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First Mining Further Defines Buzz Zone and North Zone Expansion Targets at the Duparquet Gold Project 

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First Mining Further Defines Buzz Zone and North Zone Expansion Targets at the Duparquet Gold Project 

First Mining Gold Corp. (TSX: FF) (OTCQX: FFMGF) (FRANKFURT: FMG) is pleased to announce new drilling results from the 2024 Phase 3 diamond drilling program at its Duparquet Gold Project located in Quebec, Canada.  An additional 4,194 m has been drilled in six holes at the Buzz Zone and North Zone targets this year in an effort to demonstrate growth opportunities for two priority open-ended resource expansion targets at the Duparquet Project.

Drilling in the Buzz Zone has returned positive drill intercepts over a strike length of 170 m between the newly drilled holes. A total of 1,875 m in three drillholes was recently completed, and highlights of this drilling include drill hole DUP24-028 returning 1.55 g/t Au over 15.4 m(including 3.08 g/t Au over 5.3 m), drill hole DUP24-029 returning 1.19 g/t Au over 35.3 m, and 2.63 g/t Au over 14.0 m (including 30.50 g/t Au over 0.85 m), demonstrating both encouraging grades and widths within an area of potential resource growth and further exploration expansion opportunities.

The Buzz Zone is situated immediately south of the existing Duparquet Project mineral resource and is known to occur along high strain corridors within sheared and brecciated zones that straddle or cut through the margins of the Beattie syenite. The overall Buzz target remains under-explored and is open both up and down-dip from the initial zone of interception and will be a focus in follow-up drill campaigns.

Further drilling at the North Zone continues to return positive drill intercepts as First Mining tests the mineralization strike extension eastwards and down plunge beyond the limits of previous exploration efforts. A total of 2,319 m was completed in three holes, supporting a 130 m strike extension towards the east of the current resource. Highlights of the recent drilling included drill hole DUP24-032 returning 4.00 g/t Au over 5.70 m(including 6.65 g/t Au over 2.0 m) and DUP24-031 returning 1.61 g/t Au over 8.35 m, (including 5.02 g/t Au over 1.65 m) demonstrating important grade continuity of the North Zone along strike and down plunge.

The North Zone is situated along the northern Beattie syenite-mafic volcanic contact that is known to host higher-grade mineralization along high strain and brecciated zones that are along interpreted splay structures from the Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone (“DPFZ“).

“We are pleased to announce these new positive drilling results from our Phase 3 diamond drilling program at Duparquet,” stated Dan Wilton, CEO of First Mining. “Exploration at Duparquet is a high priority focus for First Mining and these results continue to demonstrate the potential at the project outside of our current mineral resource estimate.  Our exploration programs are supported by a strong geoscience foundation and position us well for our upcoming drill phases.”

The Phase 3 drill program commenced in May 2024 and a total of 9,564 m of drilling has been completed to date.  There are 4,557 m of outstanding results and First Mining expects to report the final results in Q4 2024. The Phase 3 program focused on priority targets with the aim of drill testing and advancing multiple potential resource expansion zones across the Duparquet Gold project. First Mining believes the Buzz Zone and North Zone targets provide significant resource growth potential that will continue to advance with additional exploration phases at the Project.

A plan map of the Buzz Zone and North Zone drill holes is presented in Figure 1, and corresponding assay highlights are presented in Table 1, with full assay results listed in Table 2 and drill hole locations in Table 3.

Figure 1: Plan view of select drill holes from the Phase 3 program at the Buzz and North Zone Target areas. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)


Table 1:  Selected Significant Drill Intercepts, 2024 Phase 3 Drill Program – Buzz and North Zone Targets

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Grade (Au g/t) Target
DUP24-028 366.0 378.0 12.0 1.62 Buzz Zone
DUP24-028 inc. 367.0 370.0 3.0 3.78
DUP24-028 474.8 490.2 15.4 1.55
DUP24-028 inc. 477.0 482.3 5.3 3.08
DUP24-029 490.0 525.3 35.3 1.19
DUP24-029 546.0 560.8 14.8 1.62
DUP24-029 inc. 552.0 553.0 1.0 5.38
DUP24-029 644.0 658.0 14.0 2.63
DUP24-029 inc. 654.0 654.85 0.85 30.50
DUP24-031 369.0 372.0 3.0 7.06 North Zone
DUP24-031 inc. 369.0 370.0 1.0 15.50
DUP24-031 475.65 484.0 8.35 1.61
DUP24-031 inc. 478.0 479.65 1.65 5.02
DUP24-032 570.8 576.5 5.7 4.00
DUP24-032 inc. 573.5 575.5 2.0 6.65

*Reported intervals are drilled core lengths (true widths are estimated at 30-85% of the core length interval, assay values are uncut)


Duparquet 2024 Exploration Programs

Exploration activities have continued to advance at the Duparquet project throughout 2024, with the Phase 3 drilling and regional field work programs now winding down for the year. Inbound assay results are being reviewed with the key focus shifting to the interpretation and integration of the 2024 data – including geochemical, geophysical, oriented core, and magnetic susceptibility data – into the 3D geoscience models, to support the delineation of further expansion targets.

Exploration efforts are advancing with the development and review of follow-up programs for 2025, maintaining focus on the Company’s integrated geoscience exploration strategy.

Additional Details on Buzz Target Drilling 

The Buzz Zone drilling strategy is focused on targeting resource growth immediately south of the current Duparquet mineral resource. The Buzz Zone currently spans 300 m strike and 200 m depth between drill holes. The target remains open up- and down-dip along the core plunge of the gold mineralization. The Buzz Zone was originally discovered during First Mining’s 2023 drilling program, with drill hole DUP23-002 intersecting 6.52 g/t Au over 4.6 m (refer to news release dated September 5, 2023).

The 2024 Buzz follow-up drilling campaign, comprising of three holes – DUP24-028, DUP24-029, and DUP24-030 (Figures 2 and 3), has further defined the gold zone along strike and at depth. Mineralization in all three holes consists of fine-grained to very fine-grained disseminated pyrite mineralization, pervasive silica and sericite alteration, and is hosted within syenite units or along syenite-argillite and volcanic contacts. Higher-grade zones are consistent along the interpreted D2 higher strain zones, which is characterized by strong shearing and/or brecciation observed in the core.

Figure 2: Buzz Zone highlighting DUP24-028 and DUP24-030 targeting the potential mineralization continuity along the western side of the target. Significant intercepts are highlighted downhole, with higher-grade zones identified along altered mineralized brecciated syenite units. The cross section is looking west. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)

Figure 3: Buzz Zone highlighting DUP24-029 targeting the potential mineralization continuity of the target towards the east. Significant intercepts are highlighted downhole, with higher-grade zones identified along brecciated altered mineralized syenite units. The cross section is looking west. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)


The 2024 drilling campaign has further defined, expanded, and delineated higher-grade trends within the Buzz Zone and the recent drill results continue to support the area as a highly prospective target zone for the Project, with the potential to unlock meaningful mineralization along strike as the target remains open in all directions (Figure 4).  The Buzz Zone remains a priority area for exploration and potential expansion of the Duparquet mineral resource.

Figure 4: Representative plan view and long section view through the Buzz target area, highlighting significant intercepts returned in 2024 as well as upcoming drill hole target areas aimed at unlocking future exploration opportunities (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)


Additional Details on North Zone Drilling 

The North Zone drilling strategy is focused on targeting depth and strike extensions, with an emphasis on potential high-grade trends that support the down-plunge continuity of the mineralization. In June 2024, First Mining announced drill results from DUP24-024 which intersected multiple gold zones including 10.67 g/t Au over 5.3 m, 6.63 g/t Au over 9.0 m, 3.04 g/t Au over 33.5 m, and 5.97 g/t Au over 33.0 m (see news release from June 18, 2024), and identified a newly interpreted syenite–mafic volcanic contact zone which is strongly favourable for higher-grade gold mineralization owing to  geochemical and rheological attributes. Initial drill holes targeting the North Zone have led to an updated 3D geological interpretation, identifying a contact zone between the mafic volcanic and syenite stratigraphy at depth. These findings highlight significant opportunities for resource expansion along strike and depth. The second phase of drill holes, including the holes reported in this news release, targets the strike extension of the North Zone along the newly interpreted contact zone.

Drill holes DUP24-031 (Figure 5), DUP24-032 (Figure 6), and DUP24-033 (Figure 7) were all step-out holes along the strike of the main projected syenite-mafic volcanic stratigraphic contact zone. All three holes intersected this modelled stratigraphic zone which is defined by strongly foliated and/or sheared basalt at the northern contact of the Beattie syenite unit. Hole DUP24-031 intersected strong silica- and sericite-altered syenite with increased quartz carbonate veining and up to 5% fine grained pyrite mineralization, that hosted gold mineralization near the ‘contact zone’. Hole DUP24-032 intersected sheared sericite-altered basalt with up to 10% localized, very fine-grained disseminated pyrite mineralization, in close proximity to the contact zone. Hole DUP24-033 intersected the syenite-mafic volcanic contact zone at depth with strongly sheared silica- and sericite-altered basalt, with mineralization hosted within the ‘contact zone’ of a 5.5 m sliver of silica-altered syenite with up to 1% fine grained pyrite mineralization.

Figure 5: North Zone drilling highlighting drill hole DUP24-031 targeting the potential mineralization extension along the eastern strike of the North Zone that is hosted within the newly identified mafic volcanic unit. Significant intercepts are highlighted downhole, with higher-grade zones identified along altered mineralized syenite units. The cross section is looking west. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)

Figure 6: North Zone drilling highlighting DUP24-032 targeting the potential mineralization extension along the easterly strike of the North Zone that is hosted within the newly identified mafic volcanic unit. Significant intercepts are highlighted downhole, with higher-grade zones identified along altered mineralized sheared basalt units. The cross section is looking west. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)

Figure 7: North Zone drilling highlighting DUP24-033 targeting the potential mineralization extension along the eastern strike of the North Zone that is hosted within the newly identified mafic volcanic unit. The cross section is looking west. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)


The 2024 drill campaign at the North Zone further defined and delineated higher-grade trends and expanded the mineralization zone 130 m to the east along strike and plunge, with the target remaining open towards the east and at depth.  Ongoing interpretations from the drilling will enhance geological understanding, advance insights into higher-grade controls, and support the expansion of mineralization within the North Zone. The target remains a highly prospective zone for the Duparquet Project as 2024 drilling results have shown this zone to have significant gold mineralization with the potential to delineate meaningful mineralization and grade along strike and at depth (Figure 8).

Figure 8: North Zone plan view and long section highlighting significant 2024 drillholes including DUP24-031 to DUP24-033 which were the three holes targeting the potential mineralization continuity down-plunge along the syenite-volcanic contact. The syenite-volcanic contact has been shown to host higher-grade gold mineralization across the North Zone target. Significant intercepts are highlighted downhole, with higher-grade zones identified along altered mineralized syenite units. The North Zone target remains open at depth and along the plunge direction to the east. (CNW Group/First Mining Gold Corp.)


Table 2: 2024 Phase 3 Drilling – Significant Assays

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Grade (Au g/t)
DUP24-028 92.00 97.00 5.00 0.79 Zone 3
DUP24-028 116.00 120.00 4.00 0.40  


South Zone

DUP24-028 260.30 261.10 0.80 0.54
DUP24-028 264.00 265.00 1.00 0.60
DUP24-028 268.00 269.00 1.00 1.17
DUP24-028 302.50 308.00 5.50 1.35
DUP24-028 inc. 305.00 306.00 1.00 4.61
DUP24-028 317.00 323.00 6.00 0.71
DUP24-028 333.00 334.00 1.00 0.95
DUP24-028 352.90 356.10 3.20 1.68 Buzz
DUP24-028 366.00 378.00 12.00 1.62
DUP24-028 inc. 367.00 370.00 3.00 3.78
DUP24-028 391.00 392.00 1.00 1.06
DUP24-028 399.00 402.00 3.00 0.97
DUP24-028 429.00 430.00 1.00 0.85
DUP24-028 474.80 490.20 15.40 1.55
DUP24-028 inc. 477.00 482.30 5.30 3.08
DUP24-029 3.10 6.00 2.90 3.67 RWRS
DUP24-029 9.60 11.00 1.40 6.61
DUP24-029 inc. 9.60 10.30 0.70 11.00
DUP24-029 55.00 59.00 4.00 0.41
DUP24-029 74.00 75.00 1.00 1.14
DUP24-029 79.00 80.00 1.00 1.69
DUP24-029 84.00 89.00 5.00 1.81
DUP24-029 94.00 95.00 1.00 0.59
DUP24-029 105.10 105.90 0.80 2.18
DUP24-029 109.40 110.40 1.00 0.68
DUP24-029 126.00 128.00 2.00 1.33
DUP24-029 133.85 135.50 1.65 2.05
DUP24-029 252.00 253.00 1.00 2.34 Zone 3
DUP24-029 257.00 258.00 1.00 0.79
DUP24-029 264.00 265.00 1.00 1.65
DUP24-029 308.90 309.40 0.50 2.37 South Zone
DUP24-029 399.75 400.50 0.75 1.44
DUP24-029 422.30 422.80 0.50 6.50
DUP24-029 427.75 428.50 0.75 6.58
DUP24-029 472.15 482.00 9.85 1.28
DUP24-029 490.00 525.30 35.30 1.19 Buzz
DUP24-029 527.50 528.25 0.75 0.46
DUP24-029 532.00 534.95 2.95 0.65
DUP24-029 538.15 541.00 2.85 0.94
DUP24-029 546.00 560.80 14.80 1.62
DUP24-029 inc. 552.00 553.00 1.00 5.38
DUP24-029 564.10 566.00 1.90 2.86
DUP24-029 601.00 602.00 1.00 0.40
DUP24-029 613.85 615.30 1.45 1.09
DUP24-029 644.00 658.00 14.00 2.63
DUP24-029 inc. 654.00 654.85 0.85 30.50
DUP24-029 661.30 666.05 4.75 1.06
DUP24-030 14.00 23.25 9.25 0.75 RWRS
DUP24-030 33.00 35.15 2.15 2.86
DUP24-030 49.00 51.00 2.00 1.40
DUP24-030 96.00 96.80 0.80 0.42 Zone 3B
DUP24-030 113.00 115.00 2.00 2.51
DUP24-030 135.00 135.95 0.95 0.92
DUP24-030 165.00 167.00 2.00 0.46
DUP24-030 181.00 189.00 8.00 0.83
DUP24-030 202.00 203.00 1.00 1.64
DUP24-030 208.00 210.00 2.00 0.45
DUP24-030 236.00 237.00 1.00 1.87
DUP24-030 274.00 275.00 1.00 1.82 South Zone
DUP24-030 402.00 404.00 2.00 1.79
DUP24-030 465.00 477.45 12.45 1.09
DUP24-030 637.00 638.10 1.10 0.85 Buzz
DUP24-031 41.80 42.50 0.70 1.21 ESE Zone
DUP24-031 92.90 94.30 1.40 2.37
DUP24-031 99.30 100.10 0.80 0.55 Zone 3
DUP24-031 189.70 190.45 0.75 0.99 North Zone
DUP24-031 239.45 240.20 0.75 0.65
DUP24-031 284.00 285.00 1.00 2.40
DUP24-031 303.00 304.00 1.00 1.09
DUP24-031 339.00 340.00 1.00 0.90
DUP24-031 350.90 353.00 2.10 0.78
DUP24-031 369.00 372.00 3.00 7.06
DUP24-031 inc. 369.00 370.00 1.00 15.50
DUP24-031 401.00 402.00 1.00 1.34
DUP24-031 407.00 408.00 1.00 0.52
DUP24-031 427.00 428.00 1.00 2.96
DUP24-031 430.00 431.00 1.00 0.41
DUP24-031 457.65 458.20 0.55 2.71
DUP24-031 475.65 484.00 8.35 1.61
DUP24-031 inc. 478.00 479.65 1.65 5.02
DUP24-031 586.85 592.55 5.70 0.84
DUP24-031 602.00 609.25 7.25 1.31
DUP24-031 619.65 620.40 0.75 0.76
DUP24-031 627.30 629.00 1.70 0.48
DUP24-031 679.00 680.00 1.00 0.85
DUP24-032 85.80 86.50 0.70 3.99 ESE Zone
DUP24-032 134.00 135.00 1.00 2.28
DUP24-032 216.60 217.10 0.50 4.64 North Zone
DUP24-032 229.00 233.00 4.00 2.33
DUP24-032 inc. 231.00 232.00 1.00 7.32
DUP24-032 251.00 252.00 1.00 4.16
DUP24-032 258.00 259.00 1.00 2.00
DUP24-032 283.00 284.00 1.00 0.72
DUP24-032 312.00 313.00 1.00 3.37
DUP24-032 349.00 350.00 1.00 0.51
DUP24-032 361.00 362.00 1.00 0.91
DUP24-032 394.00 395.00 1.00 0.81
DUP24-032 418.00 419.00 1.00 0.55
DUP24-032 457.30 458.00 0.70 1.16
DUP24-032 570.80 576.50 5.70 4.00
DUP24-032 inc. 573.50 575.50 2.00 6.65
DUP24-033 400.95 401.95 1.00 0.66  



North Zone

DUP24-033 428.00 428.60 0.60 0.60
DUP24-033 439.00 440.00 1.00 1.70
DUP24-033 446.70 447.40 0.70 0.53
DUP24-033 452.00 452.50 0.50 0.77
DUP24-033 503.85 504.85 1.00 0.51
DUP24-033 506.65 507.20 0.55 0.67
DUP24-033 560.95 561.80 0.85 0.45
DUP24-033 567.85 568.50 0.65 1.36
DUP24-033 594.00 595.00 1.00 2.67
DUP24-033 610.25 611.00 0.75 0.49
DUP24-033 741.10 743.00 1.90 0.76
DUP24-033 745.95 746.60 0.65 1.11

*Reported intervals are drilled core lengths (true widths are estimated at 30-85% of the core length interval; assay values are uncut)


Table 3: Phase 3 Drill Hole Locations, Buzz and North Zone Targets

Hole ID Azimuth (°) Dip (°) Length (m) Easting Northing
DUP24-028 180 -55 516 630997 5374335
DUP24-029 175 -62 684 631137 5374401
DUP24-030 172 -59 675 630997 5374416
DUP24-031 349 -67 801 632480 5374179
DUP24-032 360 -62 669 632481 5374179
DUP24-033 360 -65 849 632544 5374102

Note: Collar coordinates in UTM NAD 83 z17


About the Duparquet Gold Project 

The Duparquet Project is geologically situated in the southern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and is geographically located approximately 50 km north of the city of Rouyn-Noranda. The Project benefits from easy access and proximity to an existing workforce and infrastructure, including road, rail and hydroelectric grid power. The Duparquet Project currently hosts an NI 43-101 compliant gold resource of 3.44 million ounces in the Measured & Indicated category, grading 1.55 g/t Au, and an additional 2.64 million ounces in the Inferred category, grading 1.62 g/t Au. First Mining completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment1 on the Project in 2023 (see news releases dated September 7, 2023 and October 23, 2023).

The Duparquet Project totals approximately 5,800 hectares focused on an area of 19 km of strike length along the prolific Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone, along with numerous mineralized splays and influential secondary lineaments. The Duparquet Project includes the past-producing Beattie, Donchester and Duquesne mines, as well as the Central Duparquet, Dumico and Pitt Gold deposits.

1 Further details on the Duparquet PEA can be found in the technical report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report: Preliminary Economic Assessment, Duparquet Gold Project, Quebec, Canada” dated October 20, 2023, which was prepared for First Mining by G Mining Services Inc. in accordance with NI 43-101 and is available under First Mining’s SEDAR profile at


Analytical Laboratory and QA/QC Procedures

All sampling completed by First Mining within its exploration programs is subject to a Company standard of internal quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC) programs which include the insertion of certified reference materials, blank materials and a level of duplicate analysis. Core samples from the 2024 drilling program at Duparquet were sent to AGAT Laboratories, with sample preparation in Val d’Or and analysis in Thunder Bay, where they were processed for gold analysis by 50 gram fire assay with an atomic absorption finish. Samples from selected holes were sent to AGAT Laboratories in Calgary, Alberta, for multi-element analysis (including silver) by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) method with a four acid digest. AGAT Laboratories systems conform to requirements of ISO/IEC Standard 17025 guidelines and meets assay requirements outlined for NI 43-101.

Qualified Person

Louis Martin, P.Geo., Senior Geologic Consultant of First Mining, is a “Qualified Person” for the purposes of NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About First Mining Gold Corp.  

First Mining is a gold developer advancing two of the largest gold projects in Canada, the Springpole Gold Project in northwestern Ontario, where we have commenced a feasibility study and permitting activities are on-going with a final Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Assessment for the project submitted in November 2024, and the Duparquet Gold Project in Quebec, a PEA-stage development project located on the Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone in the prolific Abitibi region. First Mining also owns the Cameron Gold Project in Ontario and a portfolio of gold project interests including the Pickle Crow Gold Project (being advanced in partnership with Firefly Metals Ltd.) and the Hope Brook Gold Project (being advanced in partnership with Big Ridge Gold Corp.).

First Mining was established in 2015 by Mr. Keith Neumeyer, founding President and CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp.

Posted November 21, 2024

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