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Goldstorm Metals Completes Surface Sampling Expanding Numerous Precious and Base Metal Zones at Electrum and Crown Properties Within the Heart of the Golden Triangle of Northwest British Columbia

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Goldstorm Metals Completes Surface Sampling Expanding Numerous Precious and Base Metal Zones at Electrum and Crown Properties Within the Heart of the Golden Triangle of Northwest British Columbia






Goldstorm Metals Corp. (TSX-V: GSTM) (FSE: B2U) is pleased to report that the 2024 exploration campaign has been completed on its 100% owned Electrum and Crown Properties situated within the prolific Golden Triangle region of British Columbia. Assays results from the first set of reconnaissance surface samples from the program are discussed below. The Crown and Electrum properties cover 16,469 hectares and are situated adjacent and due south of both Seabridge Gold Inc.’s KSM gold-copper project and Newmont’s Brucejack gold mine, (Click to view: the location and concession maps).


Exploration carried out during the 2024 program on Electrum included seven diamond drill holes totaling 2,233 meters (m), as well as surface sampling and mapping. Analytical results from the Electrum drill core and surface samples will be announced once they are received and interpreted by the Company. The extensive mapping and sampling programs undertaken by our crews on both Electrum and Crown provided a total of 702 surface rock grab, chip, and channel samples, of which the Company has received assays for 619 of the 627 samples collected at Crown. Highlights from the mapping and sampling reported in this release are from various mineral zones on the Crown Project, and full assay results are reported with links to tables at the end of this release.


Ken Konkin, P.Geo., President and CEO, comments: “We are very pleased with the successful exploration results from our on-going exploration programs (OEX) by our reconnaissance team. Crews significantly expanded the dimensions of the recently discovered Copernicus, Orion, Triton, Launch and Fairweather zones. Mapping and prospecting have delineated numerous trends of mineralization for hundreds of meters that appear to be both structurally and lithologically controlled. Base and precious metal mineralization has been identified, suggesting multi-pulse mineralizing events. These trends have been well-traced by systematic sampling of the mineralized zones, yielding high-grade gold, silver and copper values. We plan to expand our efforts in these zones with our OEX team next year, paying particular attention to areas where the ice continues to recede. We systematically revisit all areas where zones trend under the ice sheets and we are seeing 10’s to 100’s of meters of glacial ablation annually that reveals fresh new outcrops to examine. Our goal is to fast-track and develop drill targets that may host high-grade precious and base-metal mineralization, and additionally may point to the source of mineralized structures that could be related to a much larger disseminated and veinlet system occurring peripherally and/or at depth. We look forward to announcing the surface results as well as the assays from the seven drill holes completed at the Dome and LP target at Electrum when they are available. Visible gold was discovered at the LP Zone that prompted Goldstorm Metals to test this high-grade gold showing at depth. We expect to receive final results to our drill hole program within a couple of weeks.”


Results of the 2024 Sampling Program Crown Property


On the Orion Concession, crews have delineated multiple stratiform mineralized trends within volcaniclastic rocks at the Copernicus Zone, located along the upper Orion Spine. Three structures trending to the north, and one trending to the northwest, have been identified over 1,500 m of length. Mineralization located over 500 m to the north suggests that the zone may extend under the Frank Mackie Glacier, and is potentially a VMS style deposit associated with an anomalous magnetic high. At the Cat in the Hat Zone, also on Orion, gold-bearing veins trending northeasterly within rhyolitic rocks have been discovered, extending into previously unsampled glacial ablation zones. Click to view: maps of the sampled areas at Copernicus and Cat in the Hat.


Sampling highlights from the Copernicus and Cat in the Hat Zones include:

  • Grab sample (C969903) returned 30.9 g/t gold and 42.39 g/t silver from the Cat in the Hat Zone
  • 1.9 meter continuous chip samples (C969719 and C969720) returned 2.53 g/t gold, 54.7 g/t silver and 3.3% copper located 290 meters south of the original Copernicus showing
  • 1.0 meter chip sample (C970612) returned 8.76 g/t gold and 7.62 g/t silver located 650 meters south of the original Copernicus showing
  • 16 samples taken within the Copernicus Zone returned greater than 1% copper, with one sample (C969842) assaying 0.58 g/t gold, 625 g/t silver, and 6.57% copper at the original Copernicus showing
  • Mineralized samples were found to correlate with a magnetic high geophysical anomaly


On the Fairweather Concession, reconnaissance was conducted on three significant polymetallic mineralized zones known as Triton, Launch and Galileo. Sampling at the Triton Zone identified a 400-meter-long trend of gold-bearing veins within pyroclastic volcanic rocks. At the Launch Zone, crews found northwest- and west-trending polymetallic mineralization, characterized by pods and veins within siltstone beds, as well as crosscutting the formations. At the Galileo Zone, crews observed mineralization trending west over 800 meters, with multiple parallel polymetallic veins found within volcanic rocks and mudstones. Click to view: maps of the sampled areas at Triton, Launch and Galileo.


Sampling highlights from the Launch, Galileo, and Triton Zones include:

  • Grab sample (C969905) returned 55.2 g/t g gold and 82.71 g/t silver at the Launch Zone
  • Semi-massive sulphides within siltstone were discovered 650 m north of the Launch Zone highlighted by grab sample (C969892), which returned 2.42 g/t gold, 345 g/t silver, 0.68% copper, 12.22% lead, and 27.29% zinc
  • Grab sample (C969829) taken at the Galileo Zone returned 0.29 g/t gold, 925 g/t silver, 3.38% lead, and 2.32% zinc
  • Analyses of 38 samples collected at the Triton Zone had a calculated average of 0.88 g/t gold


On the Mackie West Concession, initial sampling discovered molybdenum rich boulders and traced them to source in basalt outcrop. Mineralogy of some of the boulders indicates there may be a porphyry-type molybdenum deposit nearby associated with a buried felsic intrusion. Click to view: maps of the sampled areas at Mackie West.


Sampling highlights include:

  • Float samples with high molybdenum (C969920) returned 8916 ppm molybdenum
  • Traced to source with grab sample (A0839824), which returned 2159 ppm molybdenum


Orion Concessions Sample Results: Click to view all Orion samples


Table 1: Select Rock Sample Results for the Orion Concession


Sample Easting UTM09 Northing UTM09 Elev.
Sampled From Sample Type Width (m) Au
C969903 422305 6246054 1565 Outcrop Grab 30.90 42.39 0.00 0.02 0.00
C969901 422288 6246046 1557 Outcrop Grab 14.30 67.66 0.00 0.02 0.00
C969842 421734 6247798 1657 Outcrop Grab 0.58 625.00 6.57 0.18 1.10
A0905084 421966 6247168 1616 Outcrop Grab 10.40 3.67 0.11 0.00 0.00
C969902 422290 6246046 1558 Outcrop Grab 10.00 15.36 0.01 0.00 0.00
C969695 421928 6247203 1609 Outcrop Grab 9.64 8.90 0.01 0.00 0.00
C970612 421929 6247200 1559 Outcrop Chip 1 8.76 7.62 0.01 0.00 0.01
C970675 422205 6246022 1488 Outcrop Grab 7.44 11.11 0.03 0.00 0.00
C969760 421946 6247179 1605 Outcrop Grab 6.89 10.32 0.13 0.00 0.00
A0839840 422314 6246089 1550 Outcrop Chip 0.5 5.13 17.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
C969904 422321 6246067 1569 Outcrop Grab 4.71 12.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
C969994 421733 6247659 1670 Outcrop Grab 0.14 273.00 3.85 0.09 0.71
C969720 421678 6247516 1602 Outcrop Chip 1 3.09 59.90 3.02 0.00 0.11
C970703 422178 6245942 1487 Outcrop Chip 0.1 4.33 5.48 0.00 0.00 0.00
A0905091 421736 6247773 1706 Outcrop Chip 0.15 0.62 153.00 5.22 0.03 0.22
C970619 421930 6247200 1559 Outcrop Grab 2.34 93.46 0.03 0.08 0.03
A0839845 422219 6246032 1481 Outcrop Chip 0.65 3.48 4.92 0.01 0.00 0.00
C969719 421677 6247516 1602 Outcrop Chip 0.9 1.98 49.55 3.04 0.00 0.06
C970667 421969 6247095 1602 Outcrop Grab 3.17 2.98 0.10 0.00 0.00
C969686 421726 6247421 1609 Outcrop Grab 0.38 91.85 4.55 0.00 0.73



Fairweather Concession Sample Results: Click to view all Fairweather samples


Table 2: Select Rock Sample Results for the Fairweather Concession


Sample Easting UTM09 Northing UTM09 Elev.
Sampled From Sample Type Width (m) Au
C969905 429601 6246010 1502 Outcrop Grab 55.20 82.71 0.01 0.07 2.09
A0905336 428668 6244043 885 Float Float 0.18 1306.00 0.08 17.90 0.01
C969829 429102.1 6244042 881 Outcrop Grab 0.29 925.00 0.12 3.38 2.32
C969806 428781 6245886 1610 Outcrop Grab 11.30 10.01 0.00 0.06 0.11
A0905315 429947.1 6245833 1397 Outcrop Chip 0.3 8.88 51.31 0.60 0.11 0.07
C969831 429124.5 6244030 878 Outcrop Grab 0.24 700.00 0.05 7.49 3.44
C969910 429514 6246233 1476 Outcrop Grab 7.25 27.87 0.10 0.92 4.07
C969892 429646 6246268 1475 Outcrop Grab 2.42 345.00 0.68 12.22 27.29
C969838 429946.4 6245831 1441 Outcrop Grab 4.62 118.00 0.52 0.94 2.41
C969908 429482 6246223 1484 Outcrop Grab 4.60 81.09 0.18 2.49 2.47
A0905334 428616 6243956 878 Outcrop Chip 0.3 1.87 252.00 0.79 0.77 0.32
A0839801 430062 6245994 1379 Outcrop Grab 0.03 384.00 0.80 19.14 33.86
C969839 429946 6245832 1398 Outcrop Grab 4.43 32.93 0.28 0.18 0.75
C970583 429290 6243961 936 Outcrop Grab 4.56 5.74 0.07 0.01 0.12
C970554 429514 6246231 1464 Outcrop Grab 4.16 11.78 0.01 0.24 0.09
A0905328 429618 6246270 1451 Outcrop Grab 1.45 220.00 0.25 7.20 13.70
A0905308 429103 6244042 881 Outcrop Chip 0.9 0.21 308.00 0.06 1.86 1.72
C970605 429380 6243882 813 Outcrop Grab 3.36 5.16 0.22 0.02 0.01
A0905331 428670 6243953 868 Outcrop Grab 1.82 101.00 0.41 0.17 1.20
A0905314 429311.1 6243993 872 Outcrop Chip 0.3 3.03 1.41 0.01 0.01 0.01
A0905345 429367 6243949 849 Outcrop Chip 0.35 2.82 5.35 0.07 0.00 0.01
C969836 429255 6244023 869 Float Float 2.33 29.04 0.57 0.01 0.33
C970580 429365 6243957 922 Outcrop Grab 1.68 45.65 0.12 0.01 0.03
A0905335 428616 6243956 878 Outcrop Grab 0.15 166.00 0.10 2.21 0.51



Mackie West Concession Sample Results: Click to view all Mackie West samples


Table 3: Select Rock Sample Results for the Mackie West Concession


Sample Easting UTM09 Northing UTM09 Elev.
Sampled From Sample Type Width
C969923 418049 6245878 1314 Float Float 26.50 1028 0.05 28 18.28 0.00
A0905076 417653 6245444 1506 Float Float 2.21 419.00 1.13 10 5.29 0.01
C969920 418007 6246009 1247 Float Float 0.04 6.81 0.01 8916 0.05 0.01
C969922 418011 6246016 1271 Float Float 0.02 5.09 0.04 3522 0.01 0.00
A0839824 418156 6246261 1297 Outcrop Grab 0.00 0.21 0.02 2159 0.00 0.02



Qualified Person


The Qualified Person for this news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is the Company’s President and CEO, Ken Konkin, P.Geo. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release.




All samples were prepared at MSA Labs’ Preparation Laboratory in Terrace, BC and assayed at MSA Labs’ Geochemical Laboratory in Langley, BC. Gold was assayed using a fire assay with atomic absorption (AA) spectrometry finish. Samples over 10 ppm gold were fire assayed with gravimetric finish. All samples were analyzed by four acid digestion with multi-element ICP-MS, with silver and base metal over-limits being reanalyzed by emission spectrometry. MSA Laboratories quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. MSA Labs is independent of the Company.


About Goldstorm Metals


Goldstorm Metals Corp. is a precious and base metals exploration company with a large strategic land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. Goldstorm’s flagship projects, Crown and Electrum, cover an area that totals 16,469 hectares over 6 concessions, of which 5 are contiguous. The Crown Project is situated directly south of Seabridge Gold’s KSM gold-copper deposits and Newmont Corporation’s Brucejack/Valley of the Kings gold mine. Electrum, also located in the Golden Triangle of BC, is situated directly between Newmont Corporation’s Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 kilometers to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 kilometers to the south.


Posted October 17, 2024

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