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CopperCorp Intersects 132.0m @ 0.35% Cu and 0.19g/t Au in First Drill Hole at the Jukes Prospect

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CopperCorp Intersects 132.0m @ 0.35% Cu and 0.19g/t Au in First Drill Hole at the Jukes Prospect






CopperCorp Resources Inc. (TSX-V: CPER) (OTCQB: CPCPF) is pleased to announce assay results from its first drill hole (JDD001)1,2 at the Jukes prospect on its 100% owned Razorback Copper-Gold-REE property in western Tasmania, Australia (Figure 1).



  • Drillhole JDD001 successfully intersected a broad zone of copper-gold mineralization assaying 132.0m @ 0.35% Cu and 0.19g/t Au from 72.0m, including three zones of higher-grade mineralization, with best intercepts of:
    • 25.0m @ 0.75% Cu and 0.40g/t Au from 72.0m, including 9.0m @ 0.81% Cu and 0.76g/t Au from 85.0m
    • 10.1m @ 0.94% Cu and 0.69g/t Au from 128.5m, including 3.1m @ 2.17% Cu and 2.1g/t Au from 135.5m
    • 10.0m @ 0.67% Cu and 0.29g/t Au from 194.0m
  • Drilling of the second drill hole (JDD002) was recently completed to a depth of 310m. Drilling of a wedge hole has commenced off JDD002
  • Interpretation and development of a new district-scale alteration-mineralization model for the Mt Lyell – Razorback Cu-Au trend


Sean Westbrook, Vice President of exploration commented:

“The results of the Company’s first drill hole at Jukes are very encouraging, especially given that this is the first time that multiple zones of significant Cu-Au mineralization have been intersected in drilling at the prospect.”


Stephen Swatton, President and CEO of CopperCorp commented:

“This is a tremendous start for this season’s drilling campaign. The high grade copper-gold in the form of breccias, stringers and disseminated units interspersed with lower grade mineralized rock confirms the fertile nature of this IOCG system well south of the 130 year old Mt Lyell mining district.


The second drill hole JDD002 collared from the same platform as JDD001 (but drilled at a steeper angle) was pushed to a greater depth than planned. The decision to drill deeper at JDD002 was based on encouraging visual observations from the core (alteration and sulphide assemblages) and to give ourselves a better chance of intersecting the large magnetic feature. The wedged core will help us understand the subtle lithological, alteration and mineralization changes that occur beneath JDD001. This information will help us to more efficiently target other prospective zones throughout the whole property as we contemplate more drilling at Jukes.”


JDD001 Assay Results


Drill hole JDD001 (Figures 3 and 4) was designed to test depth extensions to high-grade Cu-Au mineralization in historical underground mine workings4. The hole was completed to a depth of 214m and intersected variably intense Cu-Au mineralization in the form of disseminated to stringer and breccia vein chalcopyrite over a broad 132m wide zone (72-204m) interval which includes three zones of higher-grade mineralization (Table 2). The first high-grade zone from 72m is interpreted as the depth extension to mineralization in the historical workings, while the other two high-grade zones from 128.5m and 194.0m were previously unknown. The copper mineralized zones in JDD001 are associated with increased chlorite-magnetite alteration which overprints earlier potassic (k-feldspar) altered dacitic to rhyolitic volcanic sequence host rocks.


Drill Hole Location Data


Drillhole ID Easting GDA94 Northing GDA94 mRL Length (m) Dip Azimuth Company
JDD001 383670 5331179 622 214.0 -50 258 CopperCorp
JDD002 383670 5331179 622 310.0 -75 254 CopperCorp


Table 1. Jukes prospect CopperCorp drill hole location and summary data (this news release).


Significant Cu-Au Mineralized Intervals


Prospect Hole Number From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cu (%) Au (g/t)
Jukes JDD001 72.0 204.0 132.0 0.35 0.19
including 72.0 97.0 25.0 0.75 0.4
including 85.0 94.0 9.0 0.81 0.76
and 128.5 138.6 10.1 0.94 0.69
including 135.5 138.6 3.1 2.17 2.1
and 194.0 204.0 10.0 0.67 0.29


Table 2: Jukes prospect significant drillhole mineralized intercepts for JDD001 reported in this news release. Reported grades are calculated as down-hole length weighted averages. Intercepts are downhole intervals.


JDD002 Update


The second hole, JDD002, at Jukes (Figures 3 and 4) was recently completed to a depth of 310m. JDD002 was extended past its originally planned depth (200m) to test the 3D magnetic inversion model feature at depth. Logging and sampling of the JDD002 drill core is underway and the Company looks forward to providing further updates as assays are received and drilling progresses.


Drilling of a wedge hole (JDD002-W1) has commenced from a depth of 67.5m off the JDD002 parent hole (Figure 4). A ‘wedge’ is a methodology of forcing the drill bit to lessen the steepness of the hole. It is designed to further test copper mineralization below JDD001.


The Company currently has approvals in place to drill up to 1,320m from 4 drill sites at Jukes and may extend the drill program depending on results of the initial holes and/or other ongoing work (including prospect-scale geophysical data reviews and surface sampling programs).


Lyell – Razorback Cu-Au District Geological Model


Further recent exploration activity includes the development of a new district-scale alteration-mineralization model for the Mt Lyell – Razorback Cu-Au trend (Figure 5). Alteration and mineral mapping indicate strong evidence for continuation of a district-scale Cu-Au mineralization system extending directly south from the Mt Lyell mine system and into the Razorback property. This work expands significantly on the knowledge of the type-deposit for the trend, namely Mt. Lyell (3Mt contained copper at 1% Cu, and 3Moz contained gold at 0.3g/t Au) and has contributed significantly towards development of key exploration targeting criteria. The model highlights the prospectivity of CopperCorp’s four priority exploration target zones in the area – Linda, Jukes, Hydes and Darwin.


At the camp to deposit scale, alteration facies associated with copper-gold mineralization are zoned from deep level cores of K-feldspar-magnetite-biotite-tourmaline and chlorite-phengite-magnetite-pyrite dominant assemblages with IOCG affinity, upwards and outwards to high-sulphidation epithermal style sericite-silica-pyrite-pyrophyllite-hematite-barite alteration, and then to shallowest upper advanced argillic pyrophyllite-silica-alunite dominant alteration (Figure 5). Subsequent post-mineralization deformation and erosion results in different levels of the original mineralized system being preserved/exposed at current surface throughout the district. We interpret that the alteration zones formed as vertically extensive structurally controlled discharge zones, possibly extending up to 3-4km above the source granitoid intrusives. Pipe-like zones of massive to stockwork and disseminated magnetite-apatite with variable Cu-Au and REE mineralization occur throughout these extensive discharge zones but appear to be best developed within the deeper level iron oxide-alkali alteration facies.


The Mt Lyell Cu-Au system (Figure 6), containing a cluster of up to 24 separate mineralized pipes and lenses, is interpreted to represent the intermediate to upper levels of a large discharge zone above a possible IOCG type system at depth. The Prince Lyell orebody (114Mt @ 1.2% Cu and 0.3g/t Au) at Mt Lyell currently represents the largest individual example of such a mineralized pipe, with dimensions of 450 x 150m at surface and extending vertically for more than 1500m.


About the Jukes Prospect


The Jukes prospect is located within the 100% owned Razorback Cu-Au-REE property, 10km south of the Sibanye-Stillwater owned Mt Lyell copper-gold mining camp. Recent work by CopperCorp, including 3D inversion modelling of magnetic and gravity data indicates a vertically extensive pipe-like magnetic feature with a partially coincident to off-set residual gravity anomaly at Jukes3. The position of the magnetic and gravity anomalies adjacent to large fertile fault structures is considered highly prospective for structurally controlled mineralized pipes typical of the Mt Lyell system where anomalous gravity features occur associated with larger mineralized pipe bodies that have depth extensive chlorite-magnetite-apatite-biotite alteration zones (e.g. Prince Lyell and Western Tharsis orebodies)3 (Figure 5).


Previous exploration at the prospect includes limited drilling below historical workings during the 1970’s and 1980’s that gave a best intercept of 13.4m @ 1.6% Cu and 1.6g/t Au from 61.6m (drillhole JP02)4. Results of recent channel sampling4 of historical underground adits by CopperCorp included 31.0m @ 1.48% Cu and 0.83g/t Au, including 9.0m @ 2.92% Cu and 1.79g/t Au. The copper-gold mineralization at Jukes occurs predominantly as chalcopyrite with lesser bornite, associated with intense chlorite-magnetite alteration with strong similarities to deep level mineralization at Mt Lyell.


Figure 1. Southern Skyline Project properties and exploration target areas with magnetics TMI RTP image.



Figure 2. Location of the Razorback property and the Jukes Zone target area relative to the Mt Lyell copper-gold mine. Blue outlines are CopperCorp’s 100% owned licenses.



Figure 3. Jukes prospect summary plan with magnetics reduced to pole (RTP) image underlay.


Figure 4. Jukes prospect drill update summary section with 3D inversion model isosurface for magnetics (blue) and gravity (pink).



Figure 5. Lyell – Razorback Cu-Au Trend schematic model.


Figure 6. Long section through the Mt Lyell copper-gold camp looking east. After New Century Resources 23 Jan 2023 ASX announcement and Sibanye Stillwater website presentation material May 2024.


About CopperCorp


CopperCorp is focused on the exploration and development of its Skyline, AMC, and Whisky Creek copper-gold-REE projects in western Tasmania. The company is well-financed with approximately C$4.0M in working capital as reported in the August 27, 2024 news release5.


Qualified Person & National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure


The Company’s disclosure of technical or scientific information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Sean Westbrook, VP Exploration for the Company. Mr. Westbrook is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.


Posted October 15, 2024

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