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Wallbridge Expands Mineralized Footprint at Martiniere

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Wallbridge Expands Mineralized Footprint at Martiniere






Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (TSX: WM) (OTCQX: WLBMF) announced that its 2023 exploration drill program has successfully extended the mineralized footprint of the gold system at its 100%-owned Martiniere Gold project in multiple directions beyond the boundaries of the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate.


The objectives of the 2023 Martiniere exploration drilling program were all achieved – the mineralized footprint was expanded to the southwest and to the east of the MRE, while gold mineralization was also identified in a number of grassroots exploration targets within a few kilometres of Martiniere. These represent attractive future exploration targets for potential resource growth,” said Attila Péntek, Wallbridge’s Vice President, Exploration



  • Martiniere Southwest Extension (Target M4):
    MR-23-052: 10.73 g/t Au over 3.00 metres,
    including 26.50 g/t Au over 1.10 metres;
    MR-23-049: 9.09 g/t Au over 0.50 metres;
  • Martiniere Dragonfly Zone (formerly Eastern Extension, Target M1):
    MDE-17-289: 3.21 g/t Au over 4.20 metres,
    including 8.23 g/t Au over 1.50 metres;
    MDE-17-289: 3.76 g/t Au over 2.30 metres;
  • These intersections, along with others released on June 8, 2023, expand the known footprint of the Martiniere gold system by 250-300 m to the southwest and east;
  • Assay results from exploration drilling confirmed gold mineralization in three grassroots targets; results from four other grassroots targets are still pending.


Martiniere 2023 Drill Program


The main objectives of the 2023 exploration program at Martiniere were to expand the known footprint of the Martiniere gold system through aggressive step-outs on known gold zones, and to test grassroots targets within a few kilometres of the deposit in search of new gold zones (see Figures 1 and 2). Wallbridge has now completed its 2023 Martiniere exploration drilling program with 29 drill holes totalling approximately 17,460 meters. The objectives of the drill program were achieved: the program tested six expansion targets (M1, M2, M3, M4, M10, M11) situated within 800 metres of the MRE footprint, as well as eight grassroots targets (M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M12, M13, M14) within a 4.5-kilometre radius of the deposit. Today, the Company is reporting the results for 15 drill holes (see Tables 1 and 2), with results for the last nine holes currently pending.


Expansion Drilling Results


Target M1 – Dragonfly Zone


Positive assay results received for hole MDE-17-289 (extension), collared 200 metres south of hole MR-23-041 (which intersected 5.15 g/t Au over 4.00 metres, see press release dated June 8, 2023), continued to expand the mineralized footprint of the Dragonfly Zone (previously referred to as Eastern Extension) to the east of the Martiniere deposit (Target M1 area; Figure 3). Two subsequent drill holes in the same target area also intersected large intervals of felsic intrusive rocks similar to the Bug Lake Porphyry, one of the main host-rocks for gold mineralization at Martiniere (assay results pending). Current work aims to refine the geological interpretation and understanding of the controls on gold mineralization at the Dragonfly Zone.


Target M4 – Martiniere Southwest Extension


Drilling at Target M4 aimed to evaluate the continuation of the Martiniere West zones to the southwest (see Figure 3). Assay results received for holes MR-23-049 and MR-23-052 (see Table 1), showed the presence of significant gold mineralization several hundred metres from the existing MRE footprint. Most importantly, these holes continued to intersect favorable geology and alteration, thereby providing a key target for future resource expansion drilling.


Target M3 – New Zone at Depth


At Target M3, hole MR-23-043 was designed to test the Horsefly Zone near surface and then continue to test the Bug Lake North area at depth, undercutting the existing drilling by over 300 m. The geology intersected in this hole was different than the drilling above, however, the broad mineralization present between 755.50 and 782.10 metres (grading 0.45 g/t Au over 26.60 metres) indicates the continuation of strong gold-bearing fluid flow pathways at depth in this area.


Table 1. Recent expansion drilling assay results


Table 1. Martiniere Gold Property, Recent Expansion Drill Assay Highlights (1,4)

Drill Hole From To Length Au Au Cut(2) VG(3) Zone/Corridor
  (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)    
Target M1- Dragonfly (formally Eastern Extension)    
MDE-17-289 440.00 444.20 4.20 3.21 3.21   Dragonfly
Including… 440.00 441.50 1.50 8.23 8.23   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 458.50 460.00 1.50 1.58 1.58   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 617.50 621.50 4.00 1.15 1.15   Dragonfly
Including… 619.50 621.50 2.00 1.89 1.89   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 671.90 672.50 0.60 8.83 8.83   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 694.50 696.00 1.50 2.36 2.36   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 772.50 774.00 1.50 1.42 1.42   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 777.50 778.50 1.00 6.18 6.18   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 890.00 893.00 3.00 1.92 1.92   Dragonfly
Including… 891.00 892.00 1.00 4.14 4.14   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 908.70 911.00 2.30 3.76 3.76   Dragonfly
Including… 908.70 910.05 1.35 5.64 5.64   Dragonfly
MDE-17-289 917.50 920.50 3.00 1.48 1.48   Dragonfly
Target M2 & M3- Horsefly Zone & Bug Lake Deep    
MR-23-043 299.50 301.00 1.50 1.04 1.04   Horsefly
MR-23-043 554.50 556.00 1.50 2.88 2.88   New Zone
MR-23-043 625.85 629.70 3.85 0.88 0.88   New Zone
Including… 625.85 628.00 2.15 1.03 1.03   New Zone
MR-23-043 643.70 644.70 1.00 1.42 1.42   New Zone
MR-23-043 755.50 782.10 26.60 0.45 0.45   New Zone
MR-23-043 880.80 881.90 1.10 0.91 0.91   New Zone
Target M4- Martiniere Southwest Extension    
MR-23-049 52.50 53.00 0.50 9.09 9.09 VG New Zone
MR-23-049 268.00 271.50 3.50 1.09 1.09   Martiniere West Extension
Including… 268.00 269.00 1.00 2.95 2.95   Martiniere West Extension
MR-23-049 471.50 472.50 1.00 1.03 1.03   Martiniere West Extension
MR-23-052 413.25 416.25 3.00 10.73 10.73   Martiniere West Extension
Including… 413.25 414.35 1.10 26.50 26.50   Martiniere West Extension
Target M10- Martiniere North and Central    
MR-23-056 193.00 194.40 1.40 1.25 1.25   New Zone
MR-23-056 259.50 261.00 1.50 0.85 0.85   New Zone
MR-23-056 292.25 293.60 1.35 1.17 1.17   New Zone

Note: There is currently insufficient information available from these new zones to estimate true widths of intersections.

(1) The table includes only assay results received since the latest press release dated June 8, 2023.
(2) Au cut: 25 g/t Au for New Zones, 40 g/t Au for Martiniere West Extension, and 45 g/t Au for Dragonfly.
(3) Intervals containing visible gold (“VG”).
(4) Metal factor of at least 1.0 g/t*m.


Grassroots Exploration Drilling Results


So far, assay results have confirmed gold mineralization in 3 of the grassroots targets. Grassroots drilling also targeted other interpreted structures and potential host rocks, and assays are currently pending from targets M6, M12, M13 and M14.


At Target M5, drilling intersected new gold mineralization in Timiskaming-type conglomerate along the Sunday Lake Deformation Zone, indicating that this rock type may be a potential host rock in this belt, similar to other mining camps in the Southern Abitibi.


At targets M7 and M9, gold mineralization was intersected along the Lac Du Doigt deformation zone, which along with other historic intersections (including 7.05 g/t Au over 2.21 metres and 5.04 g/t Au over 1.43 metres), confirming that this fault zone extending several kilometres acted as a gold-bearing fluid pathway.


At target M8, a previously unknown diorite body was intersected in MR-23-050 over several hundred metres with occasional anomalous gold mineralization. At Fenelon, the Jeremie Diorite is an important unit for gold mineralization at the deposit, and as such the intersection of this unit at Martiniere represents a new geological target.


Table 2. Recent grassroots exploration drilling assay results


Table 2. Martiniere Gold Property, 2023 Greenfields Drill Assay Highlights (1,4)

Drill Hole From To Length Au Au Cut(2) VG(3) Zone/Corridor
  (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)    
Target M5- Sunday Lake Deformation Zone    
MR-23-044 144.00 145.00 1.00 1.48 1.48   New Zone
MR-23-045 79.00 80.50 1.50 1.60 1.60   New Zone
MR-23-045 225.00 231.40 6.40 0.73 0.73   New Zone
Including… 225.00 227.70 2.70 1.07 1.07   New Zone
Target M6- Upper Sunday Lake Deformation Zone Splay    
MR-23-046 No Significant Mineralization
Target M7- Lac Du Doigt West    
MR-23-047 No Significant Mineralization
MR-23-048 254.00 257.85 3.85 1.48 1.48   New Zone
Including… 254.00 255.00 1.00 4.82 4.82   New Zone
MR-23-053 No Significant Mineralization
MR-23-054 No Significant Mineralization
Target M8- Martiniere North Extension    
MR-23-050 No Significant Mineralization
MR-23-051 No Significant Mineralization
Target M9- Lac Du Doigt East    
MR-23-057 177.50 180.50 3.00 0.72 0.72   New Zone
Including… 179.00 180.50 1.50 0.96 0.96   New Zone

Note: There is currently insufficient information available from these new zones to estimate true widths of intersections.

(1) The table includes only assay results received since the latest press release dated June 8, 2023.
(2) Au cut: 25 g/t Au for New Zones.
(3) Intervals containing visible gold.
(4) Metal factor of at least 1.0 g/t*m.


Figure 1. Wallbridge’s Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend land package and 2023 priority exploration target areas.


 Figure 2. Martiniere Gold Project


 Figure 3. Martiniere Gold Project, Plan View


Assay QA/QC and Qualified Persons


Drill core samples from the ongoing drill program on the Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend Property are cut and bagged either on-site or by contractors and transported to SGS Canada Inc. for analysis. Samples, including standards and blanks for quality assurance and quality control, were prepared and analyzed at the laboratories. Samples are crushed to 90% less than 2mm. A 1kg riffle split is pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns. 50g samples are analyzed by fire assay and AAS or ICP. Samples >10g/t Au are automatically analyzed by fire assay with gravimetric finish or screen metallic analysis. To test for coarse free gold and additional quality assurance and quality control, Wallbridge requests screen metallic analysis for samples containing visible gold. These and future assay results may vary from time to time due to re-analysis for quality assurance and quality control.

The Qualified Person responsible for the technical content of this press release is Christopher Kelly, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Geologist of Wallbridge.


About Wallbridge Mining


Wallbridge is focused on creating value through the exploration and sustainable development of gold projects along the Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend while respecting the environment and communities where it operates.


Wallbridge’s flagship project, Fenelon Gold, is located on the highly prospective Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend Property in Québec’s Northern Abitibi region. An updated mineral resource estimate completed in January 2023 yielded significantly improved grades and additional ounces at the 100%-owned Fenelon and Martiniere projects, incorporating a combined 3.05 million ounces of indicated gold resources and 2.35 million ounces of inferred gold resources. Fenelon and Martiniere are located within an 830 km2 exploration land package controlled by Wallbridge. In addition, Wallbridge believes that the extensive land package is extremely prospective for the discovery of additional gold deposits.


Wallbridge has reported a positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on its 100%-owned Fenelon gold Project with an estimated average annual gold production of 212,000 ounces over 12.3 years (see Wallbridge press release of June 26, 2023).


Wallbridge also holds a 19.9% interest in the common shares of Archer Exploration Corp. as a result of the sale of the Company’s portfolio of nickel assets in Ontario and Québec in November of 2022.


Wallbridge will continue to focus on its core Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend Property while enabling shareholders to participate in the potential economic upside in Archer.


Posted September 25, 2023

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