 /lb Pb, and US$1.35 /lb Zn applying metallurgical recoveries of 70.1% for silver and 82.8% for gold in oxides and 79.6% for silver, 80.1% for gold, 74.7% for lead and 58.8% for zinc in sulphides. Metal payable used was 99.6% for silver and 95% for gold in doré produced from oxides, and 95% for silver, gold, and lead and 85% for zinc in concentrates produced from sulphides. Cut-off grades considered for oxide and sulphide were, respectively 140 g/t Ag.Eq and 125 g/t Ag.Eq and are based on 2017 costs adjusted by the inflation rate and include sustaining costs.


Sample Analysis and QA/QC Program


Silver Storm uses a quality assurance/quality control program that monitors the chain of custody of samples and includes the insertion of blanks, duplicates, and reference standards in each batch of samples sent for analysis. The drill core is photographed, logged, and cut in half, with one half retained in a secured location for verification purposes and one half shipped for analysis. Sample preparation (crushing and pulverizing) is performed at ALS Geochemistry, an independent ISO 9001:2001 certified laboratory, in Zacatecas, Mexico and pulps are sent to ALS Geochemistry in Vancouver, Canada for analysis. The entire sample is crushed to 70% passing -2 mm, and a riffle split of 250 grams is taken and pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples are analyzed for gold using a standard fire assay with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) (Au-AA23) from a 30-gram pulp. Gold assays greater than 10 g/t are re-analyzed on a 30-gram pulp by fire assay with a gravimetric finish (Au-GRA21). Samples are also analyzed using a 34 element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) method with atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) on a pulp digested by four acids (ME-ICP61). Overlimit sample values for silver (>100 g/t), lead (>1%), zinc (>1%), and copper (>1%) are re-assayed using a four-acid digestion overlimit method with ICP-AES (ME-OG62). For silver values greater than 1,500 g/t, samples are re-assayed using a fire assay with gravimetric finish on a 30-gram pulp (Ag-GRA21). Samples with lead values over 20% are re-assayed using volumetric titration with EDTA on a 1-gram pulp (Pb-VOL70). No QA/QC issues were noted with the results reported herein.


Review by Qualified Person and QA/QC


The scientific and technical information in this document has been reviewed and approved by Bruce Robbins, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


About Silver Storm Mining Ltd.


Silver Storm Mining Ltd. holds advanced-stage silver projects located in Durango, Mexico. In August 2023 Silver Storm completed the acquisition of 100% of the La Parrilla Silver Mine Complex, a prolific operation which is comprised of a 2,000 tpd mill as well as five underground mines and an open pit that collectively produced 34.3 million silver-equivalent ounces between 2005 and 2019. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the San Diego Project, which is among the largest undeveloped silver assets in Mexico.


Figure 1: Rosarios Zone Cross Section View to North of Key Results Holes RO-24-001 to 023A (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 2: Central Rosarios Zone Cross Section View to North (Graphic: Business Wire)

Posted May 27, 2024

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