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Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation (TSX-V: OCG) (OTCQX: OCGSF) (DE: MRG) is pleased to announce the discovery of high-grade mineralization through drilling at its 100% owned Santa Ana high-grade silver project in Colombia, after following the company’s strategy of making large step-outs to the south, along the 17 kilometre fully permitted vein system corridor. This discovery reinforces the path for scalability and high-grade potential of the Santa Ana project as the drilling continues at this highly prospective target.


Drilling Highlights

  • Hole DH444 intercepted 1.92 metres grading 586 grams per tonne of silver equivalent, making a high-grade discovery at the Mangos SE vein (Table 1).
  • Hole DH442 intercepted 2.36 metres grading 404 grams per tonne of silver equivalent at Los Mangos vein (Table 1).
  • The discovery at Los Mangos confirms the success of Outcrop Silver’s exploration strategy by making large step-outs along the 17-kilometre fully permitted mineralized corridor.  Los Mangos is 8 kilometres south of the resource and 4 kilometres south of the recent La Ye discovery.


“The results from Los Mangos are a major breakthrough for the Santa Ana project, confirming high-grade silver-gold mineralization in yet another significant step-out. Hitting strong grades more than 8 kilometers south of the closest resource vein proves the great potential of this system and validates our exploration strategy,” comments Guillermo Hernandez, Vice President of Exploration. “With intercepts like 2.36 meters at 404 g/t AgEq, we are seeing wider mineralized veins that reinforce the strength of the vein system. This discovery not only extends our high-grade footprint but also unlocks new opportunities for further expansion in the underexplored central and southern portions of Santa Ana.”


The Los Mangos is a high-grade silver-gold vein system located in the central portion of the Santa Ana project (Figure 1). The vein has a confirmed strike length exceeding 350 meters, highlighting its potential for further expansion. It trends 40° and 60° dipping 60° to 80° to the southeast, with localized northwest-dipping structures (Figure 1 and Figure 2). The main mineralized zone ranges up to 1.20 meters in width, with strong argillic and sericitic alteration in the surrounding wall rock, particularly evident  in the historic El 20 underground workings (Figure 3). The vein is hosted within green schists and granodioritic to dioritic dikes, indicating that mineralization is strongly influenced by both structural and lithological controls.


Target Hole ID From
Length *
DH425 170.65 171.29 0.64 0.44 179 212 Los Mangos
DH434 128.36 128.72 0.36 0.37 148 176 Los Mangos
DH436 161.83 162.25 0.42 0.03 874 876 Vein
DH442 123.23 125.20 1.97 1.94 38 184 Mangos SE
Including 123.97 124.63 0.66 4.28 28 349
DH442 141.08 143.44 2.36 0.63 357 404 Los Mangos
Including 141.08 141.68 0.60 1.74 13 143
And 143.03 143.44 0.41 0.26 1,913 1,932
DH444 142.75 144.67 1.92 1.33 486 586 Mangos SE
Including 143.87 144.67 0.80 2.60 1,164 1,360
Table 1. Drill hole assay results reported in this release. *The current knowledge of the Los Mangos vein system does not allow estimating the true width of the vein intercepts.


The Los Mangos drilling campaign continues to validate the high-grade silver-gold potential in the central portion of the Santa Ana project while also confirming the presence of wider mineralized zones. Notably, hole DH442 intercepted 2.36 meters at 404 g/t AgEq in Los Mangos vein and 1.97 meters at 184 g/t AgEq in the Mangos SE sector. These broader vein widths  align with observations from the historic El 20 underground workings, reinforcing the presence of a robust and continuous vein system.


Los Mangos has emerged as a key target for future resource expansion within the Santa Ana project with strong silver-equivalent grades, strike continuity, and geological evidence of structural complexity. Continued exploration will focus on extending known mineralization along strike and testing depth potential further to define the system’s scale.


Sample Easting
 Release Date
15491 501854.0 556550.0 866.08 Dump Grab 8.07 234 840 August 23, 2023
17351 501681.0 556466.0 1012.00 Chip 0.22 297 314 Current Release
17528 501846.0 556532.2 875.00 Dump Grab 8.04 301 905 Current Release
17531 501847.0 556533.2 875.00 Dump Grab 7.15 81 618 Current Release
17532 501844.0 556530.2 875.00 Dump Grab 0.56 3,019 3,061 Current Release
17687 501659.0 556484.0 1028.00 Chip 3.73 907 1,187 Current Release
17688 501660.0 556474.0 1035.00 Chip 3.04 344 572 Current Release
17765 501754.0 556392.0 987.00 Dump Grab 12.57 215 1,159 Current Release
17766 501742.0 556411.0 974.00 Chip 6.22 122 589 Current Release
Table 2. Channel and chip sample results in Los Mangos vein target from the regional exploration program, including those previously reported and referred to in Figure 1 (refer to News Release dated August 23, 2023). *By their nature, grab samples are selective samples and the assay results may not necessarily represent true underlying mineralization.


Figure 3. Geological map of the El 20 historic underground mine at the Los Mangos vein target (refer to News Release dated November 12, 2024).


Channel ID Sample Length
MAbs0 1.20 1.79 20 155
Inc. 16153 0.45 4.72 41 396
MAbs2W 1.05 2.28 35 206
Inc. 16729 0.45 5.27 75 471
MAbs4W 1.20 1.55 60 177
Inc. 16732 0.45 4.08 154 461
MAbs8W 1.25 0.85 40 104
Inc. 16738 0.55 1.91 57 201
MAbs10W 0.80 1.39 21 125
Inc. 16742 0.50 2.22 33 200
MAbs12W 1.30 0.47 75 110
Inc. 16147 0.60 0.94 160 230
MAbs14W 1.35 0.29 139 161
Inc. 16745 0.70 0.44 130 163
And 16747 0.65 0.13 150 159
MAbs18W 1.40 0.60 73 117
Inc. 16751 0.70 0.98 139 212
MAbs20W 1.60 0.51 1,737 1,775
Inc. 16144 1.05 0.46 266 301
And 16145 0.55 0.60 4,545 4,591
MAbs24W 1.85 0.11 182 190
Inc. 16138 0.30 0.37 1,053 1,081
MAbs26W 0.70 0.09 411 417
Inc. 16753 0.40 0.04 160 163
And 16754 0.30 0.16 744 756
MAbs28W 1.40 0.18 731 744
Inc. 16756 0.40 0.16 1,500 1,512
And 16757 1.00 0.19 423 437
MAbs30W 1.65 0.37 68 96
Inc. 16762 0.30 0.12 312 321
MAbs32W 1.20 0.07 613 618
Inc. 16767 0.50 0.13 1,466 1,476
MAbs34W 1.15 0.17 545 558
Inc. 16772 0.40 0.45 1,566 1,599
MAbs36W 2.85 0.28 19 40
Inc. 16130 0.85 0.92 56 125
And 16129 0.30 0.04 10 13
MAbs5E 1.00 0.98 45 118
Inc. 17424 0.30 1.25 61 155
And 17425 0.70 0.86 38 103
MAbs0S 16148 1.60 0.15 104 115
MAbsCXSur 0.55 0.26 99 119
Inc. 16157 0.25 0.50 122 159
Table 3. Channel sample assay results from the El 20 historic mine at Los Mangos target (refer to  News Release dated November 12, 2024).



Hole ID Hole Code Easting
DH420 SALM24HD420 501916.349 556451.154 915.18 200.25 303 -45
DH423 SALM24DH423 501917.600 556451.345 915.19 164.71 333 -45
DH425 SALM24DH425 501915.818 556450.553 914.73 215.49 285 -55
DH428 SALM24DH428 501915.742 556450.146 915.19 227.99 273 -55
DH432 SALM24DH432 501881.348 556447.027 921.96 131.46 321 -45
DH434 SALM25DH434 501881.468 556446.758 922.44 151.66 310 -45
DH436 SALM25DH436 501797.491 556358.423 989.71 179.22 315 -51
DH438 SALM25DH438 501796.942 556358.077 989.68 210.61 298 -50
DH440 SALM25DH440 501796.528 556357.559 989.84 190.19 286 -45
DH442 SALM25DH442 501796.528 556357.559 989.84 201.47 335 -49
DH444 SALM25DH444 501796.901 556358.092 989.81 200.55 306 -58
Table 4. Collar and survey table for drill holes reported and referred to in this release. All coordinates are UTM system, Zone 18N, and WGS84 projection.


1Silver equivalent


Metal prices used for equivalent calculations were US$1,800/oz for gold, and US$25/oz for silver. Metallurgical recoveries based on Outcrop Silver’s metallurgical test work are 97% for gold and 93% for silver (see news release dated August 23, 2023). The equivalency formula is as follows:




For exploration activities Outcrop Silver applied its standard protocols for sampling and assay. Underground channel samples were taken perpendicular to the vein and sample length was broken by geology. Core diameter is a mix of HTW and NTW depending on the depth of the drill hole. Diamond drill core boxes were photographed, sawed, sampled and tagged. Samples were bagged, tagged and packaged for shipment by truck from Santa Ana’s core logging facilities in Falan, Colombia to the Actlabs certified sample preparation facility in Medellin, Colombia. ActLabs is an accredited laboratory independent of the Company. HQ-NTW core is sawn with one-half shipped. Samples delivered to Actlabs were AA assayed on Au, Ag, Pb, and Zn at Medellin using 1A2Au, 1A3Au, Multi-elements AR (Ag Cu Pb Zn), and Code 8 methods. Then, samples were sent to Actlabs Mexico for ICP-multi-elemental analysis with code 1E3. In line with QA/QC best practices, blanks, duplicates, and certified reference materials are inserted at approximately three control samples every twenty samples into the sample stream, monitoring laboratory performance. A comparison of control samples and their standard deviations indicates acceptable accuracy of the assays and no detectible contamination. No material QA/QC issues have been identified with respect to sample collection, security and assaying. The samples are analyzed for gold and silver using a standard fire assay on a 30-gram sample with a gravimetric finish for over-limits. Multi-element geochemistry was determined by ICP-MS using either aqua regia or four acid digestions. Crush rejects, pulps, and the remaining core are stored in a secured facility at Santa Ana for future assay verification.


Qualified Person


Edwin Naranjo Sierra is the designated Qualified Person within the meaning of the National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and verified the technical information in this news release. Mr. Naranjo holds a MSc. in Earth Sciences, and is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM). Mr. Naranjo Sierra is a consultant to the company and is therefore independent for the purposes of NI 43-101.


About Santa Ana


The 100% owned Santa Ana project covers 27,000 hectares within the Mariquita District, through titles and applications, known as the largest and highest-grade primary silver district in Colombia with mining records dating back to 1585.


Santa Ana’s maiden resource estimate, detailed in the NI 43-101 Technical Report titled “Santa Ana Property Mineral Resource Estimate,” dated June 8, 2023, prepared by AMC Mining Consultants, indicates an estimated indicated resource of 24.2 million ounces silver equivalent at a grade of 614 grams per tonne and an inferred resource of 13.5 million ounces at a grade of 435 grams per tonne. The identified resources span seven major vein systems that include multiple parallel veins and ore shoots: Santa Ana (San Antonio, Roberto Tovar, San Juan shoots); La Porfia (La Ivana); El Dorado (El Dorado, La Abeja shoots); Paraiso (Megapozo); Las Maras; Los Naranjos, and La Isabela.


The drilling campaign aims to extend known mineralization and test new high-potential areas along the permitted section of the project’s extensive 30 kilometres of mineralized trend. This year’s exploration strategy aims to demonstrate a clear pathway to substantially expand the resource. These efforts underscore the scalability of Santa Ana and its potential for substantial resource growth, positioning the project to develop into a high-grade, economically viable, and environmentally responsible silver mine.


About Outcrop Silver


Outcrop Silver is a leading explorer and developer focused on advancing its flagship Santa Ana high-grade silver project in Colombia. Leveraging a disciplined and seasoned team of professionals with decades of experience in the region. Outcrop Silver is dedicated to expanding current mineral resources through strategic exploration initiatives.


At the core of our operations is a commitment to responsible mining practices and community engagement, underscoring our approach to sustainable development. Our expertise in navigating complex geological and market conditions enables us to consistently identify and capitalize on opportunities to enhance shareholder value. With a deep understanding of the Colombian mining landscape and a track record of successful exploration, Outcrop Silver is poised to transform the Santa Ana project into a significant silver producer, contributing positively to the local economy and setting new standards in the mining industry.



Figure 1. The plan view of the Los Mangos vein target shows the drill holes reported in this release (Table 1), and surface exploration samples (Table 2). (CNW Group/Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation)




Figure 2. Geological cross-sections showing Los Mangos vein system. The section width is 75 metres. (CNW Group/Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation)




Figure 3. Geological map of the El 20 historic underground mine at the Los Mangos vein target (refer to News Release dated November 12, 2024). (CNW Group/Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation)




Silver Equivalency Formula (CNW Group/Outcrop Silver & Gold Corporation)


Posted March 12, 2025

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