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Kobo Resources Continues to Define its High-Grade Gold Targets at Kossou: 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger Zone

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Kobo Resources Continues to Define its High-Grade Gold Targets at Kossou: 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger Zone






  • Strong Gold Intercepts10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger Zone
  • The Company has completed 9,282 m of diamond drilling to date and expects to surpass its initial 10,000 m target in early February, with additional holes planned at the Road Cut Zone before the completion of its drill program
  • There will be a scheduled pause in drilling to assess recent drill results and refine exploration plans ahead of the next diamond drill program, anticipated to commence in Q2 2025


Kobo Resources Inc. (TSX-V: KRI) is pleased to report additional high-grade gold intercepts from the ongoing 10,000+ metre diamond drill program at its 100%-owned Kossou Gold Project in Côte d’Ivoire. Notable intercepts include 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger Zone, reinforcing the high-grade strength and continuity of these key gold targets.


With drilling now completed at the Jagger Zone, both drill rigs are now focused on completing the Company’s drill program at the Road Cut and Contact Zones, further defining their structural and mineralization potential.


Diamond Drill Results – Highlights:


Jagger Zone:

  • KDD0054
    • 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au from 282.0 m


Road Cut Zone:

  • KDD0056
    • 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au from 176.0 m
  • KDD0057
    • 4.0 m at 1.44 g/t Au from 149.0 m
  • KDD0058
    • 7.0 m at 2.04 g/t Au from 47.0 m, including 2.0 m at 6.52 g/t Au
    • 1.0 m at 11.90 g/t Au from 91.0 m
    • 10.0 m at 1.27* g/t Au from 161.0 m, including 3.0 m at 2.21 g/t Au
    • 1.0 m at 10.80 g/t Au from 212.0 m
  • KDD0060
    • 3.0 m at 3.54 g/t Au g/t from 134.0 m


Edward Gosselin, CEO and Director of Kobo commented: “These latest results further highlight the strong gold potential at Kossou, with key intercepts reinforcing both grade continuity and scale at the Road Cut and Jagger Zones. Notably, 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au at the Road Cut Zone and 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au at the Jagger Zone continue to validate our geological model and support ongoing exploration efforts.”


He continued: “As we near completion of our 10,000+ m drill program, our focus is shifting toward further defining the Road Cut and Contact Zones in this final phase. Importantly, early results could suggest geological similarities between the Road Cut and Jagger Zones, which merit further exploration to assess potential structural connections between these high priority targets. We remain committed to systematically advancing Kossou as a significant gold asset in Côte d’Ivoire and look forward to unlocking further value through continued exploration in 2025.”


Jagger Zone


The final planned hole at the Jagger Zone, KDD0054, was drilled on section JZ450 (see Figure 2) to test the down-dip extension of mineralization identified in a previous diamond drill hole KDD0044, which returned 11.0 m at 3.78 g/t Au, 14.0 m at 1.14 g/t Au, including 5.0 m at 2.10 g/t Au and 8.0 m at 0.51 g/t Au near the bottom of the hole (see press release dated January 13, 2025).

  • KDD0054 successfully intersected multiple north-south trending shear zones within the host volcanics, demonstrating the variable nature of gold mineralization within the Jagger Shear. KDD0054 returned 3.0 m at 6.17 g/t Au from 282.0 m, confirming mineralization continuity at depth. This intercept correlates with the down-dip extension of the shear encountered in the previously drilled KDD0040, which returned 2.0 m at 1.47 g/t Au.


The north-south shear structures can be effectively mapped in drill core, with the intensity of gold mineralization related to the density of shear-parallel V1 veins and cross-cutting V2 vein sets. These findings further support continued exploration targeting both the vertical and lateral extensions of the Jagger Shear Zone. Full results are provided in Table 1.


Road Cut Zone


Diamond drill hole KDD0056, drilled on section RCZ800, targeted the down-dip extension of shear-hosted gold mineralization beneath previously drilled KDD0011, which encountered multiple shear structures but returned limited gold values (see press release July 11, 2024).

  • KDD0056 successfully intersected multiple shear-hosted zones, returning 10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au from 176.0 m and 3.0 m at 1.60 g/t Au from 196.0 m;
  • Results reaffirm the structural complexity and gold variability along shear planes, demonstrating potential grade continuity at depth.


Diamond drill hole KDD0060, drilled on section RCZ900, targeted the down-dip extension of mineralized shear zones intersected in KDD0018 (see press release July 18, 2024).

  • KDD0060 successfully intersected multiple shear structures, highlighted by 3.0 m at 3.54 g/t Au and a broader 8.0 m interval grading 0.81 g/t Au, with narrower 2+ g/t Au zones;
  • The shear-hosted gold mineralization observed in KDD0060 correlates well with the mineralized zones in KDD0018, reinforcing continuity along the shear corridor;
  • This marks the most southerly drilled section at the Road Cut Zone to date, with mineralization remaining open along strike.


The Company is conducting further structural and stratigraphic analysis to evaluate potential geological relationships between the southern point of the Road Cut Zone and northern point of the Jagger Zone, assessing whether a broader mineralized trend may extend between these two key targets.


Diamond drill hole KDD0058, drilled on section RCZ200, was drilled to follow up on mineralized trends identified in reverse circulation drill holes KRC042 and KRC043 from 2023 (see press release August 14, 2023). These historical RC drill holes, originally drilled on an azimuth of 090°, have been projected onto the updated section for interpretation (see Figure 7).

  • KDD0058 intersected multiple shear zones hosting gold mineralization, including 10.0 m at 1.27 g/t Au from 161.0 m downhole, reinforcing continuity within the Road Cut Zone;
  • Notably, two narrow, high-grade east-west trending V2 quartz veins returned 1.0 m at 11.90 g/t Au from 91.0 m and 1.0 m at 10.80 g/t Au from 212.0 m, indicating a structurally complex gold system with multiple mineralization controls;
  • These high-grade veins were observed within relatively un-sheared volcanic units, underscoring the need for further analysis to determine their relationship with the dominant north-south shear-hosted gold mineralization that defines the broader Road Cut Zone.


Table 1: Summary of Significant Diamond Drill Hole Results


BHID East North Elev. Az. Dip Depth From (m) To (m) Int. (m) Au (g/t) Target
KDD0054 228905 775412 331 70 -50 305.45 115.0 119.0 4.0 0.35 Jagger
              124.0 130.0 6.0 0.66 Jagger
              169.0 171.0 2.0 1.47 Jagger
              234.0 237.0 3.0 1.10 Jagger
              268.0 271.0 3.0 0.66 Jagger
              282.0 285.0 3.0 6.17 Jagger
KDD0055 228306 776314 293 70 -50 266.35 165.0 169.0 4.0 1.82 RCZ
              205.0 207.0 2.0 0.96 RCZ
KDD0056 228465 775946 292 70 -50 212.45 47.0 49.0 2.0 1.50 RCZ
              90.0 93.0 3.0 1.50 RCZ
              109.0 111.0 2.0 1.18 RCZ
              176.0 186.0 10.0 4.57 RCZ
              196.0 199.0 3.0 1.60 RCZ
KDD0057 228282 776464 288 70 -50 203.35 20.0 22.0 2.0 1.31 RCZ
              57.0 60.0 3.0 1.19 RCZ
              83.0 91.0 8.0 0.50 RCZ
              108.0 111.0 3.0 1.88 RCZ
              127.0 129.0 2.0 1.16 RCZ
              149.0 153.0 4.0 1.44 RCZ
              159.0 166.0 7.0 0.74 RCZ
              incl. 164.0 166.0 2.0 1.53 RCZ
KDD0058 228263 776515 288 70 -50 302.35 47.0 54.0 7.0 2.04 RCZ
              incl. 52.0 54.0 2.0 6.52 RCZ
              91.0 92.0 1.0 11.90 RCZ
              161.0 171.0 10.0 1.27 RCZ
              incl. 161.0 164.0 3.0 2.21 RCZ
              169.0 171.0 2.0 2.07 RCZ
              181.0 183.0 2.0 0.74 RCZ
              195.0 197.0 2.0 0.52 RCZ
              212.0 213.0 1.0 10.80 RCZ
KDD0059 228467 775893 300 70 -50 239.45 198.0 202.0 4.0 0.65 RCZ
KDD0060 228478 775844 308 70 -50 230.45 104.0 106.0 2.0 1.66 RCZ
              115.0 123.0 8.0 0.81 RCZ
              incl. 115.0 117.0 2.0 1.46 RCZ
              incl. 121.0 123.0 2.0 1.48 RCZ
              134.0 137.0 3.0 3.54 RCZ

  • Cut off using 2.0 m at 0.30 g/t Au
  • Intervals are reported with no more than 3.0 m of continuous internal dilution expect where indicated by *


An accurate dip and strike and controls of mineralisation are unconfirmed at this time and the true width of mineralisation are unconfirmed at this time. Drill holes are planned to intersect mineralised zones perpendicular to interpreted targets. All intercepts reported are downhole distances.


Sampling, QA/QC, and Analytical Procedures


Drill core was logged and sampled by Kobo personnel at site. Drill cores were sawn in half, with one half remaining in the core box and the other half secured into new plastic sample bags with sample number tickets. Samples are transported to the SGS Côte d’Ivoire facility in Yamoussoukro by Kobo personnel where the entire sample was prepared for analysis (prep code PRP86/PRP94). Sample splits of 50 grams were then analysed for gold using 50g Fire Assay as per SGS Geochem Method FAA505. QA/QC procedures for the drill program include insertion of a certificated standards every 20 samples, a blank every 20 samples and a duplicate sample (split of the 1 m original sample) every 20 samples. All QAQC control samples returned values within acceptable limits.


Review of Technical Information


The scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Paul Sarjeant, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Persons as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Sarjeant is the President and Chief Operating Officer and Director of Kobo.


About Kobo Resources Inc.


Kobo Resources is a growth-focused gold exploration company with a compelling new gold discovery in Côte d’Ivoire, one of West Africa’s most prolific and developing gold districts, hosting several multi-million-ounce gold mines. The Company’s 100%-owned Kossou Gold Project is located approximately 20 km northwest of the capital city of Yamoussoukro and is directly adjacent to one of the region’s largest gold mines with established processing facilities.


The Company is drilling to unlock the potential size and scale of Kossou within 9+ km strike length of highly prospective gold in soil geochemical anomalies with excellent rock and trench sampling, as well as drill results. Significant gold mineralisation has been identified at three main targets within a 300 m wide, 2+ km long, pervasively altered structural corridor defining a potentially large orogenic gold system. In 2023, the Company completed approximately 5,900 meters of reverse circulation (RC) drilling and 5,400 meters of trenching, alongside 11,507 meters of diamond drilling in 2024. Moving forward, the Company is completing the remainder of its 10,000 m of core diamond drilling program by the end of January 2025 at key targets at the Kossou Gold Project. The Company also plans on additional exploration on its Kotobi Permit and pending approval for over 600 km2 of prospective ground as part of its strategic efforts to expand its footprint in Côte d’Ivoire.


Kobo remains committed to identifying and developing new opportunities to enhance its land position and growth in the region. Kobo offers investors the exciting combination of high-quality gold prospects led by an experienced leadership team with in-country experience.


Figure 1: Jagger Zone Diamond Drill Results and Collar Location Map (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 2: Jagger Zone – Section JZ450 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 3: Road Cut Zone Diamond Drill Results and Collar Location Map (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 4: Road Cut Zone – Section RCZ800 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 5: Strong Alteration and Gold Mineralisation (10.0 m at 4.57 g/t Au) from Drill Hole KDD0056 (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 6: Road Cut Zone – Section RCZ900 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)


Figure 7: Road Cut Zone – Section RC200 Simplified Geological Cross-Section (Graphic: Business Wire)

Posted January 30, 2025

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