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Rokmaster cores 5.82 g/t AuEq over 2.80 m and 1,238 g/t AgEq over 2.11 m at Revel Ridge

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Rokmaster cores 5.82 g/t AuEq over 2.80 m and 1,238 g/t AgEq over 2.11 m at Revel Ridge






Rokmaster Resources Corp. (TSX-V: RKR) (OTCQB: RKMSF) (FSE: 1RR1) is pleased to announce the final assay results of the spring diamond drilling program on the Revel Ridge Project. Assay results from drillholes RR23-113, RR23-116, RR23-117 and RR23-118 are presented below.


Table 1: Revel Ridge 2023 Additional Drillcore Assay Results1-5


DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-110 111.80 112.30 0.50 1.95 1.94 0.50 0.00 0.00 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-111 147.58 148.60 1.02 3.88 3.85 1.13 0.05 0.02 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-112 227.40 227.83 0.43 3.52 3.03 8.00 0.42 0.96 RRMZ
RR23-112 231.00 231.50 0.50 7.41 7.35 2.00 0.07 0.08 RRMZ
RR23-112 233.80 234.40 0.60 4.76 4.75 0.50 0.01 0.01 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-114 352.00 352.90 0.90 4.66 3.88 28.00 0.52 1.15 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AgEq g/t AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-115 73.20 101.70 28.50 565.76 4.35 0.11 60.54 2.64 6.67 RRYZ
including 75.10 80.40 5.30 1,233.45 9.48 0.14 125.70 5.54 14.78 RRYZ
including 95.95 101.70 5.75 654.38 5.03 0.29 82.49 3.80 6.99 RRYZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-115 134.80 136.60 1.80 5.63 3.11 56.22 3.31 3.45 RRMZ
including 135.20 135.60 0.40 13.76 7.99 101.00 5.66 10.39 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AgEq g/t AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-113 71.32 72.16 0.84 791.60 6.08 0.02 76.00 5.15 8.48 RRYZ
RR23-113 77.90 78.90 1.00 316.24 2.42 0.43 2.00 0.03 5.24 RRYZ
RR23-113 303.20 303.75 0.55 259.07 2.56 1.63 22.00 0.88 1.51 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AgEq g/t AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-116 58.20 66.05 7.85 465.98 3.58 0.03 45.92 2.21 5.53 RRYZ
including 63.40 66.05 2.65 786.61 6.04 0.03 70.45 3.61 9.54 RRYZ
RR23-116 107.80 108.80 1.00 284.13 2.80 2.23 20.00 0.79 0.52 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AgEq g/t AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-117 56.31 59.24 2.93 552.36 4.25 0.10 82.12 4.45 4.85 RRYZ
RR23-117 94.80 97.10 2.30 611.18 6.03 4.33 35.83 1.81 2.74 RRMZ
DDH From (m) To (m) Length
AgEq g/t AuEq g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Zone
RR23-118 88.50 97.07 8.57 803.05 6.17 0.05 72.79 2.71 10.39 RRYZ
including 89.40 91.51 2.11 1238.02 9.53 0.13 169.63 5.58 14.10 RRYZ
RR23-118 109.84 113.15 3.31 642.76 4.94 0.11 81.01 4.03 6.67 RRYZ
RR23-118 157.55 160.35 2.80 589.65 5.82 3.46 47.04 3.64 2.92 RRMZ
Footnote 1. Reported widths of mineralization are drill hole intervals or core lengths recovered. Insufficient data exists to permit the calculation of true width of the reported mineralized intervals. 
Footnote 2. Mineralized Zone abbreviations: RRMZ: Revel Ridge Main Zone, RRYZ: Revel Ridge Yellowjacket Zone.
Footnote 3. AuEq and AgEq calculations use: Metal prices of Au US$1,750/oz, Ag US$22/oz, Pb US$0.95/lb, Zn US$1.26/lb; 
Footnote 4. Main Zone process recoveries of Au 96%, Ag 85%, Pb 71%, Zn 70%; Yellowjacket Zone process recoveries of Au 86%, Ag 94%, Pb 88%, Zn 93%;
Footnote 5. RRMZ AuEq = Au g/t + (Ag g/t x 0.010) + (Pb% x 0.265) + (Zn% x 0.314); RRMZ AgEq = Ag g/t + (Au g/t x 101.478) + (Pb% x 26.933) + (Zn% x 31.847); RRYZ AuEq = (Ag g/t x 0.008) + (Pb% x 0.310) + (Zn% x 0.457); RRYZ AgEq = Ag g/t + (Pb% x 40.588) + (Zn% x 59.737)



The spring 2023 drill program efficiently tested strike extensions of the Main Deformation Zone which hosts semi-massive to massive sulphide mineralization comprising the Revel Ridge Main Zone Figure 1. An ancillary goal of the drill campaign was to improve the understanding in an area of the Revel Ridge Yellowjacket Zone while simultaneously obtaining RRMZ intersections in a large gap of historical drilling. Previous results from this drill program can be found in the Company’s news release dated July 17, 2023 which is highlighted by drillhole RR23-115 with an intersection of 565.76 g/t AgEq over 28.50 m in the RRYZ.


Drillholes RR23-115 to RR23-118 were directed to the southwest to pierce both the RRYZ and the RRMZ more perpendicular to the orientation of the mineralized bodies. In this area of the deposit, historical underground drillholes could only be drilled to the northeast and gave only a narrow account of the RRYZ mineralization over ~180 m of strike length (Figure 2 and Figure 3). The historical drilling also did not encounter the RRMZ as a result of drilling toward the northeast, leaving a large ~180 m x 120 m un-tested gap of the RRMZ. These four shallow drillholes will substantially improve the geological model through this area of the deposit and increase the confidence level of both the RRYZ and RRMZ.


Drillholes RR23-113 and RR23-114 were collared 930 m northwest of the 830 Portal and targeted the down-dip extension of the MDZ. As previously reported, drillhole RR23-114 obtained an important RRMZ intersection which occurs ~370 m to the northwest of the 2022 drillholes which successfully extended the RRMZ at depth. Drillholes RR23-113 and RR23-114 represent the return of sulphide mineralization, particularly sphalerite, within the MDZ at deeper levels to the northwest. It is noted that the drillholes previously completed to the northwest all successfully intersected the MDZ to define the minimum drill-defined strike length of 5.7 km (Figure 4). Further follow-up drill testing around these drillholes and at deeper levels along the entire strike-length of the MDZ is an exciting target and may add significantly to the current mineral resource estimate (see below) which occupies only ~2.2 km of the known strike length of the structural system.


Drillhole RR23-113 also encountered a new discovery of zinc-lead-silver mineralization similar in style to the RRYZ. Near the top of drillhole RR23-113, approximately 165 m in the hangingwall of the MDZ, semi-massive sphalerite-galena mineralization is hosted by a silicified limestone unit. These intersections occur approximately 580 m to the northwest of the closest RRYZ mineralization which was encountered in drillhole RR22-99 (see news release dated September 26, 2022).


John Mirko, President and CEO, comments:


“This final batch of assay results from the spring drill program is further confirmation that the Revel Ridge mineralized systems exhibit remarkable continuity with successful intersection over large distances. The four shallow drillholes completed to refine the RRYZ encountered better than expected mineralization and will go a long way to improving the understanding and confidence level of the ounces in this area of the deposit.


Two drillholes completed to the northwest are large (~370 m) step-outs and intersected mineralization that is highly encouraging for the RRMZ to continue at deeper levels. We also discovered a new zone of RRYZ mineralization 580 m to the northwest that requires additional drilling to adequately test.


Rokmaster recently filed the technical report associated with the 2023 MRE (see Company website) and encourages all those interested to review the document. It represents a detailed and comprehensive account of the history, geology, mineralization, metallurgy, and infrastructure on the Revel Ridge Project.


Work is progressing very well on the update to the preliminary economic assessment which will incorporate the larger 2023 MRE, as well as substantially improved gold recoveries. The Company expects to be able to deliver the results of the updated PEA in September 2023.”


About Rokmaster 


Rokmaster’s flagship Revel Ridge Project is host to a high-grade gold and polymetallic orogenic sulphide deposit which has been the subject of a PEA Technical Report dated December 8, 2020, and an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate6 on the Revel Ridge Property with an effective date of June 6, 2023. The 2023 drill program was designed to efficiently expand the volume of the Revel Ridge Main Zone as defined by the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate, which currently remains open in all directions:

  • Measured & Indicated: 1.53 million gold equivalent Measured & Indicated ounces contained within 7.16 million tonnes with an average grade of 6.63 g/t AuEq.
  • Inferred: 1.49 million AuEq ounces contained within 7.56 million tonnes at an average grade of 6.11 g/t AuEq.
Footnote 6. Stone et al. 2023. Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate of the Revel Ridge Polymetallic Property. NI 43-101 Technical Report dated July 28, 2023



Quality Assurance/Quality Control. All drill core assay samples have been collected from ½ NQ core, sawn with a diamond saw with the sample intervals marked by technical personnel. A full QAQC program using blanks, standards and duplicates was utilized to monitor analytical accuracy and precision. QAQC samples are submitted approximately at every 20th sample, or a minimum of 5% of the total sample stream. Appropriate standards are used to provide quality control information on high grade and medium to low grade samples. A limestone blank is inserted after select samples that have macroscale characteristics of higher-grade mineralization. Duplicate samples are repeat analysis of designated primary sample pulps. The samples were sealed on site and shipped to MSALABS in Langley, British Columbia. MSALABS is an ISO 17025 (Testing and Calibration Laboratory) and an ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) Certified Laboratory. Drill core samples were crushed to 2 mm and a 500-gram sub sample was pulverized with 85% of the sample passing 75 microns. The sub-sample was analysed using a combination of MSALABS FAS211 for Au and ICP–240 (4 acid digestion) for silver, base metals and other trace elements. FAS211 for gold is an ore grade fire assay of a 50 g pulp with an AAS finish with a detection range between 0.01 and 100 ppm). ICP-240 utilizes four acid digestion and provides ore grade analytical data on silver, base metals and 26 other elements.


The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Eric Titley, P.Geo., who is independent of Rokmaster and who acts as Rokmaster’s Qualified Person.



Drill Plan Map – Aug 2023 (CNW Group/Rokmaster Resources Corp.)




Drill hole cross section – RR23-115 (CNW Group/Rokmaster Resources Corp.)




Drill hole cross section – RR23-118 (CNW Group/Rokmaster Resources Corp.)




Revel Ridge cross section (CNW Group/Rokmaster Resources Corp.)


Posted August 8, 2023

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